Search Holds Function Browse Query

Search Holds Function Browse Query

Browse Query is available under Search/Holds.  It can also be found in the Sierra Functions of Acquisitions (Place Order & Browse Invoices), Catalog, Course Reserve, and Serials (Checkin, Checkin Bound and Receive).  Use Browse Query for quick searches when you do not want to tie up a Create Lists Review Files or bucket, or you do not need to retain the information or make changes to the items in the review file in Create Lists.  Once you close out of Browse Query, your search will be gone. Browse Query can be used for any search done in Create Lists up to 5000 records.

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Browse Query

Click on Search / Holds Function.

Click Tool” and then Browse Quer” from the top left side margin of Sierra.

This will bring up the Browse Query pop-up box.  The store record types you see for your Sierra login may defer from the image below. It will depend on the modules and permissions associated with your Sierra login.

For this example, we will look for a patron record that has a note.  Change the Store Record Type to PATRON p.  Double click in the box under “Type” to bring up the Select Me pop-up box.  This is where you will click on PATRON. Click on the OK button.

Next, double-click in the box located below Field.  This will bring up the Select Me pop-up box where you can scroll down to the Variable Fields. Click on NOTE.  Click OK.

Next, double click on the box located below Condition. This will again bring up the Select Me pop-up box.  Unless you know the exact note field information, it is best to use “has”. If you do not more you could also use the “starts with”, “ends with”, “has (exact)”, “starts with (exact)”, “ends with (exact)”, or “matches (exact)”. If you know the entire email address, you can click “equal to.”  Click the has button.  Click “OK.”

In the Value A field, type part of the NOTE you would like to find on the patron record.  Click the box under Value B to put the information in a search term in the box.  Click Search.

The Results page will list all the patrons that have the words you typed in their patron account. You can click on the Select button to gain access to the patron’s account.  You can also double-click on the patron record to gain access.  You can also edit your patron’s information from the Browe Query results. You can also see a preview of the NOTE as well as hovering over the “i” to see the patron’s record.

Note: If you do not narrow down your search to your agency or location, you will see any other Marmot Member Library patron with the information. The 9 Advanced, 9 Entries show all the number of patron records with the information.      

Once you click on Close your search will be gone.  Unlike Create Lists, the information is not stored in a review file.  

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