Renew (No Patron) Function (Sierra)

Renew (No Patron) Function (Sierra)

The Renew (No Patron) function allows a library staff member to renew an item without accessing a patron record.

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Renew (No Patron) Function

Select Renew (No Patron) from the Function list.

Retrieve the item you want to by scanning or typing the barcode.

Sierra attempts to renew the item that you select:

  1. If the system encounters any conditions that block the renewal, it displays a warning message. For more information, see the possible messages for renewing items.

  2. If the system can successfully renew the item, it:

    • Calculates a new due date for the item.

    • Updates the patron and item records accordingly.

    • Prints a renewal receipt (also referred to as a date due slip), if enabled. When renewing an item in the Renew (No Patron) function, the system prints a separate due slip for each item as it is renewed. 

If the item is renewable, you will get a message with the patron’s name and item barcode. Click on the Yes button to proceed. Click on the No button to cancel the renewal.

If you click on the Yes button, this will display the new due date of the item. Depending on how your due date slips are configured, a slip will either print, or you can click on the Print button to Due Slip button to print a receipt.

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Possible Messages (Renewing Items)

These are possible messages you might see when you attempt to renew an item.

  • # of # items was renewed. The following items were not renewed: Item .i0000000 is on hold for another patron.

    • It displays the number of successful renewals out of the total number of renewals that were attempted and lists which items, if any, were not renewed and why.

  • Borrower has a booking for this item until M 07-06. Renewal will cancel booking. Renew item?

    • Another patron has a booking on the item that will overlap.

  • Checking availability of item i00000000 at owning library. Please check back to find out if renewal request has been allowed.

    • You are attempting to renew an INN-Reach item from the patron site. The system could not immediately determine if owning-site holds are present based on information in the INN-Reach Catalog, and must communicate with the owning library to determine if the renewal is allowed.

  • Item .i0000000 cannot be renewed

    • The item could not be renewed because it has a status of CLAIMS RETURNED ('z') or MISSING ('m').

  • Item .i0000000 cannot be renewed by this patron

    • This message represents a general error; for example, the system could not determine the loan rule to apply to the renewal, or the item is not checked out to the patron.

  • Item .i0000000 does not circulate

    • The Loan Rule code is 'N' (non-circulating).

  • Item .i0000000 is booked for another patron

    • The item is already booked.

  • Item .i0000000 is on hold for another patron

    • The linked hold status is ON HOLD.

  • Item .i0000000 is overdue

    • The item is overdue.

  • Item .i0000000 has too many renewals

    • Each library can decide how many renewals they will give each patron for each item. 

  • Item .i0000000@<site> has been recalled by its owning site; it cannot be renewed.

    • The item is an INN-Reach item that has been recalled by its owning site.

  • Item .i0000000@<site> has holds for patrons at site <site>. It cannot be renewed.

    • You are attempting to renew an INN-Reach item from the patron site. The system can immediately determine that there are owning-site holds on the item based on information in the INN-Reach Catalog, so it denies the renewal.

  • Item cannot be renewed.

    • The system identified a condition that blocked the renewal.

  • Item has been placed on course reserve. Course <course number>.

    • You are attempting to renew an item that has been placed on course reserve. Note: this message is a warning only. After you choose OK, the system renews the item. If you want to end the renewal and place the item on course reserves, check the item in. For information on checking in a course reserve item, see Checking In a Course Reserve Item.

  • Renew item checked out to <patron name> item barcode <barcode>?

    • The system is prompting you to confirm the renewal you entered. Choose Yes to renew this item for the patron.

  • The due date of the following item was not altered: <error message>

    • The system encountered a condition that prevented it from renewing the item. The <error message> element specifies which condition was encountered.

  • The item was renewed.

    • You are attempting to renew an INN-Reach item from the patron site. The system can immediately determine that there are no owning-site holds on the item based on information in the INN-Reach Catalog, so it renews the item.

  • This item, .i0000000@<site>, is not checked out.

    • You are attempting to renew an INN-Reach item that has a virtual item status of RECEIVED (#) or RETURNED (%). You must view the current state of the virtual item to determine how to proceed.

  • The selected item is 3 day(s) overdue. Fine is $XX.XX.

    • The item is overdue and the patron owes a fine.

  • The selected item is 3 day(s) overdue. Renew item?

    • The item is overdue, but the patron does not owe a fine.

  • This is not a valid index for the current mode.

    • Items must be renewed by item barcode or item record number.

  • This item is currently checked out to this patron. It is too soon to renew.

    • The number of days remaining in the original loan period is greater than the time remaining before renewal. 

  • Title is on hold for another patron

    • The status is "ON HOLD". If you override the block, the system renews the item. If you do not override the block, the system does not renew the item and displays the following additional message:

    • Item .i0000000 has a title-level hold for another patron.

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Additional Renewals Not Behaving as Expected

  • If the item is being renewed for a second time and the due date is being set for the same day you will need to check the loan rule governing the transaction.

  • You can access the Loan Rules Table through the following path:

    • Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Loan Rules

    • Once you are in the Loan Rules Table check the Additional Renewal Period value for the loan rule in question. If the value is set to 0 then the system will set the additional renewal period to the same day or the next day if the library is closed.

    • Note: In loan rules with a Code element of 'A', the Normal Loan Period, First Renewal Period, and Additional Renewal Period elements refer to absolute (fixed) Julian calendar dates instead of the number of days from the current date.

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