Delete a Patron Record (Sierra)

Delete a Patron Record (Sierra)

Library staff may need to delete a single patron record from Sierra. This document contains how to delete a patron record as well as issues that may arise if a patron record cannot be deleted.

Table of Contents

Delete a Patron Record

Go to the Check Out (Circulation Desk) function

Retrieve the record you want to delete by using the patron barcode or searching by the patron’s name (last name & first name). See Searching for Patrons for more ways to find a patron record. You can also find the patron with the patron record number

Click Edit on the toolbar.

File | Delete Patron Record

If you are deleting a patron record in the Circulation function, you can also click Delete on the toolbar.

When prompted, click Yes to delete the record, or click No to cancel the deletion and return to the Edit Record window.

Note: a patron’s record cannot be deleted if they have checked out items, owe money, or have holds on their record. These issues will need to be removed from the patron’s record before the record can be deleted. Also, entries in the Fines Paid table remain for patron records even after they are deleted.

When you delete a patron record, Sierra also deletes the following information related to that patron in the Classic Catalog:

  • My lists

  • Patron material ratings

  • Preferred searches

  • Reading history

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Issues and FAQs - deleting a patron record

Patron record cannot be deleted due to a routed journal

  • When attempting to delete a patron record, you get an error message that the record cannot be deleted because they have a journal routed. When searching in Routing, we note that there is a title listed cXXXXXXX No Title for Record. When we search for record cXXXXXXX, the message indicates that it was deleted on DD-MM-YYYY.  How do we remove this record link, so that the patron can be deleted? 

  • Contact Marmot and we will contact the Innovative Help Desk. You will need to specify a patron record that cannot be deleted due to a broken link to a deleted routed journal. The Innovative Help Desk can also check if this deleted journal still has links to other patrons and remove these links as well. 

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Unable to delete patron that still has INN-Reach virtual item

  • The system is configured to prevent the deletion of patrons if they have an INN-Reach hold or item associated with their patron record.  In many situations, you can clear the INN-Reach virtual item off the patron record yourself.

    • If the item status is requested you can cancel the hold.

    • If the item status is canceled there may be a cancellation notice waiting to print.  Canceled INN-Reach requests stay on the patron record until the cancellation notice is printed. In some cases, the patron record was busy or updated at the time the cancellation notice was first printed. Contact Marmot who will open a ticket with the Innovative Interfaces Customer Support to clear the leftover INN-Reach virtual item from the patron record for you.

    • If the item status is in transit contact the owning library, and ask them to check the item back in.  If they find the item is no longer associated with your patron you will need to contact Marmot who will contact Innovative Interfaces Customer Support.

    • If the item status is on holdshelf use the Returning an Unwanted INN-Reach Item procedure described below:

    • If the item status is checked out check the item in and then use the Deleting Virtual Items from a Patron Record procedure described below

    • If the item is lost check the item in and then use the Deleting Virtual Items from a Patron Record procedure described below

    • If the item is returned use the Deleting Virtual Items from a Patron Record procedure described below.

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Returning an Unwanted INN-Reach Item

  • An INN-Reach item is considered unwanted if it has been on the holdshelf at the patron site longer than 7 days. 

  • When you return an INN-Reach item as unwanted, the system:

    • Updates the virtual item record's STATUS to '&' (RETURNED).

    • Cancels the patron's hold.

    • Queues a hold cancellation notice for later printing.

    • Sends a circulation message to the owning site that replaces the INN-Reach message in the item record with an "INTRANSIT" message.

  • To return an unwanted INN-Reach item to the owning site:

    • Print the INN-Reach Holdshelf Report to identify INN-Reach items that have been held too long.

    • Choose INN-Reach – Return Unwanted Item from the Function list.

    • Scan the barcode of the item you want to return (for example, the first item listed in the INN-Reach Holdshelf Report). Sierra displays the Returning Item to Lending Library dialog, which contains the following options: 

      • Print Cancellation Notice? Check this box if you want to print a hold cancellation notice.

      • Print Transit Slip? Check this box if you want to print an INN-Reach transit slip.

    • Choose OK. The system: 

      • Prints an INN-Reach transit slip immediately (if you chose to print one).

      • Queues the hold cancellation notice for later printing (if you chose to print a cancellation notice). 

      • Adds the scanned item to the summary table display.

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Deleting Virtual Items from a Patron Record

  • Library staff at the patron site can delete a virtual item from a patron's record if the virtual item's STATUS is '%' (RETURNED). You can delete a virtual item regardless of the item's status in the INN-Reach Catalog.

  • You can delete virtual item records for items that are still being processed or are currently in transit from the owning site; that is, for items with a STATUS of 'l' (LOAN REQUESTED) or '@' (OFF-SITE). However, to keep local and central records in sync, Innovative recommends that you:

  • Use the Returned Too Long Report to identify and remove most (if not all) invalid virtual items, because the system determines the central status of items prior to including them in the report.

  • Delete a virtual item only if you have determined that the central status of the item is not "LOAN REQUESTED" or "OFF-SITE".

To Delete a Virtual Item Record

  1. Retrieve the patron's record.

  2. Select the INN-Reach tab.

  3. Right-click the item you want to delete. If the virtual item record has a STATUS of '%' (RETURNED), the menu that the system displays contain an option enabling you to delete the virtual item.

  4. Choose the Delete Virtual Item option. The system prompts you to confirm the deletion.

  5. Choose Yes.

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Delete an INN-Reach Received Request from the Patron Record

  • The lingering status "received" INN-Reach requested item needs to be scanned through INN-Reach Return Unwanted Item.  Then, via Check Out (Circulation Desk), the patron record can be brought up.  The newly "returned" INN-Reach item is selected from the INN-Reach tab.  A "Right Click" on the item brings up the Delete Virtual Item option, which will remove the virtual item.

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