Patron Blocks Table (Admin>Parameters>General - Sierra)
This documentation explains the functionality and data elements of the Patron Block table.
Patron Blocks Table Overview
You can contact the Marmot Help Desk for help if you cannot view this table.
The Patron Blocks table specifies the conditions to block patrons from performing all or certain types of circulation transactions. When the patron performs a transaction (such as checking out an item or placing a hold), the system compares the value in the patron's P TYPE and PAT AGENCY fixed-length fields to the blocking conditions specified for this patron type and agency in the Patron Blocks table.
Functionality Information
The system reads the Patron Blocks table from top to bottom. General entries (such as those that contain wildcards) should appear lower in the table than more specific entries. The very last entry in the table should be set up to apply to all patron types and agencies (that is, the Patron Type element should be set to "9999" and the Patron Agency element should be set to "999").
Data Elements
Entries in the Patron Blocks table contain the following data elements:
Element | Description | Possible Values |
Patron Type | The P TYPE fixed-length field values to which the block criteria in this entry apply. | A single value from the Patron Type table, or a 9999 wildcard code to represent all patron types. |
Patron Agency | The PAT AGENCY fixed-length field values to which the block criteria in this entry apply. | A single value from the Agency table, or a wildcard code 999 to represent all agencies. |
Patron Exp. Date | Determines whether to block expired patrons from checking out items. An expired patron is one with an EXP DATE fixed-length field value earlier than or equal to the current date. For more information, see How Sierra Calculates the Due Date for a Checkout. | y - Block expired patrons from checking out items. n - Do not block expired patrons at checkout. |
Max Owed | The maximum amount the patron can owe (from the MONEY OWED fixed-length field in the patron record) before being blocked. | 0.00 - 9,999,999.00. A value of 0 blocks patrons from checking out items. |
Max Itema | The maximum number of items from each of four library-defined item categories that the patron can have checked out at any one time (up to the maximum number of items that can be checked out according to the Max Items element). This impacts how specific Itypes and or location codes are assigned limits. | 0-999. A value of 0 indicates that the patron can check out an unlimited number of items from a given category. To prevent patrons from checking out any item from a particular category, request that Marmot staff set the patron block to -1 for the category. Note that you can also use loan rules to block checkouts based on item type and location. See How Sierra Determines the Loan Rule for a Transaction for more information. |
Max Items | The maximum number of items the patron can have checked out at one time, including INN-Reach and ILL items. Note that at INN-Reach Central Servers, the MAX ITEMS element represents INN-Reach items only. | 0-2100. A value of 0 blocks patrons from checking out items. Each library chooses the max number of items a patron can check out. |
Highest Level Odues | The level of overdue notice at which the patron is blocked. The system tracks a patron's overdue level in the HLODUES fixed-length field and blocks patrons who have received more than the specified number of overdue notices for any currently checked-out item. | A number between 1 and the highest level of overdue notice your library generates (up to 6). A value higher than 7 means if an item is not returned within 7 days (or 7 hours if it is an hourly item) of its due date, the first notice is sent. |
Depending on the type of transaction you are performing, other elements from the Patron Blocks table can cause a block. For more information, see Possible Blocks when Checking Out an Item and Patron Blocks table.
Possible Blocks when Checking Out an Item
Sierra prevents blocked patrons from performing circulation transactions. When you attempt to check out an item, Sierra can encounter a condition that blocks the checkout. When this occurs, you must either resolve the problem or override the block to proceed with the checkout. If you override a block, the system logs the override to the circulation overrides file containing messages concerning overridden circulation due dates, patron and item blocks, overridden holds, and waived fines. Marmot maintains the circulation override file.
For more information, see the following:
In addition, the system checks for blocks on a patron record when you attempt to do any of the following:
place an INN-Reach request
Manual Blocks
If the patron record contains a manual block, the system blocks the patron and displays the message associated with the patron record's MBLOCK value.
For example:
Message | Action |
BAD ADDRESS | The patron record's MBLOCK field contains a value that corresponds to the label BAD ADDRESS. Override the block or update the patron's MBLOCK field to proceed with the transaction. |
Hold Blocks
The following messages display when you try to check out a held item to a patron who is not at the top of the hold queue:
Message | Action |
Item on hold for another patron .p<xxxxxxx>. Check out item anyway? | Another patron is at the top of the item's hold queue. Choose Yes to override the hold and check out the item, or choose No to cancel the checkout. If you choose Yes, the system:
Item on holdshelf for another patron .p<xxxxxxx>. Check out item anyway? | The item is on the holdshelf for another patron. Choose Yes to override the hold and check out the item, or choose No to cancel the checkout. If you choose Yes, the system:
Non-circulating Items
The following messages display when you attempt to check out a non-circulating item:
Message | Action |
Loanrule says "non-circulating." | The Code element of the loan rule applied to the checkout is set to 'N'. Choose Override to proceed with the checkout, or Do Not Override to cancel the checkout. |
Item is for Library Use Only. | The item's STATUS is 'o' (LIB USE ONLY). Choose Override to proceed with the checkout, or Do Not Override to cancel the checkout. |
How Sierra Calculates the Due Date for a Checkout
When you check out an item to a patron, the system calculates the due date for the loan as follows:
Special Condition | Due Date Calculation |
<none> | The system calculates the projected loan period by consulting the Code and Normal Loan Period loan rule elements. |
Bookings | If there is a booking on the item and the beginning of the booking period falls within the projected loan period, the system blocks the checkout. If you override this block, the system prompts you with a due date just before the beginning of the booking period. |
Days Closed | If the projected due date falls on a day that the item's location is closed, the system uses the Days Closed table to set the due date to the first day after the projected due date that the location is open. The Days Closed table retains only a one-year calendar of days. If the calculated due date is 365 or more days from the current date, the system cannot determine whether the library is closed on that date. As a result, items can be due on a day when your library is closed. |
Expired Patron | Patron's library privileges expire before the item's calculated due date (i.e., the projected due date is after the patron record's EXP DATE), the system sets the item due date to the expiration date. If the library is closed on the patron record's EXP DATE, the system sets the due date to the first day after the EXP DATE that the library is open. |
Holds | If the number of holds on the item exceeds the threshold, the length of the loan period is set to the Minimum Use loan rule element. The system displays an alert when the loan period has been shortened: There are outstanding holds on this title, so the loan period may be shorter than normal. Check out item anyway? |
Hourly Loan | If the item is an hourly loan, and the projected due time falls at an hour when the item's location is closed per the Hours Open table, the item is due either at closing time that same day or one hour after opening time the next day, depending on whether the loan rule allows the item to be borrowed overnight (i.e., depending on the setting of the Code loan rule elements). An hourly loan rule can specify that the loan period is to be calculated for:
Rounding up hourly loans can lead to the following situation (using a two-hour loan period as an example):
INN-Reach | If the item is an INN-Reach item, the system calculates the due date based on INN-Reach Best Practices or FAQs found on the Marmot Patron Placed Hold Help page. |
Renewals | If the checkout is a renewal (i.e., the patron currently has the item checked out), the system extends the loan period based on the loan rule's renewal variables. For more information, see How Sierra Calculates the Due Date for a Renewal. |
How Sierra Calculates the Due Date for a Renewal
When an item is renewed successfully, Sierra extends the item's loan period. The system calculates the new loan period as follows:
Determines which loan rule to use, based on the setting of the Renewals: Check loan rule at time of renewal circulation option determined by the Loan Rule and Loan Rule Determiner table.
Determines which loan rule element to use in calculating the renewal period. The number of previous renewals, indicated in the item record's # RENEWALS field, determines which loan rule element controls the calculation of the new loan period.
If the item has not been renewed by this patron (that is, the item record's # RENEWALS field is zero), the system uses the loan rule's First Renewal Period element as the renewal period.
If the item has been renewed at least once, the system uses the Additional Renewal Period element of the loan rule as the renewal period. Sierra continues to use the Additional Renewal Period value for the all subsequent renewals, until the renewal is blocked.
Additional Renewals under Absolute Loan Rules (Academic & School Libraries)
When you renew an item under a code A (absolute date) loan rule three or more times, the system extends the loan period by one year for each renewal.
Determines whether to add the renewal period to the renewal date or the current due date. To do so, the system checks the value of the Renewals: New due date is computed circulation option.
FROM RENEWAL DATE - The system adds the renewal period to the current date.
FROM DUE DATE - The system adds the renewal period to the value in the item's DUE DATE field.
How Sierra Determines the Loan Rule for a Transaction
The system applies a loan rule when you perform the following types of circulation transactions:
To select a loan rule for a transaction, the system does the following:
Determines the transaction location.
The system uses the LOCATION fixed-length field in the item record as the transaction location.
Finds the relevant entry in the Loan Rule Determiner table. To do so, the system searches the Loan Rule Determiner table from bottom to top until it finds an active entry that meets the following criteria:
The Location element includes the transaction location.
The Item Type element includes the item's I TYPE.
The Patron Type element matches the patron's P TYPE.
The value in the patron's BIRTH DATE field falls within the range specified in the Age Range element (this field is rarely used, especially for MLN1 libraries).
The entry is active.
Applies the loan rule indicated in the Rule Number element of the Loan Rule Determiner entry.
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