Merging Duplicate Patron Records (Sierra)
If your system contains two patron records for the same patron, you can merge the two records to combine their data into a single record.Â
Table of Contents
First, you will need the .p number from both accounts. The .p number can be found in the patron’s record in the view or edit mode. Write down the .p numbers from both accounts. Please note which account is the source (the record from which you want to copy data. The source record is deleted after merging), and the destination (The record to which you want to copy data. The destination record is retained after merging).
Merging Duplicate Patron Records:
Choose Merge Duplicate Patron Records from the Function list.
Enter the following information:
A source record number - The record from which you want to copy data. The source record is deleted after merging.
A destination record number - The record to which you want to copy data. The destination record is retained after merging.
Click Merge Patrons located to the far right. The system checks for any conditions that prevent the items from being merged.Â
Resolve any issues before proceeding with the merge. Once all issues are resolved, the system displays the source and destination records. Make sure to look over both records to see the information that will be merged. If everything looks good, click the Merge Patrons button again.
If you do not want to merge the records, choose the Close icon. The system returns you to the previous screen.Â
The system:
Combines the data from the source record with the data in the destination record.
Deletes the source record.
Adds a NOTE field to the destination record indicating that it has been merged.Â
The system will also retain both barcodes, so the extra barcode will need to be deleted manually.
All this information will only be seen when the destination record is viewed in the Check Out (Circulation Desk) Function.
System Messages
The following section describes some of the messages you might see when you attempt to merge patron records.
Cannot merge - source record has booking.
The source record contains a booking. Cancel the booking then proceed.
Cannot merge - source record has an item on the holdshelf.
The source record has a held item on the holdshelf. Cancel the hold to proceed.
Destination and source records cannot be identical.
You entered the same patron record in both fields. To proceed, enter a different source or destination record.
Cannot merge - source record has virtual items.
The source record contains INN-Reach, Interlibrary Loan, or NCIP Relais requests. Cancel the requests to proceed.
Cannot merge - resulting record would be too large.
The modified destination record would exceed 100k in size. To proceed, delete variable-length fields, collect or waive fines, or cancel holds in the destination record.
Cannot merge - too much money owed.
The modified destination record would exceed the maximum allowed in the MONEY OWED field. To proceed, collect or waive fines in the source or destination record.
Cannot merge - too many checked-out items.
The modified destination record would have more than 1900 checkout links. To proceed, check in some items from the source or destination record.
Related Documentation
Delete a Patron Record (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Editing a Patron Record (Check Out (Circulation Desk)) (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Save and Load Change Commands (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Remove Records from a Review File (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Patron Record Fixed Length Field Definitions (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Clearing Count Use Numbers from Item Records (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Merging Duplicate Patron Records (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Delete Records Function (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Change Patron Expiration Date (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Adding a Message to Item Records (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
View Review File Information (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Command Type Fields (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Change Item Status (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Service/Topic and Roles Label Key (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Changes to Variable Fields in Patron Records for MLN1 (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)