Looking up a patron by the .p number (Sierra)

Looking up a patron by the .p number (Sierra)

There are times when a library staff member might have the patron number and not the name of the patron. The Sierra system randomly assigns the .p number or patron number when a patron record is created.  The .p number is located on the patron's record. You can find the patron record by searching for the patron record number in two different ways.

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Key or Scan Patron Barcode Field

Go to the Function Check Out (Circulation Desk)

Type the patron record number in the Key or Scan Patron Barcode field. Note: you must start with a period before the patron record number. This is the character associated with the patron record number index. Click on the Search button.


This should bring up the patron's record. 

If you get the Error pop-up about a missing or invalid check digit, you can type a (p2162040a) at the end of the number. 

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Use the Search Button

Go to the Function Siera Check Out (Circulation Desk) function

Click on the Search button to the left of the screen. 

This will bring up the "Find a patron" box. Change b PATRON BARCODE to .RECORD #. Type the patron number making sure to include the p. If you do not have the check digit, you can type a (p25878505a) at the end of the number. Click Search

This should bring up the patron's record. If you get the Error pop-up about a missing or invalid check digit, you can type a (p25878505a) at the end of the number. 

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Optional Steps

The patron number can be viewed in the patron's record to make sure it is the correct patron. Click on the View icon located under the FUNCTION Check Out (Circulation Desk)

A box will pop up with View Patron Record. The patron number is displayed in two places.


Note: The patron number (.p) can be found on the item record under the last patron. It can also be found in the item claimed returned message.

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