Collections Agency Integration (Sierra)

Collections Agency Integration (Sierra)

This documentation explains the Collection Agency process.

Table of Contents

Setting Up Collection Agency Reports

  • Contact Unique Library to set up your service. They will contact Marmot to set up your library's collection agency.

  • The MBLOCK fixed-length field value will be assigned to patron records placed in a Collection Agency Report, referred to as the "Collection Agency Report" value.

  • You can decide whether to prevent the system from generating bills and overdue notices for patrons with the Collection Agency Report value assigned to their MBLOCK fields. 

    • Note that if your library chooses this setup, no new replacement charges will be assessed for items checked out to patrons in collections.

Patron MBLOCK for Collection Agency Reports for MLN1 Libraries

Screenshot of patron MBlock highlighting the available fields for the MLN1 libraries.

Patron MBLOCK for Collection Agency Reports for MLN2 Libraries

Screenshot of patron MBlock highlighting the available fields for the MLN2 libraries.

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Create Lists Report for Patrons with Collection Agency MBLOCK

Information on running the list report (Sync Report) sent to Unique Management Sync Instructions to verify balances match in both systems.

A  ‘sync’ is a simple create list of the following:

 Patron MBLOCK for Collection Agency Reports for MLN1 Libraries

Mblock= ‘c’  for MLN1 libraries

Screenshot of patron MBlock highlighting the collection report field for the MLN1 libraries.

Patron MBLOCK for Collection Agency Reports for MLN2 Libraries

Mblock= ‘u’, ‘l’, and ‘m’  for MLN2 libraries

Screenshot of patron MBlock highlighting the collection report field for the MLN1 libraries.

Export the Patron Information to include the following information. For more information, see Exporting a Review File to Excel.

  • Pnumber (record #)

  • Patron Name

  • Money Owed

Screenshot of the Collection Agency Export highlighting the fields to use during an export.

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Removing Patron Record Exclusions from Collection Agency Reports

If you want the system to include a patron record in Collection Agency Reports that you previously excluded, perform the following steps:

  • Verify that the related NOTE variable-length field contains the exact phrase Collection Agency Exclusion. If it does not, edit the NOTE field to include this exact phrase. The 

NOTE field can contain additional data if the phrase "Collection Agency Exclusion" is intact.

Screenshot of the Insert a non-MARC field highlighting the note field.
  • Click on the Edit icon to access the patron’s record.

Screenshot of Check Out Circulation Desk function.
  • Go to the Edit dropdown. Verify that the Collection Agency Exclusion menu item does not display a checkmark. To remove a checkmark, select the Collection Agency Exclusion menu item.  

Screenshot of Edit Patron Record box highlighting the Edit and Collection Agency Exclusion check box.
Screenshot of the Edit Patron Record box highlighting the Collection Agency Exclusion box checked.


  • Save and close out of the patron record once you have unchecked the Collection Agency Exclusion box.

Screenshot of the Edit Patron Record box highlighting the Save and Close button.
  • Verify that the system has removed the related NOTE variable-length field. Contact Marmot if the patron record still displays the Collection Agency Exclusion NOTE field.

Screenshot of the Edit Patron Record box highlighting the Note field.
Screenshot of the Edit Patron Record box highlighting the removal of the Note field.

Note: When the Collection Agency Exclusion menu item is not checked, and the patron record does not contain a NOTE variable-length field displaying the phrase "Collection Agency Exclusion," the system includes the patron record in the Collection Agency reports.

Here is more information on excluding, disabling, and removing individual patron records from the reports.

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Possible Messages (Collection Agency Report)

This section describes some messages that might be displayed using the Collection Agency Report function.

Error creating backup report.

The system encountered a problem while backing up the report. Contact Marmot.

Mailer failed to send report.


(Email transfer method only) The system could not email the report to the collection agency. Contact Marmot to verify that the Email Source and Email To fields are set correctly. If necessary, ask Marmot to get you an archived report version.

<Name> is already in use as a collection name. Please create another name for this collection.

The entries in the Collection Agency Settings table must have a unique name. Key a new name in the Name field or choose Cancel.

The report has been sent successfully.

The system successfully sent the report to the collection agency.

The value(s) entered in the Auto Update Submissions field are invalid.

Valid values in the Auto Update Submissions field are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, - (in other words: numbers 1 through 7, comma, dash). 

Your report was not sent. The file has been saved on your server and should be sent manually.

(Secure Drop (S3) method only) The system could not upload the report to the Amazon S3 bucket. Download the report and send it manually to the collection agency.

Your report was not sent. Please check S3 bucket information and try again.

(Secure Drop (S3) method only) The system could not upload the report to the Amazon S3 bucket. Verify that the S3 Bucket Path, S3 Access Key ID, and S3 Access Key settings are correct.

S3 Bucket Path - The bucket name and path to the Amazon S3 bucket created by your collection agency.

S3 Access Key ID - The Amazon S3 Access Key ID is provided by your collection agency. 

Your report was not sent because it's not possible to save the file on your server. Please check your server settings and try again.

The system could not save the report to your server. In this instance, the system does not clear the patron data from Collection Agency table

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Information Only Section

Collection Agency Function

The Collection Agency is listed in the Function list.

Screenshot of the Collection Agency function.

Note: The collection agency reports are completely automated. If one fails to send a message, a representative will contact you with specific instructions on what to do.

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Information in the Collection Agency Table (Informational Only)

The Collection Agency table includes the elements described below. Unless otherwise noted, this information is displayed for both New Submissions Reports and Updated Patron Reports.

Screenshot of the Collection Agency function highlighting the buttons that are available.

Patron #

The patron's record number.


The patron's barcode number.


The patron's name.

Amount Owed

The amount the patron owes your library.

Total Item Cost

Total cost of the item(s) for which the patron owes fines.

Date 1st Fine Assessed

The date that the first fine for which the patron was included in the Collection Agency Report was assessed.

Date Removed (Updated Patron Reports only)

The date on which the patron was removed from the Collection Agency Report.


The patron's Collection Agency Report status:

  • New - The patron has been added to the Collection Agency Report.

  • Updated - The amount that the patron owes the library has changed since you last prepared the Updated Patrons Report.

  • Removed - The patron has been removed from the Collection Agency Report.

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Collection Agency Report Elements

The New Submissions Report and the Updated Patrons Report each start with a header line containing the following information:

  • Name of the report

  • The Sierra version your library uses

  • Date the report was generated

The following elements are included in both types of Collection Agency Reports:




Patron record number.


The patron's name. Corresponds to the PATRN NAME variable-length field.


The patron's telephone. Corresponds to the TELEPHONE variable-length field.


The patron's patron type. Corresponds to the P TYPE fixed-length field.


The patron's home library. Corresponds to the HOME LIBR fixed-length field.


The total money the patron owes. Corresponds to the MONEY OWED fixed-length field.


The sum of the item cost of outstanding replacement charges (charges with the type "Replacement").


The date of the earliest fine outstanding when the New Submissions or Updated Patrons report is sent. If the patron has no fines, this field is blank.

<Optional fields>

Any additional fixed- or variable-length fields your library specified for inclusion in the report. 


For example, your library might ask Innovative to configure Sierra to include the BIRTH DATE fixed-length field so that the collection agency can avoid contacting juveniles.


An itemized list of the current charges, including for each charge the item number (if the charge is associated with an item), the invoice number, and the amount owed.


The cost of any billed items the patron has returned since the last report was generated.


The sum of all payments made since the last report was generated.


The sum of all charges that have been waived since the last report was generated.


The total amount of new charges added since the last report was generated.


When billed items are returned, the sum of the charges and the types of charges are removed from the patron's record.



If the patron record has been removed from the Collection Agency Report, this field includes the date and time the patron was removed from the Collection Agency Report. Removal dates for excluded patron records are not included in the report.

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Collection Agency Report Examples

Typical New Submissions Report

The following excerpt shows the first entry of a typical New Submissions Report. 

Note that Sierra has included the BIRTH DATE and ADDRESS fields.


NAME: Testpatron, John

TELEPHONE: 970-555-1212

PTYPE: 131


MONEY OWED: $21.00


FIRST FINE DATE: 05-05-18 08:53PM


BIRTH DATE: 12/15/65

ADDRESS: 844 North Street, Pine River, CO 81122

Typical Updated Patrons Report

The excerpt below shows the first two entries of a typical Updated Patrons Report. 

Note that the second patron has been removed from the report.


NAME: Testpatron, Jane

TELEPHONE: 303-555-9897



MONEY OWED: $86.05

ITEMIZED CHARGES: .i24928768 inv329367

$20.00,.i1049827@eee33 inv329414 $34.20,

.i1023524@evv1 inv298745 $28.85,inv329429





CHARGES PAID: $10.00arh





NAME: Testpatron, Patron A.

TELEPHONE: 720-555-1256












REMOVED ON 05-20-20 02:10PM

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Sierra Fines Paid & Collection Agency Model (Informational Only)

Screenshot of View only box highlighting fields used for the Collection Agency.



Name (Required)

A name of up to 35 characters identifies the entry.

Home Library

The values in the HOME LIBR fixed-length field in patron records to which the entry applies. 

PTYPES to Include

The P TYPE(s) are eligible for inclusion in a New Submissions report.

Minimum Owed (Required)

For the patron to be eligible for inclusion on the New Submissions report, the sum of their fines generated between the absolute or relative start date and the absolute or relative end date must be greater than or equal to this Minimum Owed value.

Relative Start Date

A relative sliding parameter indicates the earliest possible fine assessment date the system uses when calculating whether the patron is eligible for inclusion in the New Submissions report. 

Note that if:

  • this parameter is left blank; the system evaluates all fines generated before the date specified in the End date element.

  • both the Relative Start and Relative End date parameters are left blank, the system evaluates all fines generated against the patron record.

  • both the Relative Start and Relative End date parameters are set to "0", the system evaluates fines generated against the patron on the report generation date.

Relative End Date

Relative sliding parameter indicating the latest possible fine assessment date the system uses when calculating whether the patron is eligible for inclusion on the New Submissions report. 

For a patron to be eligible for inclusion in the New Submissions report, the sum of the patron's fines assessed between the specified Relative Start Date and Relative End Date values must be greater than or equal to the amount specified in the Minimum Owed parameter.

Note that if:

  • this parameter is left blank, the system evaluates all fines that were generated after the Relative Start Date.

  • both the Relative Start and Relative End date parameters are left blank; the system evaluates all fines generated against the patron record.

  • both the Relative Start and Relative End date parameters are set to "0"; the system evaluates fines generated against the patron on the report generation date.

Grace Period

The relative sliding parameter defines the grace period during which assessed fines should not be included when calculating whether the patron is eligible for inclusion in the New Submissions report. 

Note that:

  • The Grace Period element only works with absolute start and end dates. Sierra grays out this option when using the, Use Relative Dates option.

Require Bill

The feature is used when evaluating patrons for inclusion on a New Submissions report and a patron satisfies the Require Bill criterion if, for one of the patron's fines, the assessed date falls between Absolute or Relative Start Date and Absolute or Relative End Date (inclusive), and the charge type is 3 (replacement).

For example, if a patron has fines within the start and end dates that meet or exceed the Minimum Owed amount, but none of the fines are for replacement charges, the patron is not included on the New Submissions report.

Remove If Less Than

The minimum amount a patron must owe remains in the Collection Agency Report.

Note that if this element is set to "0", the system removes all patrons who owe zero or less (not just those that owe less than zero) from the Collection Agency Report. 

If this element is set to any other value, the system removes all patrons who owe less than the Remove If Less Than amount.

Agency Fee

The amount of the fee that patrons are assessed for being included in the New Submissions report. This fee is added the first time a patron record is included in the New Submissions report.

Transfer Method

The method used to transfer collection agency reports. Options include "Secure Drop (S3)" and  "None". The "Email" option is not available.

Base Filename

The file name is used when saving a copy of the report to the Sierra server. 

The system appends the report type ("new" or "update") and a timestamp in the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format (for example, "main-branch_new_20210304090452.txt" or "south_update_20210409114329.txt"). If this setting is blank, Sierra uses the internal numeric ID of the collection agency setting.

S3 Bucket Path1

Your collection agency created the bucket name and path to the Amazon S3 bucket. 

S3 Access Key ID1

Your collection agency provides the Amazon S3 Access Key ID. 

S3 Access Key1

Your collection agency provides the Amazon S3 Access Key. 

Email Source

The "From" address is in the header of the Collection Agency Report email. 

Email To (Required)

Comma-delimited list of email addresses to which the collection agency report should be sent (maximum 200 characters).

Email Cc

Comma-delimited list of email addresses to which the collection agency report should be copied (maximum 200 characters).

Email Subject

The subject line is used for the collection agency report (maximum 200 characters).

Auto New Submission

Radio buttons enable or disable automated generation and sending of New Submissions Reports to the collection agency.

Auto Update Submission

On the days of the week, you want to send updated patron reports automatically. 

Possible values are a number or range of numbers that represent days of the week (for example, 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so on, through 7=Saturday). Use a comma to indicate discrete days (for example, 1,4 to send the report on Sunday and Wednesday) or a hyphen to indicate a range of says (for example, 1-4 to send the report on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday).

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