Check Out (Circulation Desk) (Sierra)
When you check out an item to a patron, the system registers the checkout by linking the corresponding patron and item records. Order is related to location within the Check Out (Circulation Desk) Function.
Table of Contents
- 1 Check Out (Circulation Desk) Access
- 2 Due Date Slip (Print, No Print, or Email)
- 3 Checking Out Items
- 4 Checked-Out Items Tab
- 5 Holds Tab
- 6 Fines Tab
- 6.1 Collect Money Button
- 6.2 Waive Charges Button
- 6.3 Add Charge Button
- 6.4 Fines Paid Button
- 6.4.1 Reinstating a Fine
- 6.5 Patron Notes
- 7 Check In Tab
- 8 Related Documentation
Check Out (Circulation Desk) Access
Click on Check-Out (Circulation Desk) from the dropdown menu at the upper right corner of the Sierra program.
There are several options to bring up the patron’s record.
Scan the patron's barcode. Type in the patron’s barcode number as well.
Type the letter “n” and the patron’s last name and first name.
Click on the Search box to bring up the Find a patron screen. Use the dropdown to either enter the b PATRON BARCODE, n NAME., u ID (unique ID), f FAMILY ID, w to search by Phone or Email, or.RECORD #. Type the patron’s last name and first name when using the n Name dropdown.
Due Date Slip (Print, No Print, or Email)
Entering the patron’s barcode or name into the system should retrieve the person’s account. Once the patron’s information is displayed in the system and depending on the options for your Sierra login will decide if a slip will be printed. Staff can choose a print or not print a due slip when checking out or renewing items using the Check Out (Circulation Desk) function. Note: if you do not have access to the Options menu in Sierra, please contact your Marmot liaison for assistance.
Available due slip delivery methods
This option controls which due slip delivery methods are available in Sierra for your login. Options include Print and Email. You can select one, both, or neither of the options.
When due slips are generated: If you selected email as an available due slip delivery method or selected no delivery methods, this list is grayed out and defaults to "At the end of patron session".
Print option for Due Slip has four choices for when due slips are generated or not generated.
At end of patron session - (Print or Email) Generates a due slip for all items checked out or renewed when the patron record is closed.
Immediately (one slip per item) - (Print) Prints a separate due slip as each item is checked out or renewed.
Immediately (one slip per patron) - (Print) Prints due date information for each item as it is checked out or renewed, and then the printer paper advances in preparation for the next item. Includes due date information for all items on a single slip.
No slip - (No Print) is used when a library staff only wants to print the due date slip from the Print icon located in the upper right of the screen.
Default due slip delivery method: No slip or Print
If you use Print Templates, this option behaves the same as the At end of the patron session value.
Default due slip delivery method: If no due slip delivery method is chosen, the button is grayed out and defaults to No Slip.
If the print slip option is chosen, you will see the Due Slip: Print button will be available.
Note: you can also toggle the Due Slip button to Due Slip: No Slip. You must make this change before checking out an item to the patron.
Emailing Due Date Slips
Your library can define for each login which delivery methods are available and which method to use by default. When checking out or renewing items, you can change the delivery method using the Due Slip button. Sierra resets the delivery method to your login's default setting when you close the patron record.
The following points apply when emailing date due slips:
To email date due slips, your login must have:
Email delivery is enabled in the Due Slip Delivery options.
Print Templates enabled for due slips.
If these requirements are not met, the email option is suppressed. If your login's default delivery method is set to email, Sierra switches to the print method if enabled for your login. Otherwise, Sierra suppresses the ability to generate due slips.
An email printer does not need to be associated with your login to email date due slips.
If your default delivery method is email but there is no email address in the patron record, Sierra does the following:
Change the default delivery method to print if enabled for your login. Otherwise, the ability to generate due slips is suppressed.
Disables the email option when using the Due Slip button to change delivery methods.
You can add an email address to the patron record and then use the Due Slip button to change the delivery method back to email.
Email date due slips is formatted using Print Templates.
Express Lane Due Date Slips
To complete an Express Lane session, patrons choose the Sign Out button.
The system:
Closes the patron record and clears the patron account information from the screen.
Prints or emails a due slip for any checked out or renewed items, if due slips are configured.
The Choose Due Slip Delivery Method feature determines how the system prints due slips:
If the feature is not enabled, Express Lane automatically prints a due slip without prompting the patron.
If the feature is enabled, the system prompts the patron to choose a delivery method.
If the patron chooses: Express Lane:
Email receipt: Emails a due slip to the address in the first EMAIL ADDR field in the patron's record. If the patron record does not contain an email address, the system suppresses this option. Note that you must enable print templates for date due slips in order to offer email as a delivery method.
Print receipt: Prints a due slip to the receipt printer. If no receipt printer is configured, Express Lane suppresses this option.
No receipt: Neither prints nor emails a due slip.
If print templates are enabled, Express Lane uses the patron's preferred language and the selected delivery method to determine how to send the due slip
Checking Out Items
The P-Type is decided by your library. The P Barcode would have been supplied by your library. The patron EXP DATE is decided by your library.
Hint: hovering over the “i” in the corner of the patron’s account is a quick way to view the patron’s account information. Included will also be any messages or notes that your staff had added. This is one of the ways to see multiple messages or notes on a patron’s account. The other way is to click the Edit or View button to see the patron’s entire account information.
This is a sample of what the information box will look like when hovering over the “i”.
Next, scan the barcode of the item or items that the patron would like to check out. You can also manually enter the barcode number as well. If you manually enter the barcode, you will need to use the Search button.
Once the item barcode is scanned or entered manually, the item’s barcode, title, and due date will display on the screen. The information from the item is in the Check Out tab. At this point, another item can be scanned, or the item’s due date can be changed.
Changing Due Date
We are going to use the Change Due Date button to change when the patron can return the item. Changing the due date is a policy issue that may need to be discussed with a supervisor.
The Change Due Date calendar box will pop up. Tip: Clicking on the >> or << will change the year of the due date. Clicking on the > or < will change the month. You will also need to click on a specific day to complete the Due Date change. The June 30, 2020 information will remain the same until a new date is picked. While clicking on the arrows, the changes to the date can only be seen in the box containing June 2020. Click OK.
The Due Date has now been changed to the new due date selected from the calendar.
Add Message (Item Message)
This will add a message to the item and not the patron. A staff member would need to be given permission to use the Add Message button. Click on the Add Message button.
If staff clicks the Add Message button, the Add Message To Item box screen will appear. If a message is accidentally put in this field, the message will display during check-in. This field can only be removed by editing the item record.
Checked-Out Items Tab
During checkout, there are other fields on the left side of the patron check-out screen under Check Out. This is where checked-out items, holds and fines can be viewed. A hold or a fine can be added to a patron’s record from these tabs. You can also check in a patron’s items.
Note: you must click on the Close icon to move the items from the Check Out tab to the Checked-Out Items tab. Once you close out of the patron's account and get back into the record, the items from the Check Out tab will move to the Checked-Out Items tab.
Clicking on the Checked-Out Items tab will display any items the patron had previously checked out. Included are the item(s) barcode, title, and due date. Renew, Claimed Returned, Marked Lost Item, Mark Damaged Items, and Change Due Date can also be done from this tab.
Overdue Item
The Checked-Out Items tab will be a different color when an item is overdue or billed. Click on the tab to see what item(s) is overdue or billed. The Status of the item will be OVERDUE. Clicking on the box under All will give access to Renew, Claim Returned, Mark Lost Items, Mark Damaged Items, or Change Due Date. A billed item will have the Status of BILLED.
Renew Items
Click Renew button to renew an item a patron had previously checked out. Click Renew.
Depending on the due date and the renewal policy for a library, the message “The item was renewed” may pop up. This will also put the word *RENEWED in the Status box.
If a staff member tries to renew an item for a patron too soon, the following message will pop up.
If a staff member tries to renew an item more times than allowed, the following message will pop up.
If a staff member tries to renew an item for a patron too soon and too many times, the following message will pop up.
Claim Returned Button
A claim returned can be used when a patron claims to have returned an item that is still checked out on their account. Click on Claim Returned. Please check the Patron Placed Holds (PPH) Best Practices document to learn more about the claim returned.
The Claims Returned On calendar will pop up. Click on the date they claim to have returned the item and click OK. If the patron does not remember the date, click the Blank Date.
The Change Item Status pop-up box will appear. Choose the item status that works best for your library. Note: some libraries change the status to Missing if the patron insists they returned the item. Please see the Patron Placed Holds (PPH) Best Practices document for missing items procedures.
The following screen message will pop up, “The item was claimed returned.” The Status of the item will change to CLMS RETD.
The patron record will have a number listing for each CL RTRND (Claim Returned).
The item will have the STATUS of z CLMS RETD.
The item will also have an INT. NOTE (internal note) stating when the book was marked Claims Returned, and date (unless you choose Blank Date on the calendar) and the patron number.
If the book is found by your staff or the patron, you would check the book using the Check-In (No Patron) function.
Scan the barcode of the item.
The following message will pop up, “Item status is CLMS RETD. Clear it?” Click Yes.
Clicking Yes, the following screen will display the Status as Claimed returned.
The item STATUS changed from CLMS RETD to – ON SHELF. The INT. NOTE will be gone from the item.
Mark Lost Items Button
Mark Lost Items can be used when a patron has lost an item still checked out on their account. Using the Mark Lost Items button will cause the system to bill the item immediately. Only use this if the item has not gone to the billed status, and if a patron wants to pay for the lost item now.
Click the Mark Lost Items button.
Clicking on the Mark Lost Item button the Mark Lost Items pop-up box will appear with the Item Cost, Processing Fee, Billing Fee, and Amount. Click Add Bills, Update Bill, View Item, or Cancel.
Clicking on Add Bills will put the amount in the Fines tab of the patron’s record. The Status of the item will change to Lost under the Fines tab.
The Item will have the status of Billed.
If you click on the Collect Money button, the Collect Money box will appear. Click OK.
The Print Fines box will appear.
Once the money is collected, the item will have the Due Date status of Lost and Paid.
If the item is found by the patron or your staff, you will get the following message during Check-In. Click OK.
This will change the item’s Status from Lost and Paid to Not Checked Out.
The INT. NOTE. (Internal Note) may still be in the item record. This note may need to be deleted manually.
Mark Damaged Items
Go to the Checked Out (Circulation Desk) function and retrieve the patron's record. Click the Checked-Out Items tab or, alternately, click Go | Circulation Desk | Checked-Out Items.
In the table of items checked out to the patron, select the item(s) to mark as damaged.
Mark Damaged Items can be used when a patron has damaged an item that is still checked out on their account. Please see the Patron Placed Holds (PPH) Best Practices document for the damaged items procedure.
Click the Mark Damaged Items button. Sierra Circulation displays the selected items in the Mark Damaged Items window. By default, the first item is highlighted.
Note: Mark Damaged - Use this option for items that are damaged, but will remain in circulation. When you select this option, Sierra changes the item's STATUS to the code your library has specified for damaged items (for example, "g" for MLN1 libraries and “d” for MLN2 libraries) and leaves the item checked out to the patron.
Mark Damaged And Add Charge
Use this option for items that are damaged, will remain in circulation, and for which you want to charge the patron a fine. You can add a manual charge to the patron’s record.
The Add Charge box will appear. It may pick up the Price of the item listed in the record. You can change this manual charge. For those libraries that use the Predefined option, you can use the dropdown menu to add that charge to the patron’s record. Click the OK button.
Once you click the OK button, this will add a charge to the patron's record, and change the item's STATUS to the code your library has specified for damaged items (for example, "g" for MLN1 libraries and “d” for MLN2 libraries).
When checking in the item, you will see the message asking if you want to clear the status. Click on the No button if you want to keep the item's STATUS which would be the code your library has specified for damaged items (for example, "g" for MLN1 libraries and “d” for MLN2 libraries).
If you click on the No, the title will have the word “Damaged” added at the beginning for on the patron’s record. It will be removed from the patron’s record as a check out, but will be listed as a fine.
The item will keep the STATUS to the code your library has specified for damaged items (for example, "g" for MLN1 libraries and “d” for MLN2 libraries).
Mark Damaged And Add Bill
Go to the Checked Out (Circulation Desk) function and retrieve the patron's record. Click the Checked-Out Items tab or, alternately, click Go | Circulation Desk | Checked-Out Items. In the table of items checked out to the patron, select the item(s) to mark as damaged.
Click the Mark Damaged Items button. Sierra Circulation displays the selected items in the Mark Damaged Items window. By default, the first item is highlighted.
Note: Mark Damaged - Use this option for items that are damaged, but will remain in circulation. When you select this option, Sierra changes the item's STATUS to the code your library has specified for damaged items (for example, "g" for MLN1 libraries and “d” for MLN2 libraries) and leaves the item checked out to the patron.
Mark Damaged And Add Bill - Use this option for items that are damaged enough to remove from circulation and for which you want to bill the patron. This will calculate the amount of the bill using the same method for lost items.
This will change the STATUS of the item to BILLED. The amount charged to the patron’s account depends on the Price of the item as well as any processing fees. Click the Close button.
The item will be removed from the patron’s record as a check out, but will be listed as a fine. This will add a bill to the patron's record using the charge type of Replacement.
The item STATUS will change to Billed.
This process adds an INT NOTE field to the item record containing the date, the billed amount, and the patron record number.
If you check in the item, the Message box will appear. Click the OK button to remove the status of Billed so you can remove the item from your collection.
If you decide to check in the item, it will change the STATUS from BILLED to Replacement.
The INT. NOTE remains on the item record after the item is checked in.
The patron is notified of the charge when you prepare and send your bills notification.
Note: The Mark Damaged and Add Bill option uses the same notice text that is used for lost and billed items. You will want to make sure that the text on your bill notices is updated to account for either lost or damaged items. Open up a service request to make these changes to your billed notice text.
When the patron pays the bill, Sierra does the following:
Changes the item's STATUS to the code your library has specified for damaged items (for example, "g" for MLN1 libraries and “d” for MLN2 libraries).
Adds an INT NOTE field to the item record containing the date, the billed amount, and the patron record number. For example: "Fri Aug 20 2021: Paid $35.00 and damaged by .p21850410".
Holds Tab
Click on the Holds tab to place a staff placed hold on an item using Add Holds. Other buttons are the Cancel Holds, Modify Holds, and View Cancelled Holds. Click on the View Cancelled Holds to see the information regarding any hold that was canceled.
The Cancel Holds and Modify Holds become active when the box below All is clicked. Messages that it is too soon to renew or there are no more renewals may happen when renewing an item.
Add Holds Button
This is one way that staff can place a hold on an item for a patron. Click the Add Holds button.
Once you click on the Add Holds button, this will bring up the Browse function to look for the item to place the hold. Use the drop-down menu to change the search to title. Enter the title of the item.
Click Select to view the item. Double-clicking on the item will also open the record.
All the other libraries that have items attached will be listed. Click on the item for your library, or the specific item such as a certain disk for a DVD set, or a certain book from a series from another library. Click on the Hold Selected Item to place an item-level hold. Click on the Hold Copy Returned Soonest to place a Bib or Title level hold. Tip: When patrons need to reserve multiple copies of a book for a book club or for class use Place a Title-level Hold and then use the second box for the number of copies needed (No. of Holds 1-99). Only use Hold Selected Item when you want a copy from a specific library (usually within your district, if possible).
When you choose the Hold Copy Returned Soonest (bib or title level hold) button, the Place a Title-level Hold box will appear. It will display the patron’s home library in the Pickup Location. There is a drop-down menu that will allow you to change the pick-up location if your library has branches. The Not Wanted Before or Not Wanted After can be left blank or you can add those dates. Click the OK button.
Default Not Wanted After Date
This can be changed in Sierra under the Admin>Option ( Note: if you do not have access to the Options menu in Sierra, please contact your Marmot liaison for assistance.
Click on the Holds tab. The “Default Not Wanted After Date … days” can be edited.
If you enter a number between 1 and 999 in this field, a default date displays in the Not Wanted After field of the Place an Item-level Hold and Place a Title-level Hold dialog boxes when you place an item- or title-level hold.
This default Not Wanted After date is calculated by adding the number of days entered in the Default Not Wanted After Date field to the date you are placing the hold; for instance, if you enter 30 into the Default Not Wanted After Date field and you place a hold on 11-16-2021, the default Not Wanted After date displays as 12-16-2021—30 days later. (You can also edit the displayed Not Wanted After date; in this example, 12-16-2021.)
A maximum value of 365 is recommended for the Default Not Wanted After Date field.
When the number in the Default Not Wanted After Date field is '0' (the default), no default Not Wanted After date is calculated.
If you choose the Hold Selected Item (item level hold) button, the Place Hold for an Available Item box will appear. If you choose the Page for item this will display the item information in your item paging slip. Only click on the Do NOT page button, if you plan to get the item and fill the hold directly. The Place hold and change status to Missing is used when the item is missing.
Once you click on the Page for Item or Do Not page for an item, the Place an Item-level Hold box will appear. The Pickup Location will be your library. There is a drop-down menu that will allow you to change the pick-up location if your library has branches. The Not Wanted Before or Not Wanted After can be left blank or you can add those dates. Click the OK button. (Note: see the Default Not Wanted After Date section to learn more)
The hold will now display on the patron’s account.
Cancel Holds Button
This is one way a staff member can cancel a hold for a patron.
Once you check the box next to the item you want to cancel the hold, the Cancel Holds button will become active. Depending on why the hold is canceled, pick Cancel hold and change status to MISSING, or Cancel hold. Clicking on the Do not cancel hold will stop the cancellation process. For this example, we will click on the Cancel hold.
The Question pop-up box will appear with the message, “Print hold cancel notice?” Clicking Yes or No depends if a library wants to keep a record of a canceled hold.
If you decide to click on the Do not cancel hold button, the Results box will display the message, “The following hold has not been cancelled:”
Modify Holds Button
This is one way your staff members can modify a hold for a patron.
Once you check the box next to the item you want to modify the hold, the Modify Holds button will become active. Once you click the Modify Holds button, the Individually Modify Holds pop-up box will appear. The Not Wanted Before or Not Wanted After can be left blank or you can add those dates. A Hold Note can be added to share information with other staff about the hold or patron. The Pick Up By date is generally set by loan rules. Click the OK button.
View Cancelled Holds Button
This is a way to view canceled holds on a patron’s record. Click View Cancelled Holds.
This will bring up a list of any canceled holds. This will display the date the hold was placed and canceled. The title and barcode of the item. The Login and Program work together. The Login is displayed anytime a hold is canceled in Sierra. The Program will display as Sierra Desktop. The Program will display Web OPAC when the item is canceled through the catalog. Click Print to print any canceled items. Click on OK or the X to get out of the information. You can use the Place Title Hold at Queue End to insert the new hold at the end of the hold queue. You can use the Insert Title Hold by Original Placed Date to insert the new hold in the order determined by the date the original hold was placed.
Sierra processes each hold and displays the following message if any holds could not be placed.
If prompted with a message, click the OK button to return to the Cancelled Holds dialog box. Sierra displays the reason the hold was blocked in the Results column. Note: Sierra does not retain the information in the Results column when you close the Cancelled Holds dialog box.
Fines Tab
Clicking on the Fines tab will display fines on a patron’s record. If the patron owes fines the tab will be a different color. Note: the fines will include any billed items as well as fines. Click in the box under the All to gain access to the Collect Money, Waive Charges, Add Charge, Fines Paid and Patron Notes buttons. Please see the Patron Placed Holds (PPH) Best Practices document for the billing procedures.
Collect Money Button
The Collect Money button will allow partial or total payment from a patron.
Check the box that will make the Collect Money button active. If the patron would like to pay the fine now, click the Collect Money button. This will bring up a Collect Money pop-up box. Either click OK to collect the entire amount or change the amount depending on what the patron pays. In this example, we are going to pay half of the amount owed.
Preventing Duplicate Fine Payments is a fine locking behavior that is designed to prevent duplicate fine payments.
You may get the following information:
"Another payment action is pending for patron .p#########. Try again later.
Invoice No. ###### could not be paid."Third-party vendors may also report this issue with Fines Payment Web Service as an error/fault code similar to the following when attempting payment:
"9011 Patron Record is Busy"
Technically, the patron record is not busied but a fine lock is in place if the patron record is opened elsewhere.
Fine locks will be removed when one of the following occurs:
Payment action is completed
Open patron record is closed in SDA
If neither of the above applies, after 4 hours the lock expires and payments can be accepted again for the patron record
It's suggested that staff close open patron records as soon as they are no longer needed to help minimize the duration of fine locks.
The system is asking us if we want to Waive remaining fines? We are going to click No.
The system will generate a receipt stating how much was paid and how much is owed. The receipt can be printed for the patron.
Waive Charges Button
Waive Charges can be used for an amnesty day.
Click on the box under All to make the Waive Charges button active. Click on the Waive Charges button. The Question pop-up box will appear with the message, “Waive selected fines?” Click Yes or No. We are going to click on Yes.
The system will generate a receipt stating the amount that has been waived. The receipt can be printed for the patron.
Add Charge Button
The Add Charge will bring up a pop-up box with predefined fines that can be added to the patron’s record.
Clicking on the Add Charge button will bring up the Add Charge pop-up box. The Predefined drop-down contains specific fines for specific libraries (contact Marmot if you want a predefined item added to this list). You can add the manual amount and type in the reason for the charge. Your library location will display under the Location field. Click the OK button.
The manual charge will display on the patron’s record under the fines tab.
Fines Paid Button
Fines Paid will show the history of any payment transaction on the patron’s record.
Click on Fines Paid to bring up the Fines Paid pop-up box. The choices are Print, View Fines, View Items, or Close. Tip: Clicking on the line for the invoiced item will make the View Fines and View Item buttons clickable.
Reinstating a Fine
Your library may be able to Reinstate Fines on under the Fines Paid tab. You can reinstate fines that have already been removed from the patron's record.
For example, you might want to reinstate a fine if you accidentally waived the fine or collected money for the wrong fine.
View and highlight the fine you want to reinstate under Fines Paid section. Click on the View Fine button.
Once you click on the View Fine button, the Paid Fine Detail box will appear. If you can reinstate the fine, the Reinstate Fine button will be enabled. This fine will be reinstated. Original fine payment information will be removed.
To reinstate the fine and remove the fine-payment information from the database, choose the Confirm button. To retain the fine-payment information displayed in the Paid Fine Detail dialog box, choose Cancel.
If you choose Confirm, the system:
Deactivates the Reinstate Fine button.
Adds the fine back to the patron's record, using the current date as the assessed date.
Assigns a new invoice number to the fine. The invoice number displays both the new invoice number and the previous invoice number. For example: Invoice: 6437 (previous invoice 6414). Note that if you reinstate the same fine multiple times, the previous invoice number reflects the invoice number of the fine that was most recently paid, not the original invoice number.
Removes the reinstated entry from the patron's fines paid.
You can reinstate all types of fines except the following:
any fine with a charge type of Manual
adjustment charges for billed rental items
notice printing charges
any charge with a payment status of Adjustment
Note the system writes a separate entry to the Fines Paid table for each partial, full, or waived payment made to the selected charge. As a result, the system reinstates only the portion of the charge associated with the Fines Paid table entry that you specified.
For example, if a patron has an original charge amount of $10.00 on their patron record, which is marked as partially paid by the patron ($4.00), followed by a waive of the fine remainder ($6.00), two entries are written to the Fines Paid table, one with a payment status of Partial Payment, and one with a payment status of Waive.
If you choose to reinstate the Waive entry in the Fines Paid table, the system reinstates the waived amount ($6.00), not the original full fine amount ($10.00).
To reinstate the full amount of the original charge, you must reinstate both the Waive and the Partial Payment entries associated with the original charge.
Patron Notes
This is one way to view any notes associated with a patron. It is helpful when in the Fines tab to see any notes associated with any lost items.
Clicking on Patron Notes will bring up the Patron Notes pop-up box. This will show any notes related to this patron.
Check In Tab
Clicking on Check In will allow an item to be checked in that is on a patron’s account. Backdate, Waive Charges on items being checked … is available when checking in a patron’s item. Collect Money or Print receipts are also available once you click on the Waive charges box. Note: The Check In tab can be used to check in other patron’s items. The system will automatically switch from the current patron to the new patron. However, it is better to use the Check-In (No Patron) function to check-in items.
Related Documentation
Renew (No Patron) Function (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Search for Patrons Records (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Delete a Patron Record (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Prepare Overdues Report (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
System Generated Review Files (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Fines Paid Function (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Notices (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
In Transit Too Long Report and Create Lists Import Barcodes (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
User Generated Macros (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Check Out (Circulation Desk) (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Check-in (No Patron) (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Creating a New Patron Record (Check Out (Circulation Desk) (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Editing a Patron Record (Check Out (Circulation Desk)) (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Offline Circulation Process (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Check Out (Circulation Desk) Item on the Fly (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)