Web Access Management

Web Access Management

This documentation explains the functionality of Web Access Management (WAM), the various tables associated with WAM, and how those tables interact to provide database access to patrons.

Table of Contents


MLN 2 is the only Marmot server that currently uses WAM. Marmot staff accounts are the only accounts that have access to editing the various WAM tables.


When a patron attempts to access a library database/electronic resource (eresource), Web Access Management (WAM) forwards the request to a remote Innovative server, allowing patrons to access databases from locations outside of the library and restricting access to certain databases for certain patrons. This is facilitated by four tables, the Forward Table, the Unverified Patron Table, the Verified Patron Table, and the WAM Blocks table.


Forward Table

Table Explanation

The Forward Table contains the name and IP address of the database and the service levels, P TYPES, and Patron Home Libraries that can access said database. The Innovative Server uses this information to forward patrons who should have access to the database.

Data Elements

Data Element


Data Element



A unique name that identifies the entry (must be more than 8 characters and is case-sensitive). For example: “Mango” can be the token for the database “Mango Languages”.

IP Address/Host Name

The IP address or host name of the remote server to which to forward the client’s browser request. If the host name of the server is used, the Web server must be able to resolve it using a domain name server.

For example: The host name can include the URL for a database such as “web.ebscohost.com” or a wildcarded URL such as “*.atozdatabases.com”. If a wildcarded entry is used in this field, any database instance with that information is accessible to patrons, for example: “recipes.atozdatabases.com”. If the entry does not include a wildcard ( * ), then patrons can only access that specific URL.

Service Level

The minimum service level required to access the remote server from the Innovative Web server. This service level is compared to the service level of the login that is using the Innovative Web server. If the login’s Service Level is less than this value, the login will not be allowed to access the remote server. A Service Level of 0 allows access to a database for all users.


This element indicates whether Web Access Management performs patron verification ('y') or not ('n'). Alternatively, the value of this element can be a Service Level (a number from 0-9); if the login’s Service Level is less than the Verify values, the Web server requires patron verification; otherwise, verification is not required.

Valid Patron Types

The range of P TYPE codes that are allowed to forward requests to this server. The range is specified as a single number (e.g., 1), a list of the numbers separated by commas (e.g., 1,2,5,15), a range of numbers (e.g., 5-40), or a combination of the two (e.g. 1, 7, 10, 13-20, 35, 39, 50-62). If you want to allow all patron types, enter 0-1999.

Valid Patron Home Libs

Access can be restricted based on the Home Library field in a patron record (ex: md for Broomfield or lg for Longmont. Can have multiple home libraries listed in one entry).

Database Identifier

If a database vendor offers more than one database on a single server, a database identifier will be provided to you by that vendor for each database to which your library subscribes. The library may limit access for each of these databases separately, based on the login’s service level or the value of the P TYPE field in the patron’s record.

Database Name

The database name; can be up to 30 characters and is used to report statistics with the Sierra Statistics function (ex: PebbleGo).

Logging Type

This entry accepts two values:

N – If the logging type is N, don’t log anything for that database.

Y – If the logging type is Y, apply category filters to each request for that database and do one of the following:

  • If match a filter with category label 'X', then don’t log that request.

  • If match a filter with any category label other than 'X', then log with that category label.

  • If no match found, then log without any category label.

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Unverified Patron Table

Table Explanation

The Unverified Patron Table identifies patrons coming from known or trusted IP addresses, typically the library’s IP addresses, who do not have to be authenticated to access the database.

Data Elements

Data Element


Data Element


IP Address Used

This data element is the alternate IP address to be sent to the vendor.

IP Pattern

The incoming, trusted IP address.

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Verified Patron Table

Table Explanation

The Verified Patron Table details the specific patron types that must be authenticated before those patrons can access a restricted database (one that requires verification as noted in the Forward Table) via an alternate IP address set by Marmot. An entry needs to be added for each incoming patron type, or group of patron types, that needs to send an alternate IP address.

Data Elements

Data Element


Data Element


IP Address Used

The alternate IP address to be sent to the vendor.

Home Libraries

If your library does not differentiate between incoming patron types sending the same IP address to the vendor, enter “all” at this prompt. For example, for all patrons with the designation of PTYPE 60 to send the same IP address to the vendor regardless of home library, set this data element to “all”.

If your library does differentiate between the IP address sent to the vendor by the home library and the IP address sent by the patron type, enter the five-character Home Library location code. If the code is shorter than five characters, insert extra spaces at the end to make it five characters long.

Patron Types

Entries can be comma-delimited or in a range, for example, “2-8, 15, 35”. Enter “all” for all patron types. You can use open-ended ranges to include all patron types to the end of the list. For example, “2-8, 15, 35-” would include patron types 2 through 8, 15, and 35 to the end.

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WAM Blocks

Table Explanation

The WAM Blocks table allows patrons to be blocked from accessing databases if:

  • The patron’s record is expired.

  • The patron has fines or fees above the maximum permitted money owed.

  • The patron has a maximum number of overdue points on their record.

  • The patron has a manual block on their record.

Data Elements

Data Element


Data Element


Patron Type

Defines the patron type (P TYPE) to apply the specified WAM Block rules to. This entry is a list of fixed-length field values for the P TYPE (for example, “1”, 3, 17” to apply the rule to P TYPEs “1”, “3”, and “17”). To apply the WAM Blocks rule to all patron types, enter 9999.

Note: this setting does not accept ranges for patron type values. For example, 1-17 is an invalid value.

Patron Agency

Defines the agency to apply to the specified WAM Block rules. This entry accepts a range of fixed-length field values for the PAT AGENCY (for example, “5-30” to apply the rule to PAT AGENCY fields 5 - 30).

Patron Exp. Date

Defines whether to apply the expiration date, found in the Expiration Date field in the patron record, to the specified WAM block rules. If set to yes and a patron tries to access a database but their library card is expired, they will be denied access.

Max Owed

Defines the maximum amount of fees and fines owed by the patron, found in the MONEY OWED field in the patron record, to apply to the specified WAM Block rules.

Highest # Overdue

Specifies whether to apply the threshold of overdue demerits incurred by the patron, found in the HLODUES field in the patron record, to the specified WAM Block rules.

Manual Blocks

Defines whether manual blocks, found in the MBLOCK field in the patron record, apply to the specified WAM Block Rules.

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