Text of Circulation Notices Table (Admin>Parameters>Circulation - Sierra)

This documentation explains the functionality and the data elements of the Text of Circulation Notices table.

Table of Contents

Text of Circulation Notices Table Overview

The Text of Circulation Notices table contains the text of messages that appear on circulation notices.

You can contact the Marmot Help Desk for help if you cannot view this table.

View the Text of Circulation Notices Table by going to Admin, Parameters, Circulation, Text of Circulation Notices in Sierra

Functionality Information

When viewing the Text of Circulation Notices table, note the following:

Maximum Number of Entries

  • The Text of Circulation Notices table can contain all the text notifications for all the libraries.

Selecting Entries for Circulation Notices

  • See notices for information about how to send notices manually and how the system sends them automatically.

Positioning Entries on Circulation Notices

  • Marmot staff will ensure that the length of your messages fits within the space your library allocated on the notices.

  • Formatting Options for Default Notices

    • Marmot staff will configure the format and layout for default notices using various Circulation Options. Each element on a notice is a separately defined block of text.

    • The blocks of information that can be printed on a notice include:

      • Block of Information

        • Library name and address

        • Date the notice prints

        • Patron name and address, as well as additional text and patron record fields

        • Author, title, and so on; the exact elements in the item information block depend on the notice

        • Fine and billing data, printed only on bills and fine notices

        • Notice text from the Text of Circulation Notices table

Entries Can Be Used on Multiple Notices

  • One entry in this table can be used by any number of notices.

Data Elements

Entries in the Text of Circulation Notices table contain the following data elements:

Tip: highlight the entry and click on the View icon to see the Notice Type and Notice Text





Notice Type

A brief descriptive name that identifies the purpose of the text (for example, Overdue Notice).

Some Notice Type entries must contain specific words and phrases to be used for certain types of notices.

The reserved words or phrases are as follows:

If the Notice Type element... The system uses this entry...

Notice Text

This is the message to be printed on the notice that are specific to your library.

The message is limited to maximum number of lines (up to 15) and maximum number of characters per line (up to 76).

At multilingual sites, the system repeats this element for each language enabled on your system. If your library has enabled preferred patron languages, the system can generate notices in the preferred language of the patron.

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