Offline Circulation Information
This page lists information to help with the offline circulation process for MLN1 & MLN2 libraries.
Offline Circulation Information
The Sierra servers for MLN1 and MLN2 are operating systems that must be updated to continue receiving OS updates and security patches. This process involves setting up completely new servers and migrating the existing systems to the new servers.
These projects will also require downtime during the day. We know that downtime is less than ideal. However, it is necessary for a project of this scale. The estimated downtime is 4-6 hours, but we suggest planning a full-day outage.
Offline Circulation - Marmot will plan to have offline circulation functioning through Pika.
Marmot will take Sierra offline for MLN1 libraries on Tuesday, January 16th.
Marmot will take Sierra offline for MLN2 libraries on Tuesday, February 13th.
We have a list of other services that will not be available during the Sierra downtime.
You can use offline circulation to check materials out to patrons - Offline Circulation Process. Checkouts will be automatically processed after hours at approximately 10 pm.
For Users of PCRes, only Guest Passes will work. You can set your PCRes for Guest Pass Only.
OverDrive checkouts and holds will not work in Pika since they authenticate using Sierra. No one can log in to the OverDrive site or Libby.
Pika will be available but with limitations. Any offline checkouts will not appear on a patron's account until processed.
Pika holds will only work for patrons who have logged in before; otherwise, it cannot validate them.
Library staff can place holds on behalf of patrons from Pika during the downtime using the Staff-placed Holds or Masquerade Mode functionality.
Any holds via Pika placed during the downtime will be processed after hours, along with offline checkouts.
Pika statuses will not be up-to-date, and patrons cannot see account information such as checkouts, holds, fines, etc.
Patrons cannot pay fines.
Patrons will be able to view Prospector records but will not be able to request them.
Patrons will not be able to create new Kanopy accounts, but those who already have access will still be able to use Kanopy.
Remote access to online databases that use Marmot’s EZProxy system will be unavailable.
The classic catalog will not be available.
You cannot check in items until Sierra is back online.
Shoutbomb SMS notices will not work.
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