Sierra Web Access and Information

Sierra Web Access and Information

To access Sierra Web, you must have a valid user account. Sierra Web uses the same user accounts as the Sierra Desktop Application.

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Accessing Sierra via a Web Browser

  • All Marmot members can only have 60 simultaneous users per Sierra server (MLN1 & MLN2) for Sierra Web.

  • It is a web-based alternative to the Sierra desktop client.

  • Sierra Web is a great option for accessing Sierra staff functions on mobile devices, especially iOS devices, where the Sierra desktop client cannot be installed.

  • Sierra Web does use one of your user licenses.

  • MLN1 Libraries access Sierra Web at https://sierra.marmot.org:63100/sierra/sierraweb

  • MLN2 Libraries access Sierra Web at https://nell.flatironslibrary.org:63100/sierra/sierraweb

  • Click on the Connect to Sierra Services link.

Welcome to Sierra Web
  • You would log in with your Sierra login and password. If you do not have a login, contact Marmot.

Sierra Web login screen includes username and password.

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Sierra Web Functionality

Most Sierra desktop client actions are available within Sierra Web. The Sierra Desktop client will carry over your settings, preferences, and permissions. 

System Requirements

  • The latest version of the Google Chrome browser

Sierra Web functions best when accessed through the Google Chrome browser.

  • A standard computer set up with a keyboard, mouse, or tablet running a recent iOS version.

  • Broadband or better bandwidth

Logging Out

  • When running Sierra Web, it is not recommended to exit by closing the browser tab or window. Doing so will not release the license associated with the login.  

  • To exit, use the File | Exit from the upper right side of the program.

The File link is located at the top right corner of the screen.

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Differences between SDA and Sierra Web

  • The browser environment behaves differently than the SDA in some instances.

    • In Sierra Web, currency numbers cannot be edited in the correct order. To change the currency information, you have to edit the numbers on either side of the decimal.  

    • Sierra Web does not allow you to select multiple variable-length fields. Instead, you must use the Ctrl key to select individual fields. Holding the left mouse button and dragging does not work.

    • You cannot use the arrow keys to move quickly through the editable fields in a record with Sierra Web. You can use the tab(forward) and <shift>+Tab (reverse)instead.

    • Using macros in Sierra Web will work differently.  A few of the keys are reserved for Sierra Web.  You will not be able to use the following keys for macros in Sierra Web (F1, F3, F5, F6, F8, F10, F11, F12, ALT+F4, ALT+F6, CTRL+F4, CTRL+F5, SHIFT+F3, SHIFT+F5).  Also, note that some shortcuts will work differently in Sierra Web. The Ctrl+N will create a new record in SDA. Sierra Web will open a new browser window.  The Ctrl+T will move forward from one tab to another in a bib record display in SDA. In Sierra Web, it will open a new tab.

    • When exporting records from a review file, Sierra Web does not offer the option to name the output file. However, you can rename it once downloaded from the browser.

    • In Sierra Web, you can use multiple windows only in the Cataloging function.

    • When printing using Sierra Web, the browser and browser settings control the output; if the login has a local printer assigned, it will appear in the list as Browser Printer. The format will display as HTML Table.

Print (Standard Printer) Html Table button
Select Standard Printer box

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Troubleshooting Sierra Web

Logins are case-sensitive

  • Some iOS devices will automatically capitalize the first letter of your login. Logins must be lowercase in Sierra. You can usually backspace over the capital letter and type a lowercase letter instead. You may have success disabling the auto-capitalization feature on your iOS device. In some cases, you must disable this feature for both the device and any external keyboards. Contact Marmot if you need assistance resetting your password.

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