Change Compact View (Sierra)

If the Compact Browse option is enabled on your Sierra Desktop Application, either through your Display tab or the Admin App, Sierra returns search results in a condensed format.

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When looking for patrons, the view will be condensed to show the person’s name.  The location information will not be displayed. In order to see more information, you would need to click the + sign preceding each group entry, or double-click anywhere within the entry to expand the group and view the associated record entries.

When searching for items using the Search/Holds or Catalog function, this display will only show the Description column. In order to see more information, you would need to click the + sign preceding each group entry, or double-click anywhere within the entry to expand the group and view the associated record entries.

How to Change the Compact View in Sierra

Go to Admin and Settings in Sierra.

Click on the Display tab.  Check or uncheck the Compact Browse box. Click on Save Settings and OK. You will have to restart Sierra to see the change.

You will need to restart Sierra to see the change.

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