Claims Returned (Sierra)

Claims Returned can be used when a patron claims to have returned an item that is still checked out on their account. Please check your library policy or check with a supervisor before continuing.

Table of Contents

Claim Returned Button

  1. Click on Claim Returned. A claim returned can be used when a patron claims to have returned an item that is still checked out on their account. 


  2. The Claims Returned On calendar will pop up. Click on the date they claimed to have returned the item and click OK. If the patron does not remember the date, click the Blank Date button.


  3.  The Change Item Status pop-up box will appear. It is best to click the “Leave items checked out (send overdue notices) and change status to CLAIMS RTRND” button.

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The following screen message will pop up, “The item was claimed returned.” The Status of the item will change to CLMS RETD.

Claims returned information in the item and patron record:
The patron record will have a number listing for each CL RTRND (Claim Returned).

The item will have the STATUS of z CLMS RETD.

The item will also have an INT. NOTE (internal note) stating when the book was marked Claims Returned, and date (unless you choose Blank Date on the calendar) and the patron number.

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Returning the Item

If the item is found by a staff member or the patron...

  1. Check-in the item using the Check-In (No Patron) function.


  2. Scan the barcode of the item.


  3. The following message will pop up, “Item status is CLMS RETD. Clear it?” Click Yes.


  4. Clicking Yes, the following screen will display the Status as Claimed returned.


  5. The item STATUS changed from CLMS RETD to – ON SHELF.


The INT. NOTE will be gone from the item.

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