Copy a Patron Record (Sierra)

Copy a Patron Record (Sierra)

A reason to copy a patron’s record might be if a parent’s record is created and a child or children need to be added into the system.  A parent’s record could be copied to avoid having to reenter the address and phone number.  Please note that copying a record does not copy the entire record, but only the patron name, address, telephone number(s), home library, patron type, pcodes, expiration date, and patron agency. 

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Copy a Patron Record Process

  1. Open an existing patron record.


  2. Click on Edit in the upper right corner.


  3. Click Edit in the upper left corner of the Edit Patron Record box.  Move the cursor to Copy Record and click it.


  4. Choose the patron record template.  Click Select.


  5. Fill in the appropriate information for the new patron.  For example, make sure to change the name of the new patron.  

  6.  You will need to Insert the b P BARCODE for the New Patron.


  7. Click on Save/Cl … icon to save and close the record.

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