Return Unwanted Item (INN-Reach)

Return Unwanted Item (INN-Reach)

This documentation explains the Return Unwanted Item function in Sierra and provides the steps for using the function.

Table of Contents

Function Explanation

You must be assigned permission 1056 (INN-Reach - Return Unwanted Item) to access this function. If you are unable to access this function, please contact us, and we will modify your permissions.


An INN-Reach item is considered “unwanted” if it has been on the holdshelf at the patron site longer than the time specified in the Time To Pickup element of the INN-Reach Patron Circulation loan rule. An INN-Reach item can also be considered “unwanted” when a patron no longer wants the item when it arrives at the library. When you return an INN-Reach item as unwanted, the system:


  • Updates the virtual item record's STATUS to '&' (RETURNED).

  • Cancels the patron's hold.

  • Queues a hold cancellation notice for later printing.

  • Sends a circulation message to the owning site that replaces the INN-Reach message in the item record with an "IN TRANSIT" message.


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Function Instructions

To return an unwanted INN-Reach item to the owning site:

  • Print the INN-Reach Holdshelf Report to identify INN-Reach items that have been held too long.

    Screenshot of the Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf function in MLN1 Sierra


    Screenshot of the Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf function in MLN2 Sierra

  • Choose INN-Reach - Return Unwanted Item from the Function list.

    Screenshot of the INN-Reach Return Unwanted Item function in MLN1 Sierra


    Screenshot of the INN-Reach - Return Unwanted Item function in MLN2 Sierra


  • Scan the barcode of the item you want to return (for example, the first item listed in the INN-Reach Holdshelf Report).

    Screenshot of the barcode search bar in the INN-Reach Returned Unwanted Item function in MLN1 Sierra


    Screenshot of the item barcode search bar in the INN-Reach - Return Unwanted Item function in Sierra.


  • Sierra displays the Returning Item to Lending Library dialog, which contains the following options:

    • Print Cancellation Notice?

      • Check this box if you want to print a hold cancellation notice.

    • Print Transit Slip?

      • Check this box if you want to print an INN-Reach transit slip.

        Screenshot of the Return Item to Lending Library pop-up message in Sierra.


  • Choose OK. The system:

    • Prints an INN-Reach transit slip immediately (if you choose to print one).

    • Queues the hold cancellation notice for later printing (if you choose to print a cancellation notice). By default, the system includes the following cancellation reason in the notice generated for a returned INN-Reach item: Pickup time has expired.

    • Adds the scanned item to the summary table display.


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