Finding Patrons with Prospector Items (Create Lists)

Here is the Create Lists logic for finding patrons with Prospector holds or checkouts.  

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Create Lists Logic

  1. Click on Create Lists from the dropdown Function menu.

    Create Lists Function drop-down menu
  2. Find an empty review file and highlight it. Click on the Search Record button.

    Click on the Search Records button
  3. User the Store record type = PATRON. Note: Make sure to use your library two or three-letter code filling out the Review File Name field.

  4. Type = PATRON, Field = VIRTUALREC, condition = exist.

  5. Use the Append Line button to add the Type = PATRON, Field = HOME LIBR, Condition = equal to, either type or double-click in the box under Value A to fill in your home library (example, pc or eva).

  6. Click on the Search button at the bottom.


Tip: Double-click on the boxes under Type, Field, and Condition to see the Select Me boxes with all the options.

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