Scanning Item Barcodes to Create a Weeding List (Create Lists)

Scanning Item Barcodes to Create a Weeding List (Create Lists)

This is information on how to use Create Lists to scan items from a cart to create a weeding list. The Delete Records Function can be used to delete the items from that review file. Below are two different ways to scan item barcodes into a review file for weeding.

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Option 1 – Create a Review File Using Index

  1. Choose Create Lists from the Function list.


  2. Choose an empty review file bucket that will match the number of items you want to delete.

  3. Label the Review File Name to include the two or three identifying letters of your library.  The rest of the file name should match the search term.  

  4. Choose Index drop-down list.  Choose Barcode (b).   Scan the barcode of one book you want to delete in both Index fields.


  5. Without specifying any other criteria, click Search. Once one item has been done, you will be returned to the Review Files screen.


  6. You can either highlight your review file and click on Show Records or double-click on the file to bring up the Boolean Review File.

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Option 2 – Create a Review File Using a Barcode Search

  1. Uses steps 1 – 3 from Option 1

  2. Choose Type - Item, Field - BARCODE, Condition - equal to, and Value A would be just one barcode from the cart of items you want to be weeded.

  3. Click Search. Once the search is complete, you will be returned to the Review Files screen.


  4. You can either highlight your review file and click on