Re-run Existing Query or Edit Existing Query for Create Lists (Sierra)

In Create Lists, you can rerun or edit a search query in a review file that has a status of "complete". When you do, the system reuses the search criteria to perform a search that overwrites the existing content of the review file. This feature is useful for searches you need to run on a regular basis with a few caveats that are explained in this documentation.

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Re-run Existing Query or Search & Editing an Existing Query or Search

Select Create Lists from the Function list.

On the Review Files tab, select the review file containing the query you want to use. Click on the Review File to highlight it.

Click Search Records. Create Lists displays the following warning:

  • Start new query - This option clears the search criteria and allows you to enter a new query.

  • Re-run existing query - This option automatically runs the existing query and returns you to the Review Files tab.

  • Edit existing query - This option displays the existing query and allows you to make changes to the search criteria.

Note: the re-run existing query is going to pick up the last stop number from the original search. Only use this if you do not want to pick up any new records. See “How to Check the Last Stop Number” to learn more about what happens to the last stop number.

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How to Check the Last Stop Number

Highlight the Review File you want to use to re-run a query or search. Click on the Show Info button. The pop-up box will display the Stop number for that search. The start and stop numbers are the record numbers for all the different record types created by the entire consortium. In this example, we are using the item record.

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Re-run Existing Query Button

Highlight the review file you would like to edit. Click on the Search Records button. This will bring up the Warning box. Click on the Re-run existing query button.

The file will have the Status of In progress.

Once the search is complete, you would click on the Show Info button again. You will notice the Stop number has not changed from the original search. If you want to create the same original search with the exact same start and stop numbers, you would use the Re-run existing query button. If you want to make sure all new records are included in your search, you would use the Edit existing query button.

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Edit Existing Query Button

Highlight the review file you would like to edit. Click on the Search Records button. This will bring up the Warning box. Click on the Edit existing query button.

This will allow you to change the stop number with the range dropdown menu to make sure you will be searching on all new records.

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Change the Stop Number With the Range Dropdown Menu

One way to change the Stop number is to change the Range dropdown from Range to Review and back to Range again.

Once you change back to Range again, you will notice the Stop number has now changed.

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Truncating the Stop Number

In order to make sure you get the last Stop number when editing or re-running a search, you can truncate the record number with an asterisk. You can truncate the records number for bibliography records (b*), item records (i*), and patron records (p*). 

Important: the course reserves, serials, and order records use a specific accounting unit for each library. If you use the truncated version of the record number for any of those record types, you will get everyone’s records. It is best to use the change the stop number with the range dropdown menu instead.

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