Bibliographic Record Property Field Definitions (Data Fields & Holds) (Create Lists)

Some fields in Create Lists store record properties from your system's database. You can search on these fields just as you do with standard fixed-length and variable-length fields. In some cases, the fields duplicate data found in the standard fields. The property fields for bibliographic records appear in the Data Fields and Holds tabs. 

Table of Contents

Data Fields Tab

Field Name


Field Name


Best Title

The system uses the following criteria to determine the best title, in order of precedence:

  • The first t-tagged MARC 245 field, subfields a, b, g, h, n, p.

  • The first t-tagged non-MARC field.

  • The first t-tagged MARC field other than 245, any subfields indexed for the t index display.

Bib Level

A copy of the bib level code from the bcode# field that your system uses for bib level.

Material Type

A copy of the material type code from the bcode# field that your system uses for material type.

Publish Year

The system uses the USMARC field/subfield pairs, in order of precedence:

  • 210|d

  • 260|c

  • 261|d

  • 262|d

  • 262|c

  • 260|g

  • 210, all subfields

  • 260, all subfields

  • 261, all subfields

  • 262, all subfields

  • 264, all subfields

Available At Library

Specifies whether the item is available.

On Course Reserve

Specifies whether the item is on course reserve.


Specifies whether the item is suppressed from display in the public catalog.

Allocation Rule

The allocation code for multi-fund orders.

Normalized Best Author

The Best Author, normalized for indexing.

Best Author

The system uses the following criteria to determine the best author, in order of precedence:

  • The first a-tagged MARC 1XX field.

  • The first b-tagged MARC 7XX field.

  • The first a-tagged MARC 7XX field.

  • The first a-tagged non-MARC field.

Normalized Best Title

The Best Title, normalized for indexing.

Top of page

Holds Tab

Field Name


Field Name


Hold Patron

The patron requesting the hold.

Hold Record

The record on which the hold was placed.

Hold Placed

The date the hold was placed.

Hold Frozen

Specifies whether the hold is frozen (suspended).

Hold Delay

The "not wanted before" date as a number of days after the date the hold was placed. The maximum value is "180". If a "not wanted before" date was not specified, the value is '0'. 

Hold Location

The location code for bib or volume-level holds. Blank for item holds. 

Hold Expires

The Not needed after date. 

Hold Status

The hold status.

Code                Definition 
0                       On hold. 
b                       Bib hold ready for pickup. 
j                        Volume hold ready for pickup. 
i                        Item hold ready for pickup. 
t                        Bib, item, or volume in transit to pickup location. 

Hold Ir

Specifies whether the hold is an INN-Reach hold. 

Hold Pickup Location

The pickup location code.

Hold ILL

Specifies whether the hold is an ILL hold (Marmot does not current have this module enabled)

Hold Note

A free-text note field.

Hold Ir Pickup Location

The INN-Reach pickup location code.

Hold Ir Print Name

The INN-Reach print name.

Hold Ir Delivery Stop Name

The INN-Reach delivery stop name.

Hold Ir Converted Request

Specifies whether the hold is a converted INN-Reach request. Item and patron belong to the same Local Server. Converted to standard circulation transaction at Remote Site Check-Out.

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