Append a Review File (Create Lists)

Append a Review File (Create Lists)

You can add records individually to review files or by appending a set of records created by a new search.

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Appending a Set of Records 

  1.  Choose Create Lists from the Function list 

  2. Choose the review file to which you want to add records by selecting its row 

  3. Choose Append the tool from the toolbar. The Boolean Search window opens. 

    1. You can change the title for the review file by entering a new title. The title can be up to 50 characters long. 

    2. For most purposes, you must enter your search criteria. If you want to append all records in a range, do not enter any criteria other than the range. 

  4. Choose Search to begin. If you did not enter any criteria other than the range, the system asks if you want to retrieve all records in the range. 

  5. Choose Yes to continue.

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Add records to an existing create list 

  1. Open the existing list 

  2. Click the icon in the upper right margin 

  3. Select the search you would like from the "Add a Record to File" box that appears. The search will match your review files such as item, bib, or patron. You would either scan the barcode or enter the search term. Hint: You can also scan book barcodes to add them to your review file, so you can make changes to a group of books. 

  4. Enter the information from the item or patron you want to add. Click on Search to bring up the information. 

  5. Determine if this is the record you wish to add and click on  or "Use Item Record" or "Use Patron Record." 

  6. The record is added to the bottom of the create list

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Adding a Bibliographic Record: When you retrieve a bibliographic record, you must choose Edit or View from the toolbar before the option to Use this Record appears. Note that double-clicking the bibliographic record in a browse list opens the record, but does not enable you to append the record to your review file list until you choose Edit or View.

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