Creating a Review File (Create Lists)

Creating a Review File (Create Lists)

The Create Lists function enables you to create a list of records, called a review file, from the results of a query based on custom criteria. You can combine data from different record types, such as bibliographic and item records, and look for specific values in the records. However, all records listed within a review file must have the same record type. For example, you can search the bibliographic Material Type and item record Location fields to create a list of bibs with items owned by a particular branch.

Review files contain lists of record numbers, not static copies of actual records. When you view the records listed in a review file, the system retrieves the current version of the included records. If any of the records have changed since you created the review file, the record display reflects those changes.

Table of Contents

Creating a Review File

Go to Create Lists from the Function drop-down menu. 

Pick an empty review file, or change All to Empty.  Click the arrow next to Max Records to display the available review files in order by size.  Pick a review file that will work for the search.  Highlight the review file by clicking on it.  Click Search Records.

This will bring up the Boolean Search box. Assign a Review File Name.

  • Include your library name or code in the file name.

  • If you are using shared login, include your personal name in the file name.

The Store Record Type will default to BIBLIOGRAPHIC b.  Click on the dropdown menu next to BIBLIOGRAPHIC b to change the type of review file.  The choices are ORDER o, CHECKIN c, CHECKIN AND CARD cc, AUTHORITY a, ITEM i, PATRON p, COURSE r, INVOICE n.  Pick the type of review file for your search.  The information that follows will only relate to that Store Record Type.

In this example, we are going to use PATRON p.  The review file will be patrons with billed books. Double-click in the box under Type.  This will bring up the Select Me box.  Either click on PATRON or type p. Click OK.    

Double click in the box under Field.  This will bring up the Select Me box again.  Click 47 P TYPE. Click OK.   

Double-click in the box under Condition.  

This will bring up the Select Me box again.  Depending on what Ptype(s) are included in the review file, will depend on which search term to use such as = equal to, or w between.  

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Equal To

The equal to search allows for only one Ptype in the search.  Enter the Ptype number in Value A.

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The between search allows for multiple Ptypes.  Enter the Ptypes in Value A & Value B.  The ptypes will be Value A – Value B.  Example,  if Value A was 25  & Value B was 29 this will also include 26, 27 & 28.

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Click Append Line to add a new line at the bottom.  Insert Line will put a line above wherever you place your cursor.

In this example, we are looking for patrons with one Ptype and an item with the status of n which is Billed. Note: repeat the steps for Type, Field, Condition, and Value to add the search terms for ITEM, STATUS, equal to, and n.  

The search terms will appear in the middle of the Boolean Search box.

Once you are finished entering your search terms, click Search.


To find the review file, you might need to change Empty to Complete in the dropdown menu.  Finding the review file can be done by File, Name, Login, or Created [date/time].  Highlight the review file to view it.

Once the review file has been highlighted, viewing the review file records can be done in several ways.  

  1. Click on Show Records.   Or   2) Double click on the review file.

The Show Info button shows the search terms used for the review file.

A review file can be sent by email or exported by using Excel.  The List Records will let you email the file to yourself or someone else.  The Export Records will allow you to export the file to Excel.  You can also sort your review file using Sort Records.

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Sort Records, List Records, and Export Records

Sort Records

The Sort Records button will allow the viewing of the review file records by different fields of information.  For example, a sort can be done alphabetically by patron names. Sort Records is covered on this page.

List Records

The List Records button will email the review file to any email address.  Click List Records.

Once List Records is clicked, the pop-up box to List PATRON information will appear.  Put in the fields to be listed and the Page heading for the email.

How to fill out the List Information Box:

This will bring up the Select Standard Printer pop-up box.  Click on E-mail Printer.  Click OK.          


Tip: if the option for E-mail Printer does not appear, it might need to be set up. Click on File, Select Printer and Standard Printer.  This will bring up the Select Standard Printer and Question pop-up box.  Enter the email address and click OK.

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Export Records

The Export Records button will allow exporting of a review file to Excel.  See Create Lists Exporting a Review File to Excel

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