Create a list using ISBNs

Create a list using ISBNs

If you have a list of ISBNs from outside of Sierra, such as from a vendor, this process will allow you to create a file in Create Lists from the ISBNs.

Table of Contents


MarcEdit and Sierra Data Exchange are needed for this process. 

Note: If there are ISBNs for the audiobook, eBook and physical book in each other’s records, this process will put all of those records into the review file. 

  • You will need to get the list of ISBNs for your records.  This could be a list from your vendor, for example.  Use Notepad to put the list of ISBNs (one on each line, no other data) into a txt file and save the file.

  • Open MarcEdit

    • Click on the Z39.50/SRU Client icon.


  • You have to set up the database.  Click on the Modify Database link on the left sidebar.

  • Under the Options, you would click on Add Database.

  • Click on the option to Add New Z39.50 Server.

  • This will bring up a blank Data Properties box.

    • Name: Marmot.

    • Host:

    • Database: INNOPAC.

    • Port: 210.

    • Syntax: USMARC (use the drop-down menu).

    • Check the boxes for Override pause (6 secs) and Show Database.

    • Click Save.

Note: if you want to limit your search to your own library’s scope in Sierra rather than all of Marmot, the settings you need are on this page: Vendor Z39.50 Database Settings (Acquisitions)

  • This will put the new database in the Select Database box.

  • Go to Batch Mode located on the left sidebar.

  • Click on the file folder for the Source File.  Select your text file of ISBNs. The file should be a clean file with only ISBN numbers.  Click on the file folder for the Destination File.  This file will get the .mrc extension.  Use Search ISBN/ISSN for your Search Types.  Also, make sure to highlight Marmot for your Select Local Database.  Click on the green arrow to run the search.

  • The Status box will appear.  It will show how many items have been processed.  Unfortunately, this part of the process is very slow.  If you are doing a lot of records, you may want to let this run overnight or do it on a machine that nobody needs to use, so it can be left alone all day.

  • You will see a file confirmation summary.  It will show totals for Records Searched, Retrieved Records and Not Retrieved.  It will list the ISBN numbers that were not found.

  • Find the new .mrc file.  You can look at it using Notepad.  This file has MARC records copied from Sierra. They are ready to be reimported.

  • Go to Sierra Data Exchange.

  • You will need the Load Records via a Locally Created Load Profile (local) load table.  Contact Marmot, if you do not have access to this load table.

  • Click the Get PC icon located at the upper right corner.

  • Find your file with the .mrc extension. Open the file, and click Upload.

  • Change the suffix to .lfts.  Click OK.

  • Click on Last Modified twice to bring the most recent file to the top of the list. 

  • Highlight the file.  Click the Prep P icon in the upper right corner.

  • Click the Start button located at the bottom of the screen.

  • This will give you the number of Input and Output records. Click the Close Icon located in the upper right corner.  

  • We are reloading the whole file of Marc Records.  Double click on Last Modified to bring our file to the top of the list.  Highlight the file.  It will have the file extension of .lmarc.  Click Load.

  • We are going to load it through the load table (6). This is “Load file for list, match on .b in incoming 907, protect everything, load nothing [delb].”  These have the .b number in the 907.

  • We will reimport them and check the Use Review Files box.  Click Load.

  • Go to Create Lists.

  • Find an empty review file that will fit the number of records you just reimported.  Click on the Copy icon.

  •  Find the file you would like to copy.  Click OK.

  • There will be a warning pop-up message asking if you want to remove the file being copied.  Click Yes.

  •  Look for the file that was just created.  Click Show Records.

  • You can view all the records that are in the review file from the ISBNs.

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