Batch Loading OCLC Records
This is a process to download a file of records from OCLC and load them in Sierra.
Settings in Connexion
Under the Export tab, choose File to set Connexion to export a file of records.
The Gateway option would send each record separately to Sierra as if you had sent them all one at a time.
In Options, under the Batch tab, check the box “Bibliographic Record Export.”
Apply and Close
Clear local save file
(This is optional, but it will make the process easier)
You will gather the records you send in the local save file.
Clearing the file first will make sure you don’t send old records from some other project
Select Cataloging > Search > Local Save File
Leave everything blank here and press OK.
This will bring up the contents of your local save file.
Right click and choose Select All
With all the old records highlighted, press the “ActionDeleteRecord” button.
Click Yes. Now your local save file will be empty.
Find OCLC Records to Load
Search for the records you want to load in OCLC using whatever method
Save them to the local save file with F4, or the Action menu:
Export from Connexion
Once you have your records in the local save file you can download them. They should be the only thing in the local save file if you cleared the file before this process.
Right click and Select All.
Click the ActionExport button.
Now the Export column should have “R” in every cell. This stands for Ready.
Select Batch > Process Batch...
Check the “DefaultBib.bib.db” box again, and check the “Exports” box.
Chose File in Options > Export (If you haven’t already set this).
then you have to download a file of records to load with Data Exchange.
Reload in Sierra with Data Exchange
Load profile (R) will match on OCLC number, and check for a match in the first five characters of the TITLE field.
The extra TITLE check is useful because there is bad data in Sierra and some records have numbers in the 001 that are not correct OCLC numbers.
Titles that don’t match will be inserted. These should be checked.
Related Documentation
OCLC Holdings Update Project (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Exporting MARC files (Marmot Knowledge Base)
(3) Load b & o records, match on 001 [acq3] (Marmot Knowledge Base)
(K) Load b & o, match on i - 020 & 001 [acq2] (Marmot Knowledge Base)
(X) Load file from Marquis macro 917 tag match [ing] (Marmot Knowledge Base)
(S) Load vendor file [ven] (Marmot Knowledge Base)
System Generated Review Files (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
(L) Load an OCLC MARC file [b] (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Dummy Records for On Order Bibs (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Marmot Cataloging Standards (Marmot Knowledge Base)
SkyRiver Install and Setup (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Z39.50 Cataloging (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Sierra Multi Window Mode Setting (Cataloging) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Record View Properties (Sierra Setup) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Z39.50 Cataloging - Video (Marmot Knowledge Base)