Downloading replacement OCLC records in Batch

This is a process to replace a group of Sierra records with new versions from OCLC.

Table of Contents

Get the file from Sierra

Create the file of records you want to replace.  They should all have OCoLC in the 003.

Export your 001 fields into a text file.

Clean up the file

Delete the header row.

Check the file for problem numbers. Search these in Sierra and fix them individually. Then remove them from the list.

Once you have a clean file, go to OCLC and make some changes to Options.

Settings in Connexion

Under the Export tab, you have to choose File or Gateway.  

  • Gateway will export each record individually directly into Sierra.  

  • File will download a file onto your system that you will have to load with Data Exchange.  

  • Which is easier depends on how many records you have.  File is faster when you get more records.

In Options, under the Batch tab, check the box “Bibliographic Record Export.”

Apply and Close

Clear local save file 

(This is optional, but it will make the process easier)

Select Cataloging > Search > Local Save File

Leave everything blank here and press OK.

This will bring up the contents of your local save file.

Right click and choose Select All

With all the old records highlighted, press the “ActionDeleteRecord” button.

Click Yes.  Now your local save file will be empty.

Next choose Batch > Enter Bibliographic Search Keys… 

Select Default index of OCLC Number: (no:)

Click the Import… button.

Find your text file on your computer.  Click open.

Click Save.

Click Close.

Run Search in Connexion

Select Batch > Process Batch… 

Check the “DefaultBIB.bib.db” and “Online Searches” boxes, and click OK.

The searches will run.

You will get a report of the results.

Export from Connexion

These titles will now appear in the local save file.  They should be the only thing in the local save file if you cleared the file before this process.

Right click and Select All again.

Click the ActionExport button.

Now the Export column should have “R” in every cell.  This stands for Ready.

Select Batch > Process Batch...

Check the “DefaultBib.bib.db” box again, and check the “Exports” box.

It will now export each record.  

If you choose Gateway in Options > Export,

then it will make you close this box for each record you export.  They will go directly into Sierra.

You can check for errors like this as you go:

If you chose File in Options > Export,

then you have to download a file of records to load with Data Exchange.

Reload in Sierra with Data Exchange

Load profile (R) will match on OCLC number, and check for a match in the first five characters of the TITLE field. 

Titles that don’t match will be inserted.  These should be checked.

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