Change Item Status (Global Update)

Change Item Status (Global Update)

Global Update can be used to change the status of items. This can be done when you have a list of items in a review file created using Create Lists.  Create a review file of items that need to have the status changed.  In this example, we will be changing the item status to missing.   

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Change Item Status

Go to Global Update from the Function drop-down menu.

The Bibliographic Record Type is the default. Depending on the record type for your review file, you can leave it as Bibliographic, or change it to another record type.  

We are going to uncheck the Record Type of Bibliographic, and check the box for Item.

We change the drop-down menu from Index to Review.

You can either type the number of the review file or use the drop-down menu to get a list of review files.

The default search is Barcode.  This will show all your item barcodes.  We are going to change the Search to Status.

To change the search toggle go to Tools, Toggle, Item Fixed-Length Fields, and Status.

The statuses for all the items will be displayed.  Items with the same status will be grouped together. 

Double click on any listed status (i.e. On Shelf) to display the records associated with that Status.  You can click on any of these records to view the information.  Only records selected here will be changed.

Click on the Command input tab.  This will bring up the Choose Command Type box. The Change variable-length field is the default Command Choice.

The Status is a Fixed Field, so we are going to choose the Command Choice of Change fixed-length field. Click OK.

The Change Fixed-length Field(New Command) box will appear.  The Fixed-length field will default to 58 Copy #.  

Double click on the inside of the box for the Fixed-length field. This will bring up the Select Me box with all the available status choices.

We are going to choose Status.  Click OK.

This will automatically populate the Find and Replace fields.  The Find field will default to <any>.  You can put in specific information or leave it as <any>.  The Replace field will default to ON SHELF.  You can choose a different Replace field, or you can click the OK button.  For this example, we are going to leave the Find field as <any>.  

We are going to change the Replace field to Missing.  Double click on the box next to Replace.  This will bring up the Select Me box.

Click on the Missing button.  Click OK.

If all the fields are correct for this Command input, click the OK button.

This will add the Command under Action.  Clicking on the command line will make the Add, Delete, Edit, Duplicate, and Clear buttons active.  

Click on the Preview tab to see a listing of what will change in each record.  You can still uncheck any records that you do not want to change on this screen.

If all the changes look correct, click the Process button.

The Process Changes warning box will appear.  Click Yes to proceed.  Click No to stop the process.

The Statistics tab will automatically show the Cataloging Global Update Summary.  The menu shows how many records changed, how many records did not change, how many records are busy. 

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