Command Type Fields (Global Update)

Global Update is a very powerful tool that enables many types of edits.  Using Global Update incorrectly can make far-reaching, unintended changes in your organization's database.  You might want to consider this when authorizing staff for the Global Update function.

Table of Contents

Creating Commands for Changing Records

Commands specify the updates, such as edits or deletions, to make in records. When you create a list of commands on the Command input tab, the system applies the entire list of commands to the selected records after you choose Process in the Preview tab.

The next section will review the Choose Command Type choices.

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Change Variable-Length Field

  • Using the data you enter in the Find data fields, Global Update locates all of the selected records that contain the specified tag, indicators, and data, and replaces the corresponding data in those records with the tag, indicators, and data you specify in the Replace data fields.

  • Find

In the Find text boxes, enter the Field Group Tag, MARC Tag, Ind 1 and/or Ind2 (indicators), and Data you want to change. The system updates only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

  • Replace

In the Replace data fields, enter the Field Group Tag, MARC Tag, Ind 1 and/or Ind 2 (indicators), and Data you want to replace. The system makes no change to fields with the default value of <no change>.

  • You can delete all or a portion of the variable-length field data by leaving the Replace Data field blank. The system deletes the field or subfield you entered in the Find Data field. Note that you must enter data in the Find Data field. You cannot search for "existence of a subfield" without specifying contents.

  • Choose the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield checkboxes as desired.

  • After specifying the Find and Replace data, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

  • In the example above, Global Update identifies all records that have a 650 field, with indicators '<blank>' and '0', containing the data "Music|xTheory" and changes that data to "Music theory." The '.' at the beginning of the command indicates there was no specified field group tag. The '/c' at the end of the command indicates that target records must match the case of the Find data, "Music|xTheory". 

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Delete Variable-Length Field

  • Using the data you enter, Global Update finds all occurrences of the specified tag, indicators, and data, and then deletes those entire fields.  If you only want to delete some data from a field, use Change Variable-length Field.

  • Delete

In the Delete text boxes, enter the Field Group Tag, MARC Tag, indicators, and Data that define the fields you want to delete. The system deletes only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.


  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Delete = delete variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the target data criteria and the data to delete in the format target criteria ==> delete data. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets.  A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.  

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Insert Variable-Length Field

  • Global Update inserts a new variable-length field with the data you enter into each of the selected records.


  • To insert a MARC field, select (check) the MARC Field check box. To insert a non-MARC field, clear (uncheck) MARC Field, disabling the MARC Tag, Ind1, and Ind2 text boxes.

  • Enter the Field Group Tag, MARC Tag, Ind1 and/or Ind2 (indicators), and Data you want to insert into the selected records. If you leave the default value of <auto select> in the Field Group Tag text box, Global Update automatically assigns a field group tag based on the MARC tag you enter.

  • After specifying the data to insert, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Insert = Insert variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the data for insertion. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

In the example above, Global Update adds a MARC 590 field with two blank indicators to the records and inserts the data "Keep on holiday shelf until 12/31/00." The 'n' at the beginning of the command reflects the specified field group tag 'n'. 

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Change Fixed-Length Field

  • Global Update uses your entries to change data in fixed-length fields. Default data appears in the Fixed-length field and Find text boxes.

  • Default data appears in the Fixed-length field and Find text boxes. You can leave the default values or choose new values for these fields. To choose new values, enter the value you want or select one from the list that appears when you begin typing. Alternatively, double-click a field to select from a button grid of valid values for that field. Click the button labeled with the value you want, or type the grid number appearing in the upper left corner of the button, and then choose OK.

To change fixed-length field codes:

  • Specify a Fixed-length field. The record types you selected in the Select records tab determine the default value.

  • Enter a Find value. Select (check) the Validate field check box to force validation of the Find value. Clear (uncheck) this check box to allow entry of any value.

  • Enter a Replace value. The system accepts only valid codes in this field.

  • After specifying the data to change, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Fixed = Change fixed-length field.) The Action column indicates the target field and the replacement value in the format old data ==> new data. A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

    In the example above, the system changes all values found in the BCODE3 field to the new value 'd'. 

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Change Special Field

  • Global Update uses your entries to change data in the special MARC 006, 007, and 008 fields.

  • The Change special field option appears in the Choose Command Type dialog box only if the record types checked in the Select records tab include Bibliographic, or Authorities, or Checkin.

  • Default data appears in the Record Type, MARC Tag, Format, Element, and Find fields. You can leave the default values or choose new values for these fields. To choose new values, enter the value you want or select one from the list that appears when you begin typing. Alternatively, double-click a field to select from a button grid of valid values for that field. Click the button labeled with the value you want, or type the grid number appearing in the upper left corner of the button, and then choose OK.

To change special field data:

  • Specify a Record Type. The record types you selected in the Select records tab determine the valid options.

  • Enter a MARC Tag. The tag you enter determines the options appearing in the Format field.

  • Enter a Format. The format you enter determines the options appearing in the Element field. Leaving the default value of <all> retrieves all elements for all formats in the Element field.

  • Enter an Element. Global Update identifies Element values by both their byte number within the MARC field and their name, for example, 15 Country. For 008 field data in the record leader, an 'L' precedes the byte number, for example, REC TYPE=L06.

  • Enter a Find value. The default value of <any> renders all values in the selected field valid for change. Select (check) the Validate field check box to force validation of the Find value. Clear (uncheck) this check box to allow entry of any value.

  • Enter a Replace value. The system accepts only valid codes in this field.

  • After specifying the data to change, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Special = Change special field.) The Action column indicates the target field and the replacement value in the format old data ==> new data. A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

  • In the example above, the system identifies bibliographic records ('b') with an 008 MARC tag ('008') indicating the format Books ('a, m') with a Country value 'ir' and changes the Country value to 'ie'. 

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Delete Duplicate Field

  • Using the data you enter in this dialog box, Global Update finds any fields containing the specified data and deletes all occurrences of duplicates. The system defines a duplicate as having an identical MARC tag, indicators, and data.

To delete duplicate variable-length fields:

  • Enter a field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data. The system deletes only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Duplicate = delete duplicate field.) The Action column indicates the specified change. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

  • In the example above, the system deletes all duplicate barcode fields ('b'). The '/f' at the end of the command indicates the application of the Use Displayed Field option. 

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Add to Beginning of Variable-Length Field

  • Global Update uses the data you enter in the Find text boxes to identify the corresponding fields in the selected records and inserts the data from the Add text box at the beginning of those fields.

How Global Update defines the beginning of a field depends on whether you specify the subfield and delimiter in the Add text box and whether the target field is MARC or non-MARC.  The following table outlines the four possibilities and illustrates the results of each.

  • For a MARC field, the beginning of the field is the first occurring subfield, regardless of its value. It need not be "|a". Note that it is possible, though undesirable, to add a MARC subfield to a non-MARC field as in the fourth example, above.

To add to the beginning of variable-length field data:

  • In the Find text boxes, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data that define the fields you want to change. Entries on the Find row are optional. The system updates only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

  • In the Add data text box, enter the data you want Global Update to insert at the beginning of the specified fields.

  • Choose the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield checkboxes as desired.

  • After specifying the Find criteria and Add data, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (AddBegin = add to the beginning of the variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the target field criteria and the data for insertion in the format target criteria ==> add data. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, might represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content. 

  • In the example above, Global Update inserts the data "On or before 9/21/04: " at the beginning of fields with a field group tag of 'x' in the selected records.

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Add to End of Variable-Length Field

  • Global Update uses the data you enter in the Find text boxes to identify the corresponding fields in the selected records and appends the data from the Add text box to the end of those fields.

To add to the end of variable-length field data:

In the Find text boxes, enter the Field Group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data that define the fields you want to change. The system updates only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

  • In the Add data text box, enter the data you want to append to the end of the specified fields.

  • Choose the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield checkboxes as desired.

  • After specifying the Find criteria and Add data, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (AddEnd = add to end of the variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the target field criteria and the data for insertion in the format target criteria ==> add data. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

  • In the example above, Global Update appends the data "|vVideocassettes" to the end of all subject fields (field group tag 'd') in the selected records. For example:

d - 650 0|aBotany|zCalifornia.


d - 650 0|aBotany|zCalifornia.|vVideocassettes

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Copy Variable-Length Field

  • Global Update uses the data you enter in the Find text boxes to identify the field in the selected records to copy to the field specified by the Add text boxes.

To copy variable-length field data:

  • In the Find text boxes, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data that define the field you want to copy. The system copies only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

  • In the Add data text boxes, identify the destination field for the copy.

  • Choose the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield checkboxes as desired.

  • After specifying the Find and Add criteria, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Copy = copy variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the copy target field criteria and the destination criteria in the format target criteria ==> destination criteria. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

  • In the example above, Global Update identifies selected records with a 245 MARC tag in the 't' field group and copies the content of that field to the 'u' field group, MARC tag 222. For example:

t - "24500|aCalifornia Street."

copies as

u - "22200|aCalifornia Street."

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Change Non-MARC Field to MARC

  • Global Update uses the data you enter in the Find text boxes to identify the non-MARC field to change to MARC in the selected records. 

  • If you specify a field group tag in the Replace row, it replaces the current field group tag. A MARC tag specification is mandatory; indicators are optional. The system places all data into subfield |a in the specified MARC field.

To change a non-MARC field to MARC:

  • In the Find text boxes, enter the field group tag and data that define the field you want to change. The system changes only the field in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

  • In the Replace data text boxes, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, and indicators you want to appear in the MARC field.

  • Choose the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, and Match Whole Field checkboxes as desired.

  • After specifying the Find criteria and Replace data, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (nonMarcTo... = change non-MARC field to MARC.) The Action column indicates the non-MARC field identifying criteria and the MARC data for the copy in the format non-MARC criteria ==> MARC data. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets.  A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

  • In the example above, Global Update converts non-MARC data with a 'b' field group tag to a MARC 700 field with no change to the field group tag. For example:

For example:

b - "Shaw, Robert, 1916-"


b - "700 Shaw, Robert, 1916-"

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Change MARC Field to non-MARC

  • Global Update uses the data you enter in the Find text boxes to identify the MARC field to change to non-MARC in the selected records. Data specified in the Replace row Field Group Tag text box replaces the current field group tag.

To change a MARC field to non-MARC:

  • In the Find text boxes, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data that define the field you want to change. The system changes only fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

  • If you want to change the field group tag as part of the conversion, enter the new field group tag in the Replace data text box.

  • Choose the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield checkboxes as desired.

  • After specifying the Find criteria and Replace data, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

  • The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified; MarcTonon... = change MARC field to non-MARC. The Action column indicates the MARC field identifying criteria and the non-MARC data for the copy in the format MARC criteria ==> non-MARC data. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wildcard character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

  • In the example above, Global Update converts MARC data with a 'b' field group tag to a non-MARC field, retaining the 'b' field group tag, but removing the MARC tag, indicators, and subfield coding. For example:

b - "7001 |aHoward, William E.,|d1923-"


b - "Howard, William E., 1923-"

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Use Displayed Field, Match Whole Field, Match Case, Match Whole Subfield Information

Use Displayed Field (This is the default-checked box)

  • This feature allows you to limit changes to the field that is displayed on the Select Records tab.  Since you can make the same limit in the Command input tab there is really no advantage to it.  However, it could trip you up.  If it is selected and you try to make a change to a field other than the one displayed in Select Records, you won’t be able to make the change.

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Match Whole Field

  • With this box checked, the information in the Find data text box must match the entire field, or Global Update makes no change.

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Match Case

  • The text case of the information in the Find data text box must match the text case found in the corresponding record field, or Global Update makes no change.

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Match Whole Subfield

  • Information in the Find data text box must match the entire subfield, or Global Update makes no change.

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