Save and Load Change Commands (Global Update)

Save and Load Change Commands (Global Update)

After creating and saving change commands in the Command input tab, you can load them for use at any time.

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You can save the commands you create for a Global Update.  First, set up the commands in the Command input tab in Global Update:

For more information about the Command input tab see the documentation Command Type Fields (Global Update).

Saving Change Commands to a Local Computer

Choose File and Save (Local) from the drop-down menu.

In the Save dialog box, navigate to the drive and folder you want to save the file of change commands. The Sierra Desktop App was the default when the Save (Local) link was clicked. 

Enter the file name in the File Name data field and choose Save.  You can also create a new folder to save all your Global Update Command inputs.

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Saving Individual Change Commands

If you have created multiple change commands (i.e. there are multiple rows in the Command input tab), all the commands will be saved together in one file.  To save individual commands, you must save the commands before creating others.

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Loading Saved Change Commands from Your Local Computer

Choose Global Update from the Function list.

Choose the Command input tab.  If the Choose Command Type dialog box appears, choose the X or Cancel button to close it.

Choose File and Load (Local).

In the Open dialog box, navigate to the drive and folder containing the file of saved commands.  If you created a folder, highlight the folder and click on the Open button. You will have to find the command file you want to use and click the Open button.

If you did not create a folder, highlight the file and click on the Open button.

This will add the saved command to the Command input tab for Global Updates. You will still be able to Add, Delete, Edit, Duplicate or Clear the command.

Note: For beginner users, it would be best to do one change at a time to prevent larger mistakes. There are no undo options in Global Updates.  If you process the list of commands, records are altered.  If you process a list of commands by mistake, you must design a new Global Update to restore them to their original state. However, if these records no longer have anything that identifies them as different, it may be difficult to fix the mistake.  

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