Changes to Variable Fields in Item Records (Global Update)

This document reviews how changes can be made to variable fields in item records using Global Update.

Global Update is a very powerful tool that enables many types of edits. Using Global Update incorrectly can make far-reaching, unintended changes in your organization's database. Consider this when authorizing staff for the Global Update function.

With Global Update, you can

Please note that Global Update does not allow you to update all records simultaneously. Updating all records at once could result in serious performance issues for your system.

Use review files to create a search or query to process record changes using Global Update.

Table of Contents


Changing Variable-length Fields

Go to the Global Update function from the drop-down menu.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

Screenshot of the Global Update function.

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Screenshot of the Global Update function.

Change the Select records section from the Record Type of Bibliographic to Item by unchecking the box for Bibliographic and checking the Item box.

Search for the review file for the items you want to change their variable-length fields. Remember, you can type the number of your Create List review file to find it faster. 

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Choose Change variable-length field from the Choose Command Type dialog box to open the Change Variable-length Field dialog box. Click the OK button.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Options Check Boxes

You can select the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield check boxes as desired from the Change Variable-length Field (New Command) display.

  • Use Displayed Field: This feature allows you to limit changes to the field displayed on the Select Records tab. It has no advantage since you can set the same limit in the command input tab. If the "Use Displayed Field" option is selected and you attempt to change a field other than the one displayed in "Select Records," you will be unable to make the change. For item records, Global Update displays the Barcode field by default. To display a different field in the browse list as the target for change, toggle to the desired field.

Note: You should compare searches with the "Use Displayed Field" option both checked and unchecked to see if there is a difference.

  • Match Whole Field: The information in the Find data text box must match the entire field, or Global Update will make no change.

  • Match Case: The information in the Find data text box must match the text case found in the corresponding record field, or Global Update makes no change.

  • Match Whole Subfield: Information in the Find data text box must match the entire subfield, or Global Update will make no change.

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To change variable-length field data:

Using the data you enter in the Find data fields, Global Update locates all selected records containing the specified tag, indicators, and data. It replaces the corresponding data in those records with the tag, indicators, and data you specify in the Replace data fields.

In the Find text boxes, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data you want to change. The system updates only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

In the Replace data fields, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data you want to replace. The system makes no change to fields with the default value of <no change>.

By leaving the Replace Data field blank, you can delete all or a portion of the variable-length field data. The system then deletes the field or subfield you entered in the Find Data field. 

Note that you must enter data in the Find Data field. You cannot search for the "existence of a subfield" without specifying its contents.

Required Input

  • To change variable-length field data, select (check) the Use Displayed Field or enter the Find Field Group Tag or Find MARC Tag field. After specifying the Find and Replace data, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. 

Here is an example of changing a field group tag information for the MLN1 libraries.

Here is an example of changing a field group tag information for the MLN2 libraries.

The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Change = change variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the target data criteria and the data to change in the format target criteria ==> change data. MARC tags appear in parentheses, and indicators appear in brackets. 

A wild card character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, might represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content. 

The command you created appears as a single line. Here is an example from the MLN1 libraries.

The command you created appears as a single line. Here is an example from the MLN2 libraries.

You can view the effects of your commands by selecting the Preview tab. Then, you can apply the changes by selecting the Process button.

Preview example for the MLN1 libraries.

Preview example for the MLN2 libraries.

The system displays the Process Changes box, asking if you are sure you want to process updates to selected records. Click Yes to proceed. Click No to cancel the process. 

Once you click Yes, the changes will be made, and the system will display the number of records changed in the Statistics tab.

Statistics example for the MLN1 libraries.

Statistics example for the MLN2 libraries.

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Copying a Variable-length Field

Go to the Global Update function from the drop-down menu.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Change the Select records section from the Record Type of Bibliographic to Item by unchecking the box for Bibliographic and checking the Item box.

Search for the review file for the items you want to change their variable-length fields.  Remember, you can type the number of your Create List review file to find it faster.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Choose Copy variable-length field from the  Choose Command Type dialog box to open the Copy a Variable-length Field dialog box.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

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Options Check Boxes

You can select the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield check boxes as desired from the Copy Variable-length Field (New Command) display. The following checkboxes appear in the Copy Variable-length Field dialog box.

  • Use Displayed Field: This feature allows you to limit changes to the field displayed on the Select Records tab. It has no advantage since you can set the same limit in the command input tab. If the "Use Displayed Field" option is selected and you attempt to change a field other than the one displayed in "Select Records," you cannot make the change. For item records, Global Update displays the Barcode field by default. To display a different field in the browse list as the target for change, toggle to the desired field.

  • Match Whole Field: The information in the Find data text box must match the entire field, or Global Update will make no change.

  • Match Case: The information in the Find data text box must match the text case found in the corresponding record field, or Global Update makes no change.

  • Match Whole Subfield: Information in the Find data text box must match the entire subfield, or Global Update will make no change.

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To copy variable-length field data:

Global Update uses the data you enter in the Find text boxes to identify the field in the selected records to copy to the field specified by the Add text boxes.

In the Find text boxes, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data defining the field you want to copy. The system copies only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

Required Input

In the Add data text boxes, identify the destination field for the copy.

After specifying the Find and Add criteria, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. 

The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Copy = copy variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the copy target field criteria and the destination criteria in the format target criteria ==> destination criteria. MARC tags appear in parentheses, and indicators appear in brackets. A wild card character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content. 

The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

Choose the Preview tab to view the effects of your commands. Choose the Process button in the Preview tab to apply the changes.

The system displays the Process Changes box, asking if you are sure you want to process updates to selected records. Click Yes to proceed. Click No to cancel the process. 

Once you click Yes, the changes will be made, and the system will display the number of records changed in the Statistics tab.

Top of page

Deleting Variable-length Fields

Go to the Global Update function from the drop-down menu.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Change the Select records section from the Record Type of Bibliographic to Item by unchecking the box for Bibliographic and checking the Item box.

Search for the review file for the items for which you want to change their variable-length fields. Remember, you can type the number of your Create List review file to find it faster. 

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Choose the Delete variable-length field from the Choose Command Type dialog box to open the Delete Variable-length Field dialog box. Click the OK button.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Options Check Boxes

You can select the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield check boxes as desired from the Delete Variable-length Field (New Command) display. The following checkboxes appear in the Delete Variable-length Field dialog box.

  • Use Displayed Field: Use Displayed Field: This feature allows you to limit changes to the field displayed on the Select Records tab. It has no advantage since you can set the same limit in the command input tab. If the "Use Displayed Field" option is selected and you attempt to change a field other than the one displayed in "Select Records," you cannot make the change. For item records, Global Update displays the Barcode field by default. To display a different field in the browse list as the target for change, toggle to the desired field.

  • Match Whole Field: The information in the Find data text box must match the entire field, or Global Update will make no change.

  • Match Case: The information in the Find data text box must match the text case found in the corresponding record field, or Global Update makes no change.

  • Match Whole Subfield: Information in the Find data text box must match the entire subfield, or Global Update will make no change.

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To delete variable-length fields:

In the Delete text boxes, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data that define the fields you want to delete. The system deletes only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria.

After specifying the data to delete, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab.

The guide "Removing a Message from Item Records" demonstrates how to remove a variable-length field from an item record.

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Required Input

The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Delete = delete variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the target data criteria and the data to delete in the format target criteria ==> delete data. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wild card character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content. 

The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

You can view the effects of your commands by selecting the Preview tab. Then, you can apply the changes by selecting the Process button in the Preview tab.

The system displays the Process Changes box, asking if you are sure you want to process updates to selected records. Click Yes to proceed. Click No to cancel the process. 

Once you click Yes, the changes will be made, and the system will display the number of records changed in the Statistics tab.

Top of page

Inserting Variable-length Fields

Go to the Global Update function from the drop-down menu.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Change the Select records section from the Record Type of Bibliographic to Item by unchecking the box for Bibliographic and checking the Item box.

Search for the review file for the items you want to change their variable-length fields.  Remember, you can type the number of your Create List review file to find it faster.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Choose the Insert variable-length field from the Choose Command Type dialog box to open the Delete Variable-length Field dialog box. Click the OK button.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Top of page

To insert variable-length fields:

Global Update uses the data you enter to insert a variable-length field into each selected record. 

To insert a MARC field, select (check) the MARC Field check box. 

To insert a non-MARC field, clear (uncheck) the MARC Field, disabling the MARC Tag, Ind1, and Ind2 text boxes. For this example, we are going to uncheck the MARC Field box. Enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data you want to insert into the selected records. If you leave the default value of <auto select> in the Field Group Tag text box, Global Update automatically assigns a field group tag based on the MARC tag you enter.

Here is an example of a Local Note that will be inserted in the item records.

The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (Insert = Insert variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the data for insertion. MARC tags appear in parentheses, and indicators appear in brackets. A wild card character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, may represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content.

The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

You can view the effects of your commands by choosing the Preview tab. Then, you can choose Process to apply the changes.

The system displays the Process Changes box, asking if you are sure you want to process updates to selected records. Click Yes to proceed. Click No to cancel the process. 

Once you click Yes, the changes will be made, and the system will display the number of records changed in the Statistics tab.

Returning to the Select records tab, you can toggle to the Local Note to see what information was added to the item records in the review file.

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Adding to the Beginning of Variable-length Fields

Go to the Global Update function from the drop-down menu.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Change the Select records section from the Record Type of Bibliographic to Item by unchecking the box for Bibliographic and checking the Item box.

Search for the review file for the items for which you want to change their variable-length fields. Remember, you can type the number of your Create List review file to find it faster.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function 

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Choose Add to beginning of variable-length field from the Choose Command Type dialog box to open the Add to Beginning of Variable-length Field dialog box. Click the OK button.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Top of page

Options Check Boxes

You can select the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield check boxes as desired from the Add to Beginning of Variable-length Field (New Command) display. The following checkboxes appear in the Add to Beginning of Variable-length Field dialog box.

  • Use Displayed Field:  Use Displayed Field: This feature allows you to limit changes to the field displayed on the Select Records tab. It has no advantage since you can set the same limit in the command input tab. If the "Use Displayed Field" option is selected and you attempt to change a field other than the one displayed in "Select Records," you cannot make the change. For item records, Global Update displays the Barcode field by default. To display a different field in the browse list as the target for change, toggle to the desired field.

  • Match Whole Field: The information in the Find data text box must match the entire field, or Global Update will make no change.

  • Match Case: The information in the Find data text box must match the text case found in the corresponding record field, or Global Update makes no change.

  • Match Whole Subfield: Information in the Find data text box must match the entire subfield, or Global Update will make no change.

Global Update uses the data you enter in the Find text boxes to identify the corresponding fields in the selected records and inserts the data from the Add text box at the beginning of those fields.

How Global Update defines the beginning of a field depends on whether you specify the subfield and delimiter in the Add text box and whether the target field is MARC or non-MARC. 

After specifying the Find criteria and Add data, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab. 

The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

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Required Input

The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (AddBegin = add to beginning of variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the target field criteria and the data for insertion in the format target criteria ==> add data. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wild card character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, might represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content. In the example above, Global Update inserts the data "On or before 9/21/04: " at the beginning of fields with a field group tag of 'x' in the selected records.

Choose the Preview tab to view the effects of your commands. Choose the Process button in the Preview tab to apply the changes.

The system displays the Process Changes box, asking if you are sure you want to process updates to selected records. Click Yes to proceed. Click No to cancel the process. 

Once you click Yes, the changes will be made, and the system will display the number of records changed in the Statistics tab.

Top of page

Adding to the End of Variable-length Fields

Go to the Global Update function from the drop-down menu.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function


Change the Select records section from the Record Type of Bibliographic to Item by unchecking the box for Bibliographic and checking the Item box.

Search for the review file for the items for which you want to change their variable-length fields. Remember, you can type the number of your Create List review file to find it faster. 

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Choose Add to end of variable-length field from the Choose Command Type dialog box to open the Add to End of Variable-length Field dialog box.

MLN1 Libraries Global Update Function

MLN2 Libraries Global Update Function

Top of page

Options Check Boxes

You can select the Use Displayed Field, Match Case, Match Whole Field, and Match Whole Subfield check boxes as desired from the Add to End of Variable-length Field (New Command) display. The following checkboxes appear in the Add to End of Variable-length Field dialog box. 

  • Use Displayed Field: Use Displayed Field: This feature allows you to limit changes to the field displayed on the Select Records tab. It has no advantage since you can set the same limit in the command input tab. If the "Use Displayed Field" option is selected and you attempt to change a field other than the one displayed in "Select Records," you cannot make the change. For item records, Global Update displays the Barcode field by default. To display a different field in the browse list as the target for change, toggle to the desired field.

  • Match Whole Field: The information in the Find data text box must match the entire field, or Global Update will make no change.

  • Match Case: The information in the Find data text box must match the text case found in the corresponding record field, or Global Update makes no change.

  • Match Whole Subfield: Information in the Find data text box must match the entire subfield, or Global Update will make no change.


Global Update uses the data you enter in the Find text boxes to identify the corresponding fields in the selected records and appends the data from the Add text box to the end of those fields.

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Required Input

The command row includes a Command column and an Action column. The Command column indicates the type of command you specified. (AddEnd = add to end of variable-length field.) The Action column indicates the target field criteria and the data for insertion in the format target criteria ==> add data. MARC tags appear in parentheses and indicators appear in brackets. A wild card character or word, such as a period ('.'), an equal sign ('='), or <any>, might represent some data fields with unspecified (default) content. 

To add to the end of variable-length field data:

In the Find text boxes, enter the field group tag, MARC tag, indicators, and data that define the fields you want to change. The system updates only the fields in the selected records that meet all of the specified criteria. After specifying the Find criteria and Add data, choose OK to close the dialog box and return to the Command input tab.

The command you created appears as a single line, for example:

You can view the effects of your commands by selecting the Preview tab. Then, you can apply the changes by selecting the Process button in the Preview tab.

The system displays the Process Changes box, asking if you are sure you want to process updates to selected records. Click Yes to proceed. Click No to cancel the process. 

Once you click Yes, the changes will be made, and the system will display the number of records changed in the Statistics tab.

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Toggling Between Record Fields

The Toggle displays certain aspects of the records in a Review file using Global Update. The available fields depend on the Store record type used in the Create Lists review file search.

To toggle to a field:

  1. Click on the Tools and Toggle

  2. Select the desired field from the offered list of fields.

MLN1 Item Variable-Length Fields that are available to make changes, copy, delete, and insert fields.

MLN1 Item Fixed-Length Fields that are available to make changes, copy, delete, and insert fields.

MLN2 Item Variable-Length Fields that are available to make changes, copy, delete, and insert fields.

MLN2 Item Fixed-Length Fields that are available to make changes, copy, delete, and insert fields.

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  • Unable to update bib records in Global Update as they are grayed out

    • You must contact Marmot to obtain additional permissions for your Sierra login.

  • What does the number of entries mean in Global Update, and why is the number different from the number of records?

    • The "entries" that Global Update refers to are related to the field you are viewing. You can toggle between these fields by right-clicking and using the toggle menu. 

    • Please take note of the following information:

    • The number of entries corresponds to the number of fields within the group of records. For example, if you view records by title, some records may have more than one title, so the number of entries will be higher than the number of records.

    • The groupings bring together duplicate fields. If all fields were different, the number of entries and groups would be the same. However, if some fields are duplicates, they will be grouped, resulting in fewer groups than entries.

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