Moving Item Records to a New Bib

This document will show how to transfer items to another bibliographic (bib) record.  

Table of Contents

Moving All Records

  1. Find an item record that needs to be transferred to another bib record.

  2. Find the target bib record where the item needs to move.

  3. Open both records (you will need Multi-window mode in Settings > Windows)

You do not need to see both records, but they both need to be open.

If you are moving all attached records, you will need to use an unscoped login to move records of other libraries. If you don’t have an unscoped login, move your own records and other libraries will move theirs.

To move all attached records, open Edit > Transfer attached from the bib record view of your source record. Select the .b number. It will be the .b number from your target record because the target record is open. If there are other records open those .b numbers will be listed also.

You will get this dialog box. If you are moving all attached items you probably want to delete the source bib. Make your selection and click OK. This action will move all orders, and check ins that were attached to your source record.

Do not RETAIN source bib unless you have reason to. Retaining an empty source bib just leaves it for someone else to clean up later.

On occasion there may be holds when transferring a record. In that case the dialog below will pop up. Make sure to click on the 3rd radio button, Transfer all attached records, and holds, DELETE source bib.

Moving Individual Records

If you only want to move individual items then open the Summary view for the source bib (with your target bib already open in the background) and select the item or items you want to move.

From there pull down Edit > Transfer attached and select the .b number.

Instead of asking if you want to delete the bib, it will just tell you that it will retain it. Click OK.

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