SkyRiver Install and Setup

SkyRiver Install and Setup

SkyRiver is a bibliographic utility for library cataloging. SkyRiver’s database uses matching algorithms to minimize duplication and sub-standard records as well as update and improve records.

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Please note that information when installing may change anytime SkyRiver is upgraded.

Click on the following URL link to download the SkyRiver Cataloging Client software client onto your computer: http://bigsky.iii.com/iii/skyserv/app/download?file=installskyriver-3.9.exe

The InstallAnywhere box may display while the client is downloading.

The SkyRiver installer box will appear. Click the Next button.

The Choose Install Folder box will appear. You can leave the default folder, or choose another destination on your computer. Click Next.

The Choose Shortcut Folder box will appear. You can use the default shortcut folder or change to a different place for the SkyRiver shortcut. Click Next.

The Search-Only Client can be used if you do not plan on creating any records in SkyRiver. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary will show you the install folder and the shortcut folder. It will also display the disk space required for installation and the available space on your computer. Click Install.

The installing SkyRiver box will show the Install Complete box. You may get a message about some warnings during install. This will not affect the installation. Click Done.

Click on the SkyRiver icon from the location you chose for your SkyRiver shortcut. This will load all the files.

Once the files have downloaded, you will get a Login screen. Login in with the credentials supplied to you by SkyRiver. Click Login.

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SkyRiver Setup

After the software is installed you should make some changes specific to cataloging with Marmot’s Sierra database.

Log in to SkyRiver, the Cataloger’s Workstation is the homepage for SkyRiver.

To set up your export into Sierra, go to Edit>Setting.

Click on the Export tab. All records should be exported using Unicode (UTF-8).

The MLN1 Host is sierra.marmot.org.

The MLN2 Host is nell.flatironslibrary.org.

The Port is 5500.

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Item Record Macro

There are macros that can you should use for cataloging in with SkyRiver Marmot

Click on Macros and View/Edit Macros.

This macro will add an item record.

Click the New button and choose Insert Field

Name the macro Insert Item. Insert this text “|i |z 092 |a ” in a 949 1 field. SkyRiver uses spaces before and after subfield codes. This is a difference from Sierra where subfields are offset by displaying in a different color.

Subfield |z is the MARC field where the call number will go in the item. If you use a different MARC field for call numbers, change the number in the macro to your call number field.

This is set to create an item with a barcode and call number. If you want different fields in your item use the control fields described in this page. You can add any subfields you want to use.

Once you have the fields you want to create, put your cursor in the “Press new shortcut key” box and press the function key you want to use for the macro. Don’t type it out, press the key. Press the Assign button.

Now your macro key will appear in the Keystroke box. Press Save.

Now the first macro is ready.

NOTE - You could have different macros for different types of items attached to different keystrokes.

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Bib Record Macro

Create a second macro to export the bib record to Sierra.

On the Edit macros screen click New and choose Export With 949

This is the screen that will appear to begin the creation of the macro.

Change the Name to Export to Sierra.

Set the default load table to sky.

Put your Sierra login username in the Default for Initials.

Click the Add button to add more commands.

Add the command dflt and click OK.

Change the prompt for the dflt command to Template.

Assign this macro to F5. Always use F5 for the export macro.

Put the cursor in the Press new shortcut key box and press the F5 key. Don’t type F and 5.

Then press the Assign button. This will move F5 into the Keystroke box.

Click Save.

Now the second macro is ready.

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Using The Macros

You now have two macros, one for item records and one for bib records.

Find a record in SkyRiver that you want to use.

Once you have a record to export with an item, first press your item macro key.

That will add the 949 control field to create an item.

Put your bar code in the subfield |i. Be sure there is a space on both sides of the barcode. If you put two spaces in the macro, then it’s easy to put your cursor between them to scan in the barcode.

Put your call number in subfield |a. If you have a cutter in |b in your call numbers, add that subfield here. Often you can just copy the call number from the bib record and paste it here.

There is no |b in the macro so you can paste it from the bib record.

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Exporting Bibs

Use the F5 macro to export records. This will use the SkyRiver loader, which will attach your items if there is a record match on ISBN in Sierra. It will not overlay a bib record.

The Export button would use the OCLC loader and overlay bibs.

F5 should bring up this dialog box. Most of the time you can just press OK and export the record.

At this point you could assign a bib template. This would use an existing bib template from Sierra to set the Sierra fixed fields, BIB LVL, MAT TYPE, etc. However the sky loader does not overlay bibs, so this will only do anything if you insert a new record. Just put the Sierra template code in the Template field.

It is also possible to call an item template if you are creating an item. Use a comma to separate the bib and item templates.

If you need to overlay a record in Sierra, you can do that from SkyRiver. Use the F5 macro, but change the Load Table to skyov, and paste in the record number you want to overlay.

You can also use a template with an overlay. In this case it will overlay the fixed fields in the bib record with those in the template.

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