OCLC Holdings Update Project

OCLC is offers a free option to reconcile local records with holdings in OCLC. Each OCLC member is allowed to do an update project like this quarterly. They will set your holdings and send new copies of the corresponding OCLC records. This project does not include any data analysis or clean up.

This page describes what Marmot libraries need to do to implement this process.

Table of Contents

Submit the request to OCLC

Set up the project

OCLC will send an email asking for more detail.

  • They may ask about LBD

    • LBD is Local Bibliographic Data, that is local information stored in the OCLC system

    • We are not aware that any Marmot libraries are using LBD

  • They may ask for sample records. Here are 5 records from the Aims project. You can tell them your records will be the same as these.

  • Our local system number (.b number) will be in the 907 field of the records we send.

  • We want records returned with our system number in the 907 and with new 001 and 019 fields from OCLC.

Send in your records

Get records back

  • When you get a file of records back, do not try to load it into Sierra. Send them to Lloyd to reload into Sierra.

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