Enhanced Mode to Add Barcodes (Create Lists)

Enhanced Mode to Add Barcodes (Create Lists)

Scanning barcodes into Create Lists can be done using the Create Lists Enhanced mode. 

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Enhanced Mode

Go to the Create Lists Function.

Open a review file that will match the Max Records for the barcodes you want to scan.

Highlight the Review File and click the Search Records button.

Enter the "Review File Name." Under "Store Record Type,” choose "ITEM." Select "Enhanced" mode.

For search strategy: "select type" enter "ITEM" (i), or type the letter i. Click OK.


For search strategy: "select field" enter "BARCODE" (b), or type the letter b. Click OK.


For search strategy: "select operator" enter "in" (i), or type the letter i.  Click OK.

At a blank space, scan a barcode

You can scan a barcode into each new line, but you will need to mouse-click on the "+" symbol at the right of the barcode you scanned to add the new line after each barcode is scanned.  Note: a barcode scanner can be configured to help with the process. 

If you have an extra line after scanning all the barcodes, click on the "X" at the right of the last line to delete the empty line. Clicking on the “X” will help avoid getting extra records into the review file.

Click on "Search" when finished.

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Programing a Barcode Scanner

Here is a file you can print out to program a barcode scanner to add barcodes to Review File in Create Lists.

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