Items In Transit (Create Lists)

Items In Transit (Create Lists)

The Create Lists function can be used to find items that have the status of in-transit.

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Create Lists In Transit Process

Go to Create Lists from the Function drop-down menu. 

Pick an empty review file, or change All to Empty.  Click the arrow next to Max Records to display the available buckets in order by size.  Pick a review file that will work for the search.  Highlight the review file by clicking on it.  Click Search Records.

This will bring up the Boolean Search box.  Label the Review File Name to include the two or three identifying letters of your library.  The rest of the file name should match the search term.  

Note: The maximum length for any review file name is 150 characters.

The Store Record Type will default to BIBLIOGRAPHIC b.  Click on the drop-down menu next to BIBLIOGRAPHIC b to change the type of review file.  In this example, we are going to use ITEM i.

The review file will be items that have the status of In Transit Double click in the box under Type.  This will bring up the Select Me box.  The first line of the search will be the Type of ITEM, Field of LOCATION, Condition of starts with, and Value A would be the 1st two letters of a library’s home library code. Click on Value B to make sure the information is listed.  

This search can also be done using an AgencyValue A would be the agency number for your library.

Click Append Line to add a new line at the bottom.  Insert Line will put a line above your cursor.

Note: Once you have the first line, the Insert Line will automatically go above the 1st line.  If there are more than two lines then Insert Line will go where the cursor is located.

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Here is an example using Location for the Search

Double click in the box under Type to start the 2nd line.  This will bring up the Select Me box again.  The second line of the search will be the Type of ITEM, Field of STATUS, Condition of equal to, and Value A would be “t” for In Transit.

The search terms will be listed in the middle of the Boolean Search box.

Click Search located at the bottom of the Boolean Search box.

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Here is an example using Agency for the Search

Double click in the box under Type to start the 2nd line.  This will bring up the Select Me box again.  The second line of the search will be the Type of ITEM, Field of STATUS, Condition of equal to, and Value A would be “t” for In Transit.

The search terms will be listed in the middle of the Boolean Search box.

Click Search located at the bottom of the Boolean Search box.

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Here is an example using Agency and the Updated Field to narrow a Search

Click Append Line to add a third line.  The third line of the search would be the Type of ITEM, Field of UPDATED, Condition of less than, and Value A would be a date of your choosing. Click the Search button.

To find the review file, make might need to change Empty to All in the dropdown menu.  Finding the review file can be done by Name, Login, or Created [date/time].  Highlight the review file to view it.

Tip: Put the files in number order to make sure your cursor does not end up on the wrong review file. Also, type in your review file number using your keyboard to highlight it. In the example below, the review file was bought to the top.

Once the review file has been highlighted, viewing the review file records can be done in several ways.  Click on Show Records or Double-click on the review file.

 Tip: the Show Info button shows the search term used for the Review Files.

A review file can be sent by email or exported by using Excel.  The List Records will let you email the file to yourself or someone else, or print the file.  The Export Records will allow you to export the file to Excel.  You can also sort your review file using Sort Records.

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Sort Records, List Records, and Export Records

Sort Records Button

The Sort Records button will allow the viewing of the review file records by different fields of information.  Click Sort Records

This will bring up the Sorting Fields box.  Double-click on the box under Type and Field to see the options for sorting the review file.  For example, a sort can be done by call number. This will also help with the order when exporting.   Append Line to add a new line at the bottom.  Insert Line will put a line above your cursor. Click the Sort button.

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List Records Button

The List Records will let you email the file to yourself or someone else, or print the file. The Fields to be listed display all the information you want to see about your records. Double-click on the box under Type and Field to fill in these fields. Append Line to add a new line at the bottom.  Insert Line will put a line above your cursor. The number of blank lines between records can be changed to 1 to put spaces between each record. The Print Lists allow you to either email or physically print the list.

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Export Records

The Export Records button will allow exporting of a review file to Excel.  See the Create Lists Exporting a Review File to Excel documentation.

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