How to Merge Review Files (Create Lists)
Merging Review Files in Create Lists can be done when there are two similar files that can be combined as one review file.
Table of Contents
Merging Review Files
Choose Create Lists from the Function list.
Choose one of the two review files to be merged by selecting its row. You will notice the file has only 1 entry.
Choose Tools and Append or the Append tool located on the Function screen.
Create Lists displays the Boolean Search window.
Choose Review from the Range drop-down list and select the review file to be merge into the current review file. The file has two entries. Click on the Review File to open it up.
Tip: Type the review file number to get to the file faster.
Choose the Search button.
Now the review file has 3 entries.
(Optional) Remove duplicate records by clicking Dedupe.
Remove one of the original files, since there will be two files.
Related Documentation
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Saved Searches (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
System Generated Review Files (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
In Transit Too Long Report and Create Lists Import Barcodes (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
User Generated Macros (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Saved Searches, Saved Sorts, Saved Lists and Saved Exports (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Guidelines (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Sorting a Review File and Saving a Sort (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Check Out (Circulation Desk) Item on the Fly (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Removing Duplicate Records in a Review File (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Create a list using ISBNs (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Remove Records from a Review File (Global Update) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Use Existing Search (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Patron Record Fixed Length Field Definitions (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)