Sorting a Review File and Saving a Sort (Create Lists)

Once a review file is created in Create Lists, it can be sorted.  Create Lists enables you to sort the list of records within a review file by any of the indexed data elements the records contain. The first field you choose is the primary sort criterion, the next is the secondary criterion, and so on. You can specify a maximum of 32 different sort criteria. The system sorts the list in alphanumeric or chronological order, depending on the data type of the sort criteria. Records that do not include the specified sort field appear at the beginning of the resulting sorted list.

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Sorting a Review File

  • Choose Create Lists from the Function list.


  • In the Review Files section, click on the review file you want to sort by selecting its row. This will highlight the review file.


  • Click on the Sort Records button.


  • The Sorting Fields dialog box will open.


  • In the Sorting Fields dialog box, double-click the box under Type to open the Select Me box.


  • Choose a record type from the Select Me pop-up window.  In this example, we are going to Sort by title using the b Bibliographic button.  Click OK.


  • In the Sorting Fields dialog box, double-click the box under Field to open the Select Me box.


  • Choose Fixed or Variable Fields from the Data Fields tab shown in the Select Me pop-up window.  In this example, we are going to choose the MARC tag instead of the title to make sure we do not get duplicate entries from a sorting criterion that may have multiple fields.  Click OK.  

Note: When the MARC Field box appears, type the number 245. Click OK.  

  • Click the Sort button to start the sorting process. Create Lists closes the dialog box and sorts the list of records in the review file.

To add sort criteria, click on the Insert or Append buttons.  To change the sort criteria, double-click on either box under the Type of Field to bring up the Select Me pop-up window.  Click on the new sort criteria and click OK.  

To delete an added sort criteria, click on the line you want to delete, and click the Delete button.


  • While the system sorts the review file, the Status column of the Review Files tab indicates sorting. When the sort is finished, the Status column indicates complete.

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Duplicate Entries

If the primary sort criterion is a field that occurs more than once in a given record, such as the Title or Subject field, a duplicate listing of the record appears for each occurrence of the field. This allows the record to be sorted in multiple locations within the review file. As a result, a review file's record count can increase after sorting. Resorting the review file by record number removes those duplicate entries. However, if the introduction of duplicate entries causes the number of records listed in the review file to exceed the maximum number for that review file, the system drops the excess records. Resorting by record number will not restore the dropped records. In such a case, you must clear the review file and re-run the original query to restore the contents.  

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Solving Duplicate Entries Issue

Specifying a MARC tag as the sort field can eliminate the creation of duplicate copies of records in the review file during sorting. If the primary sort field occurs more than once in a record, Create Lists makes duplicate entries for that record in the review file for all fields. For example, if the primary sort field is the title, a record with both a 245 and 222 title field appears in the sort list twice. However, if you specify the primary sort field as MARC tag "245" instead of title, the record appears only once in the list. 

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Saving a Sort

You can save a sort so that you can reapply it to a different list in the future.

Reviewing All Saved Sorts

Choose Create Lists from the Function list.

  • Click on the Saved Sorts tab on the left column menu.  

The name of your sort should start with your library’s Marmot Code, and include your name and the date. Like this:

MARMOT(Lloyd) Sort Name (10/14/2021)

  • Choose a saved sort to view by selecting a row under the Sort. The search criteria are shown in the top portion of the tab under the words Sorting Fields. Tip: clicking on Sort Name will change the Saved Sorts to an alphabetical list.

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Using Saved Sorts

  • A Saved Sort is used before adding any sorting criteria.  Highlight the review file you would like to sort by clicking on it.  Click on the Sort Records button.


  • When the Sorting Fields box appears, click on the Apply Saved Sort button.  


  • The Retrieve Sort box will appear.  Choose a saved sort to use by selecting a row under the Sort. The search criteria are shown in the top portion of the tab under the words Sorting Fields. Click on the Select button. Clicking on Close will exit the Retrieve Sort box.


  • This will add the saved sort to the Sorting Fields.  Click on the Append or Insert buttons to add more sort criteria. Click on the Delete button to remove any sort criteria.  If you have made any changes and want to save the new sort, click the Save This Sort button.  


  • The Enter Sort Name For Saving box will appear.  Adding a new name will save a new sort.  Choosing from the existing names will save any changes to the original sort.  Click the Save button.  


  • Click the Yes button to save the sort.  Click the No button to not save the sort.


  • When using the Choosing from the existing names option, the Confirm Saving box has a message asking if you want to replace the existing sort.  

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Modifying Saved Sorts

Choose Create Lists from the Function list.

  • Click on the Saved Sorts tab.  


  • Choose a saved sort to view by selecting a row under the Sort. The search criteria are shown in the top portion of the tab under the words Sorting Fields. Tip: clicking on Sort Name will change the Saved Sorts to an alphabetical list.  Click the Edit button.


  • The Editing Sort box will appear. Click on the Append or Insert buttons to add more sort criteria. Click on the Delete button to remove any sort criteria.  If you have made any changes and want to save the new sort, click the Save or Save As button.  


  • When the Save button is used, the Confirm Saving box will appear.  Click the Yes button to save the sort.  Click the No button to not save the sort. 


  • Using the Save As button will bring up the Enter Sort Name For Saving box will appear.  Adding a new name will save a new sort.  Choosing from the existing names will save any changes to the original sort.  


  • When using the Choosing from the existing names option, the Confirm Saving box has a message asking if you want to replace the existing sort.  

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