Eagle Valley Acquisitions Process
This document is a basic outline of Eagle Valley library’s primary acquisitions processes. This may be useful for other libraries looking for ways to improve their procedures.
How are books ordered from the vendor?
Carts of orders are created in Baker & Taylor.
The carts are sent to Sierra with OneClick.
OneClick loads with the m2btab.click load profile.
M2btab.click matches on 001 then 020a then 024. It does match and attach. The titles are queued for FTP.
The FTP order file is sent back to B&T with the Sierra Print/Send Orders function.
Selectors make print outs of the titles they ordered. These print outs are kept in physical binders to be checked against when the books arrive. If there are any special routing instructions (such as special locations) these are included on this paper print out.
How are order records created in Sierra?
Order records are created by the OneClick download from B&T.
How are final bib records created in Sierra?
Final bib records are copy cataloged from OCLC, or original records are created.
Connexion Browser is the primary OCLC interface.
Records are loaded with OCLC default loader matching on OCLC number.
How are item records created in Sierra?
Item records are created with 949 control fields from OCLC.
949 fields are created with constant data in Connexion. There are many sets of constant data for various types of items that need to be created.
How is invoicing/receiving done?
B&T sends EDI invoice files which are loaded with the Import Invoice function in Sierra.
Manual invoicing is done with smaller vendors.
RDATE in order records is set to the paid date by the import invoice function.
Book receiving is managed on paper. The shipped books are checked against the paper packing slip. Then they are checked against the lists in the physical binders that were printed when the books were ordered. Any special instructions from the selector will be on these order print outs.
Fund codes
Fund codes are used for tracking spending by location and material type.
Spine Labels
Created manually in MS Word, printed on laser printer.
Related Documentation
Acquisitions Process Outlines (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Eagle Valley Acquisitions Process (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Bud Werner Acquisitions Process (Marmot Knowledge Base)
System Generated Review Files (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Dummy Records for On Order Bibs (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Sierra Multi Window Mode Setting (Cataloging) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Record View Properties (Sierra Setup) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Vendor Z39.50 Database Settings (Acquisitions) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Setting to allow use of Form Tool in Funds (Acquisitions) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Negative Encumbrances (Acquisitions) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Templates (Record Templates) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
MLN1 96x control field to create order records (Cataloging) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Changing Appropriations in Funds (Acquisitions) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
949 commands for controlling bib level fixed fields (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Moving Item Records to a New Bib (Marmot Knowledge Base)