Title Report (INN-Reach)

Title Report (INN-Reach)

Title Reports is a reporting mechanism where libraries can generate detailed reports of what they have borrowed from other libraries and what they have lent to other libraries.  These reports provide information about borrowing and lending for all Prospector libraries.

Table of Contents

INN-Reach Title Report Process

This is the Dashboard for the INN-Reach Title Reports.  Click Generate Reports.

This will prompt you to log in. Use the generic username and password to log in.

Username: tf

Password: taskforce

Here are all the fields available to fill out to generate a report.

The Select Library will allow you to narrow it down to just your library.

Here are the fields available for the Dates, Report Type, and Sort By.

Report Type:

Filled Requests - Includes information about the INN-Reach requests placed by the library’s patrons that were filled by the owing site. A request is defined as “filled” when the owning site checked out the requested item to the library during the specified time period.

Unfilled Requests - Includes information about INN-Reach requests placed by the library’s patron that was not filled by the owning site.  A request is defined as “unfilled” if the owning site did not check out the requested item to the library during the specified time period. 

Loaned Items - Includes information about INN-Reach requests for items owned by the library.  A request is defined as “loaned” if the library checked out the requested item to the patron site during the specified time period. 

You can only pick one Call Number Type and Output Option.

Call Number Type:

  • LC - MARC tags: 050, 090

  • Dewey - MARC tags: 082,092

  • SuDoc - MARC tag: 086

  • Local - MARC tag: 099

  • NLM - MARC tag: 060

  • UDC - MARC tag: 080


The Bib Records File Output Option will save the report information as a review file in Create Lists. Here is how to get the report from Create Lists.

  • Find an empty review file that matches the number of items in your report.

  • Choose the Copy icon.

  • Select the review file from the list in the “Select file to copy from” pop-up box.  

  • Click OK.  


Click the Submit on the Title Report page to generate your report, or Reset to reset any selection(s).

Click on the Results tab to see your report. However, since everyone has the same login and password, you will only be able to identify your search by looking for your report on the Date Completed and/or the type of report you ran.

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