INN-Reach/Prospector Item Record Status (Sierra)

INN-Reach/Prospector Item Record Status (Sierra)

INN-Reach is a platform that allows your libraries to share data and resources with other libraries, even if the other libraries use different automated systems. This platform lets you request and borrow materials from other participating libraries. All transactions happen automatically and in real-time, making the process fast and efficient.

Table of Contents


At the heart of an INN-Reach System is a union catalog, a combined database of the participating sites' catalogs. Prospector offers each library a broader search with capabilities and more results than on an individual, local catalog.

The INN-Reach Catalog is continuously built and maintained in real-time on the INN-Reach Central Server, with Local Servers automatically transmitting local updates. The INN-Reach Catalog is based solely on Local Server activities; no direct entry or updating is needed.

The INN-Reach Catalog contains extensive holdings information for item circulation status. You can use the Common Prospector Issues to help when INN-Reach catalogs fail to check in or out properly.

MLN1 INN-Reach/Prospector Item Statuses

The item INN-Reach status is a fixed-length field in the item record. Sierra primarily displays the item status in the standard SDA circulation function. However, the item status definition can also appear in the Classic Catalog or Pika Catalog.

Prospector item statuses in Sierra for MLN1 libraries




Classic Catalog

Pika Catalog



This means an item is checked out to INN-Reach from the lending library. The status does not change until the item returns to the lending library and is checked in.










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with the due date and the Prospctr Offcmp status. The Request button displays to place a hold.











Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Off Campus status attached to the bibliographic record as Currently Unavailable. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



The item is received from the owning library. The item must be checked in, before it can be checked out to the patron.











Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Prspectr Recvd status. The Request button displays to place a hold.











Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog with the  Prospector Received  status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



This means the patron has returned the Prospector item to their local library.  The library has checked in the item to prompt for a slip with the loaning library’s courier code. The item should have been sent out by courier.








Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Prspctr Rtnd status. The Request button displays to place a hold.












Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Returned status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



When the item is first requested, it gets the status of Prospector Requested.












Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Prspctr Reqstd status. The Request button displays to place a hold.












Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Requested  status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



This indicates that the first owning library canceled the hold, and the system sent the request to another library. No new request is needed.










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Prspctr Re-Req status. The Request button displays to place a hold.











Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Re-request status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



This means the item is waiting to be paged by a library to fulfill the hold for your patron.













Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Prspctr Paged status. The Request button displays to place a hold.












Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Paged status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



This indicates that the first owing library canceled the hold, and the system sent the request to another library.  

Note: Sometimes, virtual records remain on a patron's record. Contact Marmot to open a ticket with Innovative to remove them.





Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Prspctr Cancld status. The Request button displays to place a hold.











Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog with the  Prospector Canceled  status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



The item is marked lost by the borrowing library. Items are non-holdable in Pika. Item displays in the Classic Catalog with the status Prspctr Missing and the request button is available to place a hold.










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Prspctr Missing status. The Request button displays to place a hold.













Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Missing (Not Holdable) status attached to the bibliographic record as Currently Unavailable. Items are non-holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.


Renew Pending

This means the INN-Reach query was unsuccessful, so the item status is changed to Renewal Pending and sends a query message to the owning site and waits for a response.










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Renew Pending status. The Request button displays to place a hold.











Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog with the  Renew Pending  status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.


Renew Denied

This means the owning site has holds on the item, and the system updates the virtual item status to Renewal Denied. The item will retain the original due date.










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with a Renew Denied status. The Request button displays to place a hold.











Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog with the  Renew Denied  status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.

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MLN2 INN-Reach/Prospector Item Statuses

The item INN-Reach status is a fixed-length field in the item record. Sierra primarily displays the item status in the standard SDA circulation function. However, the item status definition can also appear in the Classic Catalog or Pika Catalog

Prospector item statuses in Sierra for MLN libraries




Classic Catalog

Pika Catalog



This means an item is checked out to INN-Reach from the lending library. The status does not change until the item returns to the lending library and is checked in.










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with the due date and the Prosp Offcampu status. The Request a Hold button displays to place a hold.











Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Off Campus status attached to the bibliographic record as Currently Unavailable. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



The item is received from the owning library. The item must be checked in, before it can be checked out to the patron.










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with the due date and the Prosp Received status. The Request a Hold button displays to place a hold.









Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Received status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



This means the patron has returned the Prospector item to their local library.  The library has checked in the item to prompt for a slip with the loaning library’s courier code. The item should have been sent out by courier.






Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with the due date and the Prosp Returned status. The Request a Hold button displays to place a hold.









Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Returned status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



When the item is first requested, it gets the status of Prospector Requested.











Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with the due date and the Prosp Request status. The Request a Hold button displays to place a hold.









Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Requested status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



This indicates that the first owning library canceled the hold, and the system sent the request to another library. No new request is needed.









Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with the due date and the Prosp Rereques status. The Request a Hold button displays to place a hold.









Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Rerequest status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



This means the item is waiting to be paged by a library to fulfill the hold for your patron.










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with the due date and the Prosp Paged status. The Request a Hold button displays to place a hold.









Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Paged status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.



This indicates that the first owing library canceled the hold, and the system sent the request to another library.  










Items will be displayed in the Classic Catalog with the due date and the Prosp Cancel status. The Request a Hold button displays to place a hold.









Items will be displayed in the Pika Catalog when only one item has a Prospector Cancel status attached to the bibliographic record as Checked Out. Items are holdable. 

Suppose more than one item is attached to a bibliographic record. In that case, the grouped status displays summary information about all items on a record and all records for a specific format within a work.  It is designed so the user can quickly determine if they can easily get a copy of the title.

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Other Prospector Information

  • Prospector Messages

    • In Transit Message – The “in transit” message is in the item record. It is added to the lending library’s item record. This message appears when the item has been checked out to the borrower at the borrowing library and is then checked in at the borrowing library.

    • Renewed - The owning site has no holds on the item, and the virtual record will be updated. A circulation message will be sent to the owning site, and the new due date will be added to the item record.

  • Prospector Status Changes

    • In Transit – When the lending library checks the item out in their system, the item message changes to “In Transit.”  

    • Ready for Pick Up – Once the item is checked in at the borrowing library, the message changes to “ready for pick up.”

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