Billing Notices (Print Templates)

Billing notices are generated for patrons who do not return overdue items within a time period specified by each library. The billing period can further be specified by item types and patron types within the library.

The parameters for the billing period are set within the loan rules for each library. For information on your library’s billing periods, speak to the Collection Manager or submit a Service Request for information on the Marmot Help Desk.

Data Elements

The following data elements can be added as fields to the billing notice. These fields are pulled from the item records or patron records in Sierra.

Header and Footer

These elements can only be added to the header and/or footer section of the notice.

Element Name


Data Source

Element Name


Data Source


The total amount of charges the patron currently owes on their account.

The MONEY OWED fixed field in the patron record.

Money owed field


The first line of the library’s address.

The Address element in the Branch Addresses table. (Click on the image to expand).

The first line of the Address element in the Branch Addresses table


The second line of the library’s address.

The Address element in the Branch Addresses table. (Click on the image to expand).


The third line of the library’s address.

The Address element in the Branch Addresses table. (Click on the image to expand).


The fourth line of the library’s address.

The Address element in the Branch Addresses table. (Click on the image to expand).


Text from the Text of Circulation Notices table. Customizable by library and notice type.

The Text of Circulation Notices table.


The patron’s mobile phone number.

The MOBILE PH variable-length field in the patron record.


The notification preference indicated by the patron.

The NOTICE PREF fixed-length filed in the patron record.


The ordinal number of this notice in the list of notices printed.

The Sierra system.


The number of the Text of Circulation Notices table entry used in the Message_C data library element.

The Text of Circulation Notices table.


These elements can be added to the body of the notice print template.

Element Name


Data Source

Element Name


Data Source


On adjustment bills, the amount of the adjustment charge.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The total amount of the bill for a lost or unreturned item, including the item charge, processing fee, and billing fee.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The amount remaining to be paid toward this fine, if partial payment has been collected.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


Any amount already paid toward this fine.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


For lost or unreturned items, the portion of the bill that compromises the billing fee (set within the loan rules).

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The type of charge.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


For manual charges, a description of the reason why the fine was assessed.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The invoice number.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


On bills for unreturned items, the portion of the bill that comprised the item charge.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The item’s due date.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The date the item was returned.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The item’s title.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The location code of the item that is being billed.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


On bills for lost items, the portion of the bill that comprises the item charge (set within the loan rules).

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


On notices for overdue items, the overdue amount.

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


On bills for lost or unreturned items, the portion of the bill that comprises the processing fee (set in the loan rules).

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


On notices for rental items, the rental charge (set in the loan rules).

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


On bills for unreturned items, the portion of the bill that comprises the item charge (set in the loan rules).

The patron’s outstanding fines, found in the Fines tab in the patron record.


The sum of the bills and fines listed on the current notice.

The Sierra system.


The agency that owns the item.

The AGENCY fixed-length field in the item record.


The title’s author.

The AUTHOR variable-length field in the bibliographic record.


The item’s barcode.

The BARCODE variable-length field in the item record.


The title’s record number.

The record number fixed-length field in the bibliographic record.


The item’s call number.

The CALL # variable-length field in the item record.


The date and time the item was checked out.

The OUT DATE fixed-length field in the item record.


The statistics group of the login used to check out the item.

The OUT LOC fixed-length field in the item record.


An item code, defined by the consortium.

The ICODE1 fixed-length field in the item record.


An item code, defined by the consortium.

The ICODE2 fixed-length field in the item record.


The item’s due date.

The DUE DATE fixed-length field in the item record.


The edition information of the title.

The MARC 250 field in the bibliographic record.


The ordinal number of this item in the list of items in this notice.

The Sierra system.


The statistics group of the login at which the item was last checked in.

The IN LOC fixed-length field in the item record.


The date the item was last checked in.

The LCHKIN fixed-length field in the item record.


The branch location code for the item.

The LOCATION fixed-length field in the item record.


The title’s material type.

The MAT TYPE fixed-length field in the bibliographic record.


A code corresponding to a library-defined item message.

The IMESSAGE fixed-length field in the item record.


The most recently added note in the item record.

The INT NOTE variable length field in the item record.


The date the title was published.

The MARC 260 field in the bibliographic record.


Information about the publisher.

The MARC 260 field in the bibliographic record.


The item record numner.

The record number fixed-length field in the item record.


The item’s title.

The TITLE variable-length field in the item record.


The total number of times the item has been checked out..

The TOT CHCKOUT fixed-length field in the item record.


The type of item, as defined by your library.

The ITYPE fixed-length field in the item record.


The item’s volume number.

The VOLUME variable-length field in the item record.


The first line of the patron’s address.

The ADDRESS variable-length field in the patron record.



The second line of the patron’s address.

The ADDRESS variable-length field in the patron record.


The agency to which the patron belongs.

The PAT AGENCY fixed-length field in the patron record.


The patron’s barcode.

The P BARCODE variable-length field in the patron record.


The total number of items the patron currently has checked out.

The CUR CHKOUT fixed-length field in the patron record.


A fixed-length field in the patron record that is defined by the consortium.

The PCODE1 fixed-length field in the patron record.


A fixed-length field in the patron record that is defined by the consortium.

The PCODE2 fixed-length field in the patron record.


A fixed-length field in the patron record that is defined by the consortium.

The PCODE3 fixed-length field in the patron record.


A fixed-length field in the patron record that is defined by the consortium.

The PCODE4 fixed-length field in the patron record.


The patron’s home library.

The HOME LIBR fixed-length field in the patron record.


A message in the patron’s record.

The MESSAGE variable-length field in the patron record.


The patron’s name, printed as last name, first name.

The PATRON NAME variable-length field in the patron record.


The patron’s primary phone number.

The TELEPHONE variable-length field in the patron record.


An alternate telephone number for the patron.

The TELEPHONE2 variable-length field in the patron record.


The patron’s record number.

The record number fixed-length field in the patron record.


The Patron Type code associated with the patron.

The P TYPE fixed-length field in the patron record.



Billing Notice Text

  • Our records indicate that the following item(s) have not been
    returned. Your Summit County Library One Card has been blocked from
    use. You may unblock your card by returning the items or by paying
    the replacement cost of the lost items, plus applicable processing
    fees. By keeping these items you are preventing your community from
    utilizing them. Please call your Summit County library if you have
    any questions regarding this notice. If you receive this notice via
    email, please do not reply to this email address as the inbox is not

  • Billing Notice
    Our records indicate that the following items have not been returned,
    and have been billed to your account.

    You may clear your account by returning the items and paying an
    accumulated fine or by paying for replacement of lost items plus
    applicable fees.

    Please call the library if you have any questions about
    this notice.

  • The item(s) listed below are overdue and have been billed to your library
    account. You can clear your account by returning or paying for the item
    (s). Please resolve this situation within 14 days of this notice to avoid
    any additional recovery fees.

    You can check your account online at or reach Bemis Library
    staff during library hours at 303-795-3961 option 1.

    Thank you for your prompt attention, for returning the item(s) to the
    library if possible, and for being a patron of Bemis Public Library.

Billing Notice Print Template

The null values indicate data that will populate when the INN-Reach paging slip is printed.

Example 1:

Print Template Editor (Jaspersoft) View

Sierra View

Print Template Editor (Jaspersoft) View

Sierra View






Example 2:

Print Template Editor (Jaspersoft) View

Sierra View

Print Template Editor (Jaspersoft) View

Sierra View






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