Network/Internet Issues

Network/Internet Issues

If you are experiencing network or internet issues, refer to the information below. If the steps take do not solve the issue, please call the Marmot Office.


If you have no internet, determine if it is:

  • Wireless and/or LAN (non-Wi-Fi machines)

  • Public and/or Staff

  • One, a few, or all computers

Wireless Laptops

  • If it is a wireless public laptop, check to see if there is a physical wireless switch, and make sure the toggle is set to Wireless.  Newer laptops have no physical switch, so  please call Marmot.  If it is a patron device, such as a cell phone, tablet, or laptop, ask the patron to make certain their wireless is turned on and to reboot the device.

  • Make sure the correct wireless internet connection is being used.

Public Computers 

  • If one public computer does not have internet, reboot. Same with an OPAC.             

    • If that does not solve the issue, unplug then re-plug the Ethernet cord on BOTH ends.     

Multiple Machines

If multiple machines do not have internet:

  • Does anyone have internet? Can you pull up another website, such as MSN? If you are able to pull up another web site and move around in it, your website is most likely down and the internet is fine.


  • If a Public computer is showing “Offline”, unplug then re-plug the Ethernet cord on BOTH ends. If that does not fix the issue, reboot the computer.

  • If a staff machine is showing “Offline”, unplug then re-plug the Ethernet cord on BOTH ends.

  • If a Patron machine is showing “Offline” AND asking for pin, or need a privacy key, reboot the machine. Same for OPAC machines.


  • Library Managed is for Marmot-supported, non-staff devices

  • Library Staff or [Library]Staff is for Marmot-supported staff devices

  • Library or [Library]Public is for BYODs


  • If a virus, malware, or ransomware appears on a public computer, reboot the computer.

  • If a virus, malware, or ransomware appears on a staff computer, shut the computer down and remove from the network. After taking those steps, call Marmot. 

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