Delete Item Records (Sierra)

Below are the instructions you would use to delete individual item records as well as batch deleting item records. The item records you delete must be valid for deletion. If one or more of the records to be deleted is not valid for deletion, the system displays a message indicating why each record cannot be deleted.

Table of Contents

Delete a Record from the Search / Holds Function or Catalog Function

Retrieve the item record using the Search / Holds Function or Catalog Function. You can retrieve the record by scanning or typing the barcode, or by searching for the title. Use the dropdown menu to change your search type.

You can delete the highlighted item record from the Summary tab. Highlight the item to be deleted and click the Delete button.

The Delete Record(s) box will appear. Click the Yes button to delete the item. Click the No button or the x to stop the deletion. Note: if you click on the Yes button and you receive another popup message you may need to see the Rules for Deletion or the Delete Record Restrictions to see why the item cannot be deleted.

You can also delete the item from the File dropdown menu. First, you must open up the item record. To open up the record, you can double-click on the item record or click on the Record tab. 

Click on File in the upper left corner of Sierra and drag the cursor down to Delete Item Record.

The Delete Record(s) box will appear. Click the Yes button to delete the item. Click the No button or the x to stop the deletion. Note: if you click on the Yes button and you receive another popup message you may need to see the Rules for Deletion or the Delete Record Restrictions to see why the item cannot be deleted.

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Scan Barcodes Using Delete Records Function

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Batch Delete Item Records From a Review File Using the Delete Records Function

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Rules for Deletion

The system will only delete item records under the following conditions.

  • Delete item record only if the checkout or due date is blank

  • Delete item record only if no overdue date exists

  • Delete item record only if no recall date exists

  • Delete item record only if no hold exists

  • Delete item record only if no link to a course reserve exists

  • Delete item record only if no booking exists

  • Delete item record only if no INN-Reach virtual record exists

  • Delete item record only if the item is not attached to a second bibliographic record

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Delete Records Restrictions

In addition to the rules specified by the delete rule file, the following restrictions apply:

  • Records that are busy, that is, in use by the system, cannot be deleted.

  • Item records attached to more than one bibliographic record cannot be deleted.

  • If the review file is built on bibliographic records with orders attached and you want to delete both the bibliographic and attached order records, only order records with status "1" or "2" can be deleted. Attached order records with status "z" can also be deleted if the record does not have any PAID fields.

  • If the review file is built on order records and you want to delete order records only, the delete rule file is obeyed, that is, any status other than "c", "e", "o", or "q" can be deleted.

  • If your library's system includes multiple accounting units, you cannot delete attached records that are outside of your accounting unit.

  • If your library's system includes Database Maintenance scoping, you can view and delete attached records only if they are within your assigned scope. An attached record is within your scope if one of the following is true.

    • The LOCATION value of the attached record is included in your scope

    • At least one of the locations in the LOCATIONS field of an order or holdings (checkin) record is included in your scope

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Deleting Item Records FAQs

What to do with the bibliographic record – this will be different for various libraries and will depend on individual policies.

There is no need to remove your institution’s location code from the bib record. The system will automatically remove it the next time link maintenance runs. There is no need to replace your location code with "none" unless you want the bib removed from your scope right away.

When you have deleted the last item from a bibliographic record, put the “suppress” code (w) in the appropriate fixed-length field of the bib. This may be different for various libraries.

This suppresses the bib from the OPAC for all scopes so that patrons will not be able to see the title and put holds on it.

Marmot will remove “itemless bibs” from the database weekly looking for materials that are greater than 3 months old. Marmot runs a report using Create Lists to find the records. Next, Marmot will use the Delete Records function to delete the itemless bib records.

Item records linked to more than one bibliographic record cannot be deleted from a review file

Delete records from a review file enables you to delete all record types except invoice and vendor codes. You can delete records and any attached records from a review file. But if item records are linked to more than one bibliographic record, the system will display 'Record is attached to more than one BIBLIOGRAPHIC record' and the records will not be deleted.

Before you can delete the item records in the review file, you will need to go into each item record, right-click on the bib number that is under "also linked to bib record(s)", and select "remove link to bibliographic record". This cannot be done using Global or Rapid Update. 

Record Linking - The system links records to each other in certain situations. For example, when your organization orders a copy of a book, the system links the bibliographic and order records. Similarly, when a patron checks out a book, the system links the item record to the patron record.

 Item record still has an INN-Reach virtual patron attached

When checking an item back into the owning library after INN-Reach circulation the item status must be "@" for the virtual patron to be correctly removed.

Attempting to check the item in when it is at any other status, including "-" (available) or "$" (lost & paid) will not remove the virtual patron.

The item can in fact display available but still have a due date. The item will most likely show a due date in the INN-Reach central catalog.

If the status is not "@", edit the item, change the status to "@" and then check the item in.  If this does not remove the virtual patron contact Marmot.


 How do I search in Create Lists to find records deleted on a particular date?

The system does not store anything other than the record number and date deleted, for records that are deleted from the system.  You will not be able to use Create Lists to find out anything about records that have been deleted.

Most libraries have a system for deleting which allows for knowing more about deletions. 

For example . . .

*Records are given specific codes.  The code means the record will be deleted.

*Statistics are gathered.

*Periodically, coded records are deleted in batches. 

*Check out items to a special delete account in Sierra. Gather the statistics, delete the OCLC holdings, then delete the entire batch of records.


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