Course Reserves (Sierra)
The Course Reserves function can maintain course reserve lists which are groups of items that are required or recommended reading for courses.
- 1 You can use the Course Reserves function to perform the following tasks
- 2 Course Information
- 3 Course Reserve Record Information
- 3.1 Adding an Item to a Course
- 3.2 Adding a Library Owned Item to a Course
- 3.3 Changing an Item Status (Active or Inactive)
- 3.4 Changing Course Reserve Settings During a Session
- 3.5 Creating a Bib for a Course (Key a Bibliographic – Item record and New Icon)
- 3.6 Creating an Item for a Course (New Icon)
- 3.7 Defining Settings for a Course Reserves Session
- 3.8 Disabling Course Reserve Settings
- 3.9 Removing an Item from a Course
- 4 Checking In a Course Reserve Item
- 5 FAQ / Common Questions
- 5.1 Course Reserve activity report
- 5.2 How to create a Create Lists review file of items that are linked to a course reserve
- 5.3 Inaccessible Records: Course Reserve
- 5.4 Limit on Course Reserve attached items
- 5.5 Multiple locations for a course reserve
- 5.6 Recognizing a Course Reserve Broken Link
- 5.7 Reserves Note: Store course reserve history in item records
- 5.8 Retain Number of Checkouts from Reserve Circulation
- 5.9 What Happens When Records are Added to an Active Reserve
- 6 Related Documentation
You can use the Course Reserves function to perform the following tasks
Add item and bibliographic records to courses.
Change records' reserve status.
Remove items and bibs from a course.
Course Information
Creating a Course
Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
Choose File | New Record | Course record or click on the New icon.
The Add New Record: New COURSE box will appear. If you do not have any course record templates created and saved to your preferred templates, you will see the default course as well as a list of every other Marmot member’s course record templates. Pick a template from the list or learn more about how to create record templates. Click the Select button.
Depending on the template that is chosen will decide which fields will be automatically populated, and which fields you will need to add information. Below is an example of the default course template. You will be prompted to fill in the Begin Date, End Date, Location, Prof/TA, Course, Course note. If this template does not have all the fields you need, you can use the Insert icon to bring up a list of more choices. When finished, click on the Save icon.
Note: The course ID and course name both use the Course field. Also, since this is a shared system, you will see everyone’s course records. It is best to use your library’s 2 or 3 letter code at the end of the course ID or course name (i.e ENG 102 - MLN).
Here is more information about the course record fixed and variable fields.
Now you are ready to Add Items to the course.
Deleting a Course
First, all items associated with the course must be removed. Find the course record by Prof/TA or Course. Click the Search button. Once the record is on the screen, click on the Edit icon.
Click on File | Delete Course Record link.
The Delete record box will appear. Click Yes.
Suppressing a Course
When you no longer want a course active in the classic catalog, you will need to change the CCode1 to Suppressed. Find the course record by Prof/TA or Course. Click the Search button. Once the record is on the screen, click on the Edit icon.
Double click on the box next to CCODE1. Choose the s Suppressed button. Click OK. Note: here is more information about the fields used in course records
Click the Save and Close Icons.
Double-check your work using the classic catalog for your library. Here is a search before the course was suppressed.
Here is a search after the course was suppressed.
Unsuppressing a Course
When you want a course active in the classic catalog, you will need to change the CCode1 from Suppressed to ---.
Find the course record by Prof/TA or Course. Click the Search button. Once the record is on the screen, click on the Edit icon.
Double click on the box next to CCODE1. Choose the - --- button. Click OK. Note: here is more information about the fields used in course records
Click the Save and Close Icons.
Double-check your work using the classic catalog for your library. Here is a search before the course was unsuppressed.
Here is a search after the course was unsuppressed.
Course Reserve Record Information
Adding an Item to a Course
Find the course record by Prof/TA or Course. Click the Search button. Once the record is on the screen, click on the Add Items button.
A box will appear with the words Place item/bib on reserve followed by the course ID. You can scan the barcode of the item you want to place on reserve. You can also type the barcode and use the Search button. You can also use the drop-down menu to find the item by other methods.
This will highlight the item and make a few buttons active. Click on the Add Selected Item(s) button.
The Course Reserve Settings will appear. The settings will choose the location and item type from the record. It will also add the Active until the date from the course. Click OK. (See Changing or Defining a Course Reserve Setting for more information).
Optional: you can use the Display course name as call number to add that information to the record. This will add a second call number that will display in the record.
This will add the item to the course. If you click on the box next to the title, the Remove Items and Change Status button will become active. You can also see the status of the items as Active.
Adding a Library Owned Item to a Course
Find the course record by Prof/TA or Course. Click the Search button. Once the record is on the screen, click on the Add Items button.
Scan or type the barcode of the library item you would like to place on reserve. The item will be highlighted. Click on the Add Selected Item(s) button.
The Course Reserve Setting box will appear. It will show the current location and item type associated with the item record. You can make the changes either on the item record before placing it on reserve, or on the Course Reserve Setting box. The Item status is added from the course information. Click the OK button once the location and item type are correct. (See Changing or Defining a Course Reserve Setting for more information)
The library item will be added to the course.
If you want to check your work, you can right-click to bring up the Copy box. Click on the View bib and Item(s) link.
This will open the item record. You can see the Location and IType to make sure they are correct.
The record also stores the Reserve Note that captured the date the item was placed on reserve, as well as the course number.
The Course ID is like all the other record ID numbers and can be searched.
The Save Item is the most important information. This stores the original item location and itype (item type). Once the item’s status is changed from active to inactive, the system will automatically reset the item’s original location and itype, so you do not need to make any changes.
You can also click on the Edit button to make any changes.
Changing an Item Status (Active or Inactive)
Find the course record by Prof/TA or Course. Click the Search button.
Click in the box next to the title to make the buttons active. Click on the Change Status button.
The Course Reserve Setting box will appear. Change the Item status from Active to Inactive or from Inactive to Active. Click OK.
Note: the Status will display as either Active or Inactive.
The Results box will appear. Click on the OK button.
Changing Course Reserve Settings During a Session
You can change your course reserve settings at any time during a session in either of the following ways:
If you want to use new settings for the rest of the records you add during your session, you can repeat the steps to define settings for the entire session and enter a different set of values in the Course Reserves Setting dialog box.
If you want to use different settings for a single item only, you can have the system prompt you for settings for only that item. To do so, check the Prompt for settings checkbox before you add an item with different settings. As long as this checkbox is checked, you will be prompted for settings each time you add an item to the list. When you want to continue applying your global settings to subsequent items, uncheck the Prompt for settings checkbox.
Note: if you have not set course reserve settings for your session, this option is grayed out.
Creating a Bib for a Course (Key a Bibliographic – Item record and New Icon)
Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
Select the Options | Key a bibliographic-item record menu option.
In the Key a bibliographic-item record screen, choose File | New Record | Bibliographic record.
Note: you can also choose the New icon on the upper right corner of the screen.
The Add New Record: New Bibliographic box will appear. If you do not have any bibliographic record templates created and saved to your preferred templates, you will see the default bibliographic templates listed for every other Marmot member’s bibliographic record template. Pick a template from the list or learn more about how to create record templates. Click the Select button.
Once you have finished all the fields to create the bibliographic record, the Key a Bibliographic -item record – New Bibliographic screen will appear with a list of items you have in your preferred item template. If you do not have any item record templates save in your preferred templates, you will see a list of all the available item templates for all the Marmot member libraries. In this example, we have several course reserve item templates saved to our preferred templates. You would pick the one that works for the item you are placing on reserve.
Choose Save to save the bibliographic and item records. Note: When using the Key a Bibliographic -item record – New Bibliographic feature, Sierra will not save the bibliographic record alone.
Creating an Item for a Course (New Icon)
An item can be created in several different ways. We are going to create an item from the Course Reserves function.
Find the course record by Prof/TA or Course. Click the Search button.
Click on the Add Items button.
This will bring up the Place item/bib on reserve box. You can search by title, or use the New icon.
If you click on the New icon, the Add New Record: New Bibliographic box will appear. If you do not have any bibliographic record templates created and saved to your preferred templates, you will see the default bibliographic templates listed for every other Marmot member’s bibliographic record template. Pick a template from the list or learn more about how to create record templates. Click the Select button.
The fields that prompt you to add information will depend on the field that is prompted in your record template. Fill in all the fields to create a very brief bibliographic record to attach the professor’s item. Once all the fields have been added, click on Save and Close.
Important: Marmot sends their bibliographic records to have the authority information updated. To make sure your course reserve bibliographic records are not included either include the MISC 958 field with the words “No A.C.” or make sure your record does not have a CAT DATE.
When you search for the item by title, you will get the Summary box. Make sure your view is set to the drop-down menu of Item. This will make the Attach New Item button active.
The New box will display any item record templates you have in your preferred templates. If you do not have any course reserve item record templates chosen, you will see all the item record templates from all the Marmot member libraries. Pick a template from the list or learn more about how to create record templates. Click the Select button.
Once you have selected the template and filled in the fields. You can save your work. Next, the Add Item button will display. Click on the Add Item button.
The Course Reserve Setting box will appear. It should display the location and item type for the course as well as the item status. Click OK.
The item will be added to the course. Click on the box next title to make the Remove Items and Change Status buttons active.
Defining Settings for a Course Reserves Session
Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
From the menu bar, select Options | Course Settings.
The Course Reserves Setting dialog box appears. Check the Use these settings for adding items/bibs checkbox.
Enter the course reserve settings you want to use for records added to courses during your session. Choose the location and item type. You can type in the location or bring up the drop-down menu to pick your location. You can type your item type or bring up the drop-down menu to pick the item type.
Note: you can also choose the item status of Active or Inactive. Double click on the box next to until to bring up a calendar.
Choose OK to save your settings, or Cancel to return to the Course Reserves function without saving any settings.
Disabling Course Reserve Settings
If you do not want to use or set any more global settings and you want to be prompted by the Course Reserves Settings dialog for all subsequent items, select Options | Course Settings from the menu bar and uncheck the Use these settings for adding items/bibs checkbox. The system returns to the default behavior of prompting you for settings for each item.
Removing an Item from a Course
Find the course record by Prof/TA or Course. Click the Search button.
Click in the box next to the title to make the buttons active. Click on the Remove Items button.
The Remove Selected Items box will appear. Click on the Yes button.
The Results box will appear. Click on the OK button.
The Question box will appear if you have no other items on the course asking if you want to delete the course. Click on the Yes button to delete the course. Click on the No button to not delete the course. You can keep the course, but have it suppressed so it does not display in the classic catalog.
Checking In a Course Reserve Item
When you check in an item that has been placed on a course reserve list as an active reserve item, a check-in dialog box displays the following message:
<Date>: ITEM HAS BEEN PLACED ON COURSE RESERVE. COURSE #<course record number> <course title>
Checkin item?
To check in the item and prepare it for course reserves, do the following:
To print the course information before checking in the item, choose Print This Message. The system prints the course reserve message as well as the date and item record number.
For example:
RESERVE. COURSE #10000446 Creative
Non-Fiction Writing Workshop
Dec 07 2009 11:16AM
The system continues to display the check-in dialog box.
2. To check in the item and place it on course reserve, choose Yes.
You must add the item to the course reserve list.
To keep the item checked out, choose No.
After you check in the item and close the dialog box, the system deletes the course reserve message from the item record.
FAQ / Common Questions
Course Reserve activity report
There is no specific report targeted at course reserve activity.
As a workaround, you can specify distinct item types for items placed on course reserve and get activity reports for those item types. Another option, though less effective, is to have distinct course reserve locations.
How to create a Create Lists review file of items that are linked to a course reserve
Select Go | Create Lists
Select empty list, click Search Records
Enter a name for the list
Select Item as the Store Record type
Double click Type, select item
Double-click Field, select Course ID (variable field #6)
Double-click Condition, select = equal to
Double click Value A, input a course record number
Click Search
Inaccessible Records: Course Reserve
For course reserve records that cannot be accessed in the Sierra desktop client, use Sierra Web as a potential workaround to access those records.
Solution: The general symptoms for all record types are: 1. records will not appear; 2. Summary of records may not appear; 3. records cannot be selected; 4. records cannot be viewed; 5. records cannot be edited; 6. buttons such as View or Save may be absent.
Limit on Course Reserve attached items
Yes, the recommended limit is 350. While you can exceed this limit, unexpected behavior may occur.
Multiple locations for a course reserve
The software does not allow that option however you may create multiple similar courses, each with its own location.
Recognizing a Course Reserve Broken Link
An inability to remove an item from a reserve or break an item-reserve record link may indicate a Course Reserve broken link. Contact Marmot who will open a service commitment with Innovative to repair the broken link.
Reserves Note: Store course reserve history in item records
An inability to remove an item from a reserve or break an item-reserve record link may indicate a Course Reserve broken link. Contact Marmot who will open a service commitment with Innovative to repair the broken link.
Retain Number of Checkouts from Reserve Circulation
The Retain Number of Checkouts from the Reserve Circulation feature enables you to track how many times each item on reserve circulates when the item is on active reserve.
When you add an item to a course reserve list or when you change its status to "Active," the system removes the current value from the TOT CHKOUT field in the item record and places it in the OCHKOUT subfield of the SAVE ITEM field in the item record.
The Retain Number of Checkouts from Reserve Circulation determines how the system updates the TOT CHKOUT field when you remove the item from the active reserve.
If the feature is enabled, the system adds the value in the OCHKOUT field to the value in the TOT CHKOUT field in the item record, thus retaining a complete count of the item's circulation both as an active reserve item and as an item in general circulation.
What Happens When Records are Added to an Active Reserve
When you add a record to active reserve, the system updates the record as follows:
Adds a SAVE ITEM field to the item record, or to each item attached to the bibliographic record. The system stores the current values of the item record's I TYPE, LOCATION, and TOT CHKOUT fields in the OITYPE, OLOCAT, and OCHKOUT elements of the SAVE ITEM field, respectively. For example OITYPE=2, OLOCAT=jamat, OCHKOUT=5
The system then sets the TOT CHKOUT field to '0' and the I TYPE and LOCATION field to the values you specified in the record's settings. (Note that the system does not update the TOT RENEW field, so the TOT RENEW value might be higher than the TOT CHKOUT value while an item is on active reserve.)
Adds a RESERVE NOTE field to the item record, if the Reserves: Store course reserves history in item records. If you are adding a bibliographic record to active reserve, the system adds the RESERVE NOTE to each item attached to the bibliographic record. The RESERVE NOTE field stores the current date and the course name to which the record belongs. For example 03-09-04 ON RESERVE FOR PEH 172
Related Documentation
User Generated Macros (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Course Reserves (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Search Holds Function Browse Query (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Sierra Workflows (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Templates (Record Templates) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Record Suppression (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Variable Length Fields for Course Records (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Fixed Length Fields for Course Records (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Service/Topic and Roles Label Key (Marmot Knowledge Base)