Basic Search (Search /Holds) (Sierra)

Basic Search (Search /Holds) (Sierra)

Use the Sierra / Holds function to search for items from all the Marmot members. Since this is a shared system, you will see all the items from all the other libraries on a shared bibliographic record. You can look up an item to find information about holds for your patrons. The Search / Holds function has searching indexes such as Barcode, Title, Author, Journal Title, Keyword, Series Title, Subject, Bib Util No, or ISN. You can conduct a search and limit your library’s location. In addition, you can use the Search / Holds function to see who has the item checked out. You can also see how many times your patron renewed items and how many notices they received.

Table of Contents

Searching for Items

Click on Search/Holds in the Function dropdown menu.

Select the index you would like to search; such for b BARCODE, t TITLEetc.  You can pick any of the index searches from the dropdown menu.  Use the scroll bar to see more options.

There are many different ways to limit a search.  Limit by your location by clicking on the plus sign next to Search.

This will bring up the Limit box.  You can click on “WHERE item is located” to get a list of all the location codes of member libraries.  Click on your library or a specific location code.  By clicking on the box to “Apply limit to all searches,” the settings will stay until you change them or until you log out of Sierra.  Remember to click on “Apply.”

Depending on the index that was chosen, type in a search term or title, barcode, etc.   In this example, we are using the index d Subject and the search term “gardens.” At the bottom of the page is a list of subjects and entries. 

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Limiting – Format, Language, Locations, and Phrase

On the sidebar is your results page with more ways to limit a search.  You can limit by Format, Language, Locations, and phrases.  

Click on the white arrows to expand or shrink each box.  The Available at Library is the difference between all the items (1442 Entries) and items that are not physically at the library such as EBOOKS, DOWNLOADABLE materials, and ELECTRONIC RESOURCES.  As well, the On Order titles with no items attached, Library Use Only, Display, Missing, On Holdself, In-transit, Checked out, Not holdable for your patron, or Billed items that will have the words “Not Available” and will not be counted towards that Available at Library.     

Mousing over i the will show information about the item.

In this example, the limits have been set to BOOK/SERIAL, English, all Locations, Phrase “Gardens.”  We have gone from 1442 entries to 58 entries available for check out or holds.  You can clear a limit by clicking on the x.


To see more information about an item, highlight it by clicking on the item.  Click “Select.”

This will bring up the item record where you can see which member libraries have the item.  You can also see if the item is checked out or On SHELF. You can also see holds or bookings.

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Related Documentation

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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