Resequencing a Hold Queue (Sierra)
This documentation details how to change the priority of a hold in Sierra.
You must be assigned permission 370 (Change hold priority) to perform this action. If you cannot perform this action, please contact us, and we will modify your permissions.
Resequencing a hold queue, also known as changing the priority of a hold, allows staff to manually change the placement of a patron hold in the hold queue for a bib level or item level hold.
Sierra will fill all local holds before attempting to fill non-local holds, regardless of when those holds were placed. Because hold order is irrelevant, the system does not display hold order in the Status column on the Holds tab.
To resequence the patrons in a hold queue:
View the hold queue for the bibliographic or item record. Note: you will see all holds on the record, including holds from patrons at other Marmot libraries.
Important: Sorting Deactivates Resequencing
You can manually sort the holds in the hold queue by column into ascending or descending order by clicking on the title of the column.
When a manual sort is applied to a column, a white triangle pointing up (ascending) or down (descending) will appear next to the title of the column.
If you sort the hold queue, the displayed list of holds no longer represents the actual hold priority order. In addition, the system deactivates the Change Priority options. To restore the actual hold priority order, you must either manually re-sort the queue or close and retrieve the record again.
Select the hold that you want to move.
Choose the Change Priority button or the Change Priority option from the right-mouse menu.
The system displays the Change Hold Priority dialog box containing the New Priority drop-down list. The system automatically selects the number representing the hold's current priority (position) in the hold queue. For example, if "4" is selected in the New Priority list, the hold is currently the fourth hold in the queue.
Select a new priority from the New Priority list.
Choose an option:
The system moves the selected hold to the specified position and adjusts other holds accordingly.
b. Cancel
i. The system does not move the selected hold and returns you to viewing the hold queue.
If an item is already on the holdshelf for the first patron in the queue (i.e., the item STATUS is '!'), the system does not enable you to move another patron ahead of that first patron.
Related Documentation
System Generated Review Files (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Manage Holds (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Holds Process for Sierra, Pika, and Prospector (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Library Courier Codes, Prospector Codes & Pickup Locations (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Transferring an Item Level Hold to a Bib Level Hold (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Staff Placed Holds (Search / Holds) (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf Report (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Service/Topic and Roles Label Key (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Resequencing a Hold Queue (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Holds Progression (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
High-Demand Holds Reports (Marmot Knowledge Base)