Staff Placed Holds (Search / Holds) (Sierra)
The majority of your holds will be Patron Placed Holds (PPH) through Pika/catalog. However, on occasion, a staff member might need to place a hold for a patron through Sierra.
Table of Contents
Staff Placed Hold
Click the Search/Holds function from the dropdown menu.
The default search will be for the item barcode. You can change the search type using the dropdown menu.
We have changed the dropdown menu from barcode to title. Type the title of the record you would like to place a hold on for the patron. Click on the Search button.
You can narrow your search by Format, Language, Location, and Phrase. Highlight the record you would like to place a hold and click the Select button. You can also double-click on the record to access it.
Item Level Hold
For an item level hold, click on the item you want the hold placed for the patron. Click the Hold Selected Item button to place an item-level hold. Next, find the patron record.
For an Item level hold, the Place Hold for an Available Item box will appear with two choices. 1. Place hold; print paging slip or 2. Place hold do NOT print a paging slip. Use the Place hold; print paging slip, if you want the item to show up in any library's item paging slips notice.
The Place an Item-level Hold box will appear with the Patron name and number, the Pickup Location will be the location of your library. Note: you can change the Not Wanted Before: & Not Wanted After: to dates that will narrow down how long the patron is willing to wait or needs the item. The Hold Note: is for any information you want to share with other staff about the hold or patron. Click OK. This will put the item level hold on the patron’s account and on the item record.
Title or Bib Level Hold
For a title or bib level hold, click the Hold Copy Returned Soonest button for a title or bibl level hold. Next, find the patron record.
For a title or bib level hold, the Place a Title-level Hold box will appear. The Pickup Location will be the location of your library. Note: you can change the Not Wanted Before: & Not Wanted After: to dates that will narrow down how long the patron is willing to wait or needs the item. The Hold Note: is for any information you want to share with your staff about the hold or patron. Click OK. This will put a hold on the patron’s account.
Verifying a Hold
You can verify your hold in a few ways. One way is to use the Search/Holds function. Type in the title of the item. Clicking on the Item-Level Hold tab will allow you to see the hold information.
Click on the Item-Level Hold tab will allow you to see the hold information. Checking the box under All you will make the Cancel Holds, Modify Holds, Change Priority, and Transfer Holds. Clicking in the box under All will allow you to Add Holds, Cancel Holds, Modify Holds, and View Cancelled Holds from this screen. There is a dropdown to change from All to Current Location to narrow the information to just holds for your patrons.
You can also verify and/or view the hold on the patron’s record. Click on the Check Out (Circulation Desk) function in the dropdown menu. Enter the patron’s name or barcode. Click on the Holds tab to see the item. Clicking in the box under All will allow you to Add Holds, Cancel Holds, Modify Holds, and View Cancelled Holds buttons to become active. You can also change the dropdown from All to Ready for pickup.
Find the Patron Record
The Search for Patron box will appear. You can enter the b PATRON BARCODE, n NAME, u ID (unique ID), f FAMILY ID, w PHONE, EMAIL, BIRTH DATE, or.RECORD # for the drop-down menu. Once a format to lookup the patron has been decided and the information has been added, click on the Search button.
Tip: you can find the.Record # for the patron when editing or viewing their account.
Related Documentation
System Generated Review Files (Create Lists) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Manage Holds (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Holds Process for Sierra, Pika, and Prospector (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Library Courier Codes, Prospector Codes & Pickup Locations (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Transferring an Item Level Hold to a Bib Level Hold (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Staff Placed Holds (Search / Holds) (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf Report (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Service/Topic and Roles Label Key (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Resequencing a Hold Queue (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Holds Progression (Sierra) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
High-Demand Holds Reports (Marmot Knowledge Base)