ILS/Account Integration -- Holds

ILS/Account Integration -- Holds

Configuration options for the ‘ILS/Account Integration – Holds' section of the Library System.

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ILS/Account Integration

Go to Pika Configuration and Library Systems from the left sidebar.  

Screenshot of the pika configuration menu highlighting the library systems option

Click the Library Id number, the Catalog URL, or the Edit link to gain access to the Library Systems page.

Screenshot of the library systems table highlighting the access links

Click on ILS/Account Integration to get to the Holds menu.


Click on the Holds tab. 

Show Holds Button options

There are three Show Hold button options that work in conjunction with one another.

  • Show Hold Button

  • Show Hold Button within the search results

  • Show Hold Button for items that are checked out only

The Show Hold Button option will display the Place Hold button in the the grouped work and bib level record display, regardless of the items' status.

Below is an example of the Place Hold button displayed at the grouped work level.

The Show Hold Button within the search results option will display the Place Hold button when users are browsing the search results. Most libraries enable this option.

Academic and school libraries sometimes disable the Show Hold Button within the search results to ensure that users want to place a hold on materials in earnest. When this option is disabled, patrons have click into a full record display to place a hold.

Here is an example of an item where the Show Hold Button with the search results option is disabled. 

The Show Hold Button for items that are checked out only option will only display the Place Hold button if the item in question is checked out or unavailable.

Academic and school libraries sometimes enable this option to discourage users from placing holds on on-shelf or available items.

Below is an example of a library using the Show Hold Button for items that are checked out only in conjunction with the Show Hold Button and Show Hold Button within the search results options. The Place Hold button displays in the search results because all available copies of the item are checked out/unavailable.

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Show Cancellation Date

The Show Cancellation Date option allows patrons to set a cancellation date for their hold if the hold is not fulfilled by the provided date. This option only functions with the Sierra ILS.

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Allow Freezing Holds

The Allow Freezing Holds is used for active holds. This option allows patrons to freeze or suspend a hold which keeps their place in line. The patron can then thaw or reinstate the hold manually when they wish.  This feature behaves slightly differently for different ILS integrations.

Please review the patron facing Freezing Holds documentation for more information about the action in the patron account.

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Default Not Needed After Days

The Default Not Needed After Days works in conjunction with the Show Cancellation Date of Unavailable Holds being checked.

When Default not needed after days option is set to zero, a default value of six months (182 days) from the date the hold is placed will be used for the cancellation date when placing a hold.

The place hold dialog will display messaging to alert the patron if a specific cancellation date is not set, the Default not needed after value will be used as a cancellation date for the hold.

Below is an example of the default six months (182 days) from the day the hold was placed.

A value of -1 will disable an automatic cancellation date for holds. If this option is enabled, patrons are able to set a cancellation date if they desire. If a patron does not set a cancellation date and the Default not needed after days option is set to -1, a hold can potentially stay in the system indefinitely without being cancelled.

Here is an example of a library using the -1 Default not needed after days value.

A library can use a unique Default Not Needed After Days value if they do not want to use the default value of 182 days.

Here is an example of a library using 200 days for the Default Not Needed After Days.

The Default Not Needed After Days will display when using placing a hold from a linked account, if accounts from separate library systems are linked.

Below is an example of a linked account with two different libraries that have two different Default not needed after days values set.

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Show Detailed Hold Notice Information

The Show Detailed Hold Notice Information option will display detailed information about the patron’s preferred notification option in the messaging when a hold is placed.  If this option is enabled, when a patron successfully submits a hold, there will be messaging that alerts the patron about how their hold notifications will be delivered to them.

Below is an example of the messaging a patron with email notifications will see when they successfully submit a hold.


If the Show detailed hold notice information option is disabled, patrons will return a generic success message when submitting a hold.

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In System Pickups Only

The In System Pickups Only option restricts the available pickup location options for patrons. If this option is enabled, the hold pickup locations patrons can choose are limited to branches or locations that belong to the parent library system.

Consortia that allow patrons to pick up materials at any library location in any library system locations should disable this option. 

This option is not necessary for single library systems using Pika.

The Valid Pickup Library Systems option allows a library to designate an additional library system and its branches as valid pickup locations for their patrons. This setting works in conjunction with the In System Pickups Only setting.

Below is an example from a library who uses the Valid Pickup Library Systems option in conjunction with the In System Pickups Only option. In the example, the library in question allows their patrons to pickup holds at the branches belonging to the Steamboat Schools library system.

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Hold Disclaimer

The Hold Disclaimer allows you to add additional messaging for patrons that will display in the place hold dialog.

Some use cases for the Hold Disclaimer are:

  • patron privacy notices

  • information about a branch closing and pick-up location change

  • information about how often holds are pulled from the shelf, so patrons know it may be faster to come and get the book off the shelf.

Below is an example of a library using the Hold Disclaimer message.

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