

Configuration options for the Holidays section of the Library System.

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Holidays Configuration

Go to Pika Configuration and Library Systems from the left sidebar.  

Screenshot of the pika configuration menu highlighting the library systems option

Click the Library Id number, or the Edit link to gain access to the Library Systems page.

Screenshot of the library systems table highlighting the access links

The Holidays configuration section is located towards the bottom of the Library System configuration page.  

Screenshot of the holidays configuration section

Holidays table

To populate holidays, click the Add New button.  

Screenshot of the holidays configuration section highlighting the add new button

The Add New button will create a new row in the table with fields for Date and Holiday Name.

Screenshot of the holidays table highlighting the blank fields created when the add new button is used

Clicking into the Date field will open a calendar popup. Use the navigation buttons at the top of the popup to choose the appropriate dates. Add a label for the holiday in the Holiday Name field. Use the red X button in the Actions column to delete a holiday from the table.

Screenshot of the populated holidays table highlighting the calendar popup used to select a new date field
Screenshot of the holidays table highlighting the deletion action button

If your library keeps holidays on the same days every year, you can simply edit the date for the regularly kept holidays rather than adding a new entry for the same holiday every year. Marmot staff recommend that you make these edits at the beginning of the calendar year for the whole year of kept holidays.

To display Holidays in the patron account, the Show Library Hours Notice on Account Pages option from the ILS/Account Integration option must be toggled on.

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Holidays and Library Hours

Holidays work in conjunction with the Library Hours configured in the Locations settings.

When Holidays and Location Hours are set and the Show Library Hours Notice on Account Pages option is toggled on, patrons will see an even more detailed message about the holiday closure, which references the hours set for their home location. 

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Holiday displays in patron account

The Holiday message displays on the Checked Out Titles and Titles on Hold pages in the patron account when a patron views those pages on a holiday.

Screenshot of the holiday hours notice in the patrons checked out titles page


Screenshot of the holiday hours notice in the patrons titles on hold page.


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