Detailed Pika Administrator Roles
This documentation offers detailed descriptions of the administrative roles in Pika, including all the options and actions the individual roles have access to in Pika.
Archives Role
Controls overall archives integration (sidebar)
Archive Material Requests
List of Requests for Copies of Archive Materials
Archive Authorship Claims
List of Claims of Authorship for Archive Materials
Archive Usage
Gives a list of Archive Usage by Library
Archive Subject Control
Allows a library to add a list of subjects to ignore for the Explore More bar
Allows a library to add a list of subjects to restrict for the Explore More bar
Archive Role Actions
View Requests for Archive Materials
Manage Archive Subject Control
View Authorship Claims for Archive Materials
View Archive Usage Stats
Clear Islandora Cache appears in staff view for all materials
Staff View shows for archive materials
Archive Role Documentation
Allows users to perform cataloging activities (sidebar)
Indexing Statistics
The scope for each library is listed with the owned works and total works. After clicking on the Indexing Statistics link, you will see the Toggle columns that will display the owned works and total works. The Compare To dropdown menu allows you to compare the statistics from different time periods. A date can be set to view the information from the date chosen.
Grouped Work Merging
Pika uses grouping to help patrons get what they want faster on the search screen and in the holds queue. Sometimes Pika requires manual merges when titles that should group have a title, author, and/or format data that does not match.
Records To Not Merge
Ungrouping is necessary when two bibliographic records have the same title, author, language, and format, but substantially different content.
Preferred Grouping Authors
The Preferred Grouping Author will replace every instance of the Source Grouping Author for any grouped work with that Grouping Author, not just for a single grouped work of interest.
Preferred Grouping Titles
The Preferred Grouping Title will replace every instance of the Source Grouping Title for any grouped work with that Grouping Title, not just for a single grouped work of interest.
Author Enrichment
Pika can display Wikipedia content for authors in author search results pages when the setting is enabled in the configuration. There are times when the linked Wikipedia article for the author is incorrect or irrelevant and needs to be either corrected or disabled/hidden.
Upload Custom Cover
Some bib records might not have the data points necessary to fetch cover art from the enrichment provider, such as an ISBN or ISSN. You might also have records for kits or equipment that would not have an ISBN/ISSN that you would like to have an improved display for that record. Pika has a utility that allows you directly upload custom cover art images to Pika with the Upload Custom Cover feature.
Novelist Information
The Novelist Information link allows you to look up Novelist data using an ISBN. The Novelist Information displays how many objects are in the cache. You can also clear the cache for any Novelist item that is not displaying correctly.
OverDrive API Information
This gives a listing of all the library account numbers and total items.
Hoopla API Information
This table lists the library Hoopla ID and checkouts.
Record Grouping Log
A table with the record grouping log ID, start, the last update, finished, and elapsed times.
Reindex Log
A table with the reindex log ID, start, the last update, finished, elapsed times, works processed, and list processed.
Sierra Export Log
A table with the Sierra export log ID, start, the last update, finished, elapsed times, to process, processed, errors, and remaining.
OverDrive Extract Log
A table with the OverDrive export log ID, start, the last update, finished, elapsed time, collection updates, and title updates.
Hoopla Export Log
A table with the Hoopla export log ID, start, the last update, finished, and elapsed times.
Cataloging Role Actions
Grouped Work Merging
Records To Not Merge
Author Enrichment
View OverDrive API Data
Preferred Grouping Authors
Preferred Grouping Titles
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
Force reindexing and regrouping from Staff View
Force OverDrive titles to be reloaded from API in staff view
View a MARC record in the ILS OPAC from the staff view
Download a MARC record from the staff view
View Indexing Statistics
View Reindex Log
View Record Grouping Log
View OverDrive Extract Log
View Last Indexing Times in Footer
Cataloging Role Documentation
Circulation Reports
Allows users to view offline circulation reports (sidebar)
Offline Circulation
This Offline Circulation functionality is intended to be used to check out titles to patrons while connectivity to the ILS is not available or not ready for usage. Gives access to the Pika Offline Circulation form to add patron barcodes and item barcodes when the ILS is not available. Any offline checkouts will not show up on a patron's account until it is processed. For Marmot, this happens automatically after hours at approximately 10 pm.
Offline Circulation Report
The Circulation Report gives a list of offline circulation failures that will need to be processed manually. You will need to log into Pika before you can see this report.
Offline Hold Report
The Hold Report gives a list of offline holds made by patrons while the Pika offline mode was on. Offline holds will display on the patron’s Holds page. Offline Holds will be processed when the offline checkouts are processed. Any offline hold failures would need to be processed manually. This report is also used by Marmot staff to process holds during a new member’s migration into Sierra.
Circulation Reports Role Actions
Offline Circulation Action
View Offline Holds Report
View Offline Circulation Report
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
Circulation Reports Role Documentation
Content Editor
Allows entering of editorial reviews and creation of widgets (sidebar)
List Widgets
Create and Administer List Widgets for their library. The basic idea of a List Widget is to embed a search or list from Pika on your library homepage for display. List widgets are a seamless way to display targeted content from the catalog on your website and direct patrons to titles in the catalog directly from your library website.
Browse Categories
A browse category is used to group and display titles with the same or similar categories on your library’s Pika homepage e.g. New Books, Popular Fiction, New Movies, etc. A browse category can be created from search results or public user lists.
NY Times Lists
In order to use the New York Times (NYT) Lists functionality in Pika, an API must be installed. The API installation happens when a Discovery site is first configured. Marmot members all use the same, existing API. The NYT Lists functionality requires a Pika User account in their ILS.
Librarian Reviews
View, create, and modify editorial reviews added by other librarians/library staff
New Review
Create new editorial reviews
Content Editor Role Actions
Create and Administer Browse categories
Create and modify Librarian Reviews
Search existing Librarian Reviews
View and manually refresh New York Times Lists
Edit lists created by other users of the library
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
Content Editor Role Documentation
Genealogy Contributor
Allows Genealogy data to be entered by the user.
Enable Genealogy Functionality enabled under Basic Display
You have to do a search and then you get an option to add people. The idea was that it would help prevent duplicates.
Use the Add someone new button to create a new entry.
Genealogy Contributor Role Action
Genealogy - Add and edit people
Genealogy - Add and edit marriages
Genealogy - Add and edit obituaries
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
Library Admin
Allows users to update library configuration for their library system only for their home location. Only see my library. Has access to all the locations for their library for configuration.
Library Systems
The Library System contains a library’s subdomain, catalog URL, display name, and system messages. You will also find all the configuration options for your Pika site.
The Locations contain all the library location configuration options
Block Patron Account Linking
This allows admins to add the barcode of a patron who needs to be blocked from accessing another patron’s account.
List Widgets
Create and Administer List Widgets for their library. The basic idea of a List Widget is to embed a search or list from Pika on your library homepage for display. List widgets are a seamless way to display targeted content from the catalog on your website and direct patrons to titles in the catalog directly from your library website.
Browse Categories
A browse category is used to group and display titles with the same or similar categories on your library’s Pika homepage e.g. New Books, Popular Fiction, New Movies, etc. A browse category can be created from search results or public user lists.
NY Times Lists
In order to use the New York Times (NYT) Lists functionality in Pika, an API must be installed. The API installation happens when a Discovery site is first configured. Marmot members all use the same, existing API. The NYT Lists functionality requires a Pika User account in their ILS.
Indexing Information
Indexing Statistics
Scope for each library is listed with the owned works and total works. A Toggle column lets you pick the indexing statistic work. A date can be set to view the information from the date chosen.
Offline Circulation
This Offline Circulation functionality is intended to be used to check out titles to patrons while connectivity to the ILS is not available or not ready for usage. Gives access to the Pika Offline Circulation form to add patron barcodes and item barcodes when the ILS is not available. Any offline checkouts will not show up on a patron's account until it is processed. For Marmot, this happens automatically after hours at approximately 10 pm.
Offline Circulation Report
The Circulation Report gives a list of offline circulation failures that will need to be processed manually. You will need to log into Pika before you can see this report.
Offline Hold Report
The Hold Report gives a list of offline holds made by patrons while the Pika offline mode was on. Offline holds will display on the patron’s Holds page. Offline Holds will be processed when the offline checkouts are processed. Any offline hold failures would need to be processed manually. This report is also used by Marmot staff to process holds during a new member’s migration into Sierra.
Librarian Reviews
View, create, and modify editorial reviews added by other librarians/library staff
New Review
Create new editorial reviews
Library Admin Role Actions
Clear Islandora Cache appears in staff view for all materials
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
View Indexing Statistics
View Reindex Log
View Record Grouping Log
View OverDrive Extract Log
View Last Indexing Times in Footer
View Student Reports (Requires Location Reports role)
Create and administer list widgets - The role has permission to perform the action for all of their library's locations
Delete List Widgets - The role has permission to perform the action for all of their library's locations
View create widget and add browse category tools in search results
Edit lists created by other users of the library
View and manually refresh New York Times Lists
Pika Admin (The role has permission to perform the action for all of their library's locations)
Modify library Settings
Archive Section
Browse Categories
Combined Results
Display Section
DP.LA Section
eCommerce section
EDS Section
Enrichment Section
Full Record Section
Gold Rush Section
Holdings Summary Section
ILS Section
Materials Request Section
More Details
OverDrive Section
Hoopla Section
Prospector Section
Records Owned
Records to Include
Searching Section
Sidebar and Top Links
World Cat Section
Copy Locations
Searching Section
Set Main Branch for a library
Block Account Linking
Library Admin Role Documentation
Library Manager
Allows users to do a basic configuration for their library.
Library Systems
The Library System contains a library’s subdomain, catalog URL, display name, and system messages. You will also find all the configuration options for your Pika site.
The Locations contain all the library location configuration options
Block Patron Account Linking
This allows admins to add the barcode of a patron who needs to be blocked from accessing another patron’s account.
List Widgets
Create and Administer List Widgets for their library. The basic idea of a List Widget is to embed a search or list from Pika on your library homepage for display. List widgets are a seamless way to display targeted content from the catalog on your website and direct patrons to titles in the catalog directly from your library website.
Browse Categories
A browse category is used to group and display titles with the same or similar categories on your library’s Pika homepage e.g. New Books, Popular Fiction, New Movies, etc. A browse category can be created from search results or public user lists.
NY Times Lists
In order to use the New York Times (NYT) Lists functionality in Pika, an API must be installed. The API installation happens when a Discovery site is first configured. Marmot members all use the same, existing API. The NYT Lists functionality requires a Pika User account in their ILS.
Librarian Reviews
View, create, and modify editorial reviews added by other librarians/library staff
New Review
Create new editorial reviews
Library Manager Role Actions
Modify library Settings
Create and Administer Browse categories
Create and administer list widgets
View create widget and add browse category tools in search results
Edit lists created by other users of the library
View and manually refresh New York Times Lists
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
View Indexing Statistics
View Reindex Log
View Record Grouping Log
View OverDrive Extract Log
View and Edit Translation Maps
View Last Indexing Times in Footer
Browse Categories
Block Account Linking
Library Manager Role Documentation
Library Material Requests
Allows users to manage material requests for a specific library. The home library of your account with the materials_request_manager will have to match that of the library you want to see requests.
Manage Requests
Displays a table with the material requests from patrons. Lists the item's information as well as the patron information.
Summary Report
Displays a table and chart with a summary of the materials requests over a time period.
Reports By User
This report can be limited by statuses and displays the updated request process for your patrons.
Manage Statuses
Displays a table with the status descriptions and an update on the progress of each status.
Links directly to the Material Request Admin Management documentation
Library Material Requests Role Actions
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
View Material Requests
View details for Material Requests
View reports for Material Requests
Manage Material Request Statuses
Update Materials Request e-mails for their User Account
Staff who are responsible to respond to the emails from the patrons who fill out the materials request form should add the appropriate email address and signature to the Materials Request Management section under the Staff Settings. The Staff Settings can be found under the Account Settings section under the MyAccount.
Update Material Requests for your library
Library Material Request Role Documentation
List Publisher
When a Library or Location restricts which public user lists will be found in search results with the Searching> “Public Lists To Include” setting, the List Publisher role allows public lists for the user to be found in search results.
The library admin will have to update the library system to allow the list publisher to make lists public under the Searching tab.
List Publisher Role Actions
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
Optionally index lists from users with this role
List Publisher Role Documentation
Location Manager
Allows users to do the basic configuration for their location.
The Locations contain all the library location configuration options
Block Patron Account Linking
This allows admins to add the barcode of a patron who needs to be blocked from accessing another patron’s account.
List Widgets
Create and Administer List Widgets for their library. The basic idea of a List Widget is to embed a search or list from Pika on your library homepage for display. List widgets are a seamless way to display targeted content from the catalog on your website and direct patrons to titles in the catalog directly from your library website.
Browse Categories
A browse category is used to group and display titles with the same or similar categories on your library’s Pika homepage e.g. New Books, Popular Fiction, New Movies, etc. A browse category can be created from search results or public user lists.
Here is an example of what a Location Manager would see.
Librarian Reviews
View, create, and modify editorial reviews added by other librarians/library staff
New Review
Create new editorial reviews
Location Manager Role Actions
Modify Location Settings
Create and Administer Browse categories
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
View Last Indexing Times in Footer
Create and administer list widgets
View Student Reports (Requires Location Reports role)
View create widget and add browse category tools in search results
Edit lists created by other users of that branch
Location Manager Role Documentation
Location Reports
This allows the user to view the Student Reports for their location.
Student Reports
The report works in conjunction with Sierra. A patron must have a homeroom associated with their Sierra record in order to display this report.
Location Report Role Actions (Sierra Libraries Only)
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
Location Report Role Documentation
Staff User
This allows library staff who do not have any Pika roles assigned to them to have access to some special actions. A user is considered a Staff User when their Patron Type is set to Staff Patron Type in the Pika Ptypes table
Staff User Role Actions
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
Force reindexing and regrouping from Staff View
View a MARC record in the ILS OPAC from the staff view
Download a MARC record from the staff view
Transfer lists
Staff Auto Logout Bypass
When turned on, the staff member will not be automatically logged out of Pika.
User Admin
Allows administration of users. Allows users to assign roles to others. Only for Marmot staff and Discover Partners.
Displays assigned Pika roles. It lists the name, home library, barcode, and roles of each person.
User Admin Role Actions
Manage Administrators
Note: The UserAdmin role can also use the test_role URL parameter to explore other roles. To test a role, just add it after the test_role= (see a few examples below). Because the test role is stored as a cookie to keep the role in effect while you browse the site, you will need to clear out the URL parameter to finish using the test role.
To initiate the role of cataloging:
To initiate the role of libraryAdmin:
To finish using the role and restore your user’s roles:
OPAC Admin
Allows administration of the entire Pika site (libraries, locations, etc). No Marmot member will have this permission as Marmot staff will handle these actions. Discovery Partners should have a couple of designated Opac Admins. Marmot staff will still handle a lot of these actions.
Library Systems
The Library System contains a library’s subdomain, catalog URL, display name, and system messages. You will also find all the configuration options for your Pika site.
The Locations contain all the library location configuration options
Block Patron Account Linking
This allows admins to add the barcode of a patron who needs to be blocked from accessing another patron’s account.
IP Addresses
Devices can be configured to behave as OPAC Computer Stations using IP addresses. IP addresses can be configured to correspond to a school or a building in the IP table.
List Widgets
Create and Administer List Widgets for their library. The basic idea of a List Widget is to embed a search or list from Pika on your library homepage for display. List widgets are a seamless way to display targeted content from the catalog on your website and direct patrons to titles in the catalog directly from your library website.
Browse Categories
A browse category is used to group and display titles with the same or similar categories on your library’s Pika homepage e.g. New Books, Popular Fiction, New Movies, etc. A browse category can be created from search results or public user lists.
NY Times Lists
In order to use the New York Times (NYT) Lists functionality in Pika, an API must be installed. The API installation happens when a Discovery site is first configured. Marmot members all use the same, existing API. The NYT Lists functionality requires a Pika User account in their ILS.
P-Types (Sierra & Horizon Libraries Only)
This is a listing of all the current P-Types or patron types used by a Sierra system. P-Types can be added or removed from this table.
Loan Rules (Sierra Libraries Only)
This is a list of all the loan rules for circulating materials.
Loan Rules Determiners (Sierra Libraries Only)
This is a table that displays the location, patron type, item type, age range, loan rule, and active status.
Account Profiles
This is a list of the ILS a library is using that includes the vendor OPAC URL and the patron API URL.
DB Maintenance - Pika
This allows an OPAC administrator to run selected database maintenance updates and view the ones that have already been run.
DB Maintenance - EContent
This allows an OPAC administrator to run selected database Maintenance eContent updates and view the ones that have already been run.
Solr Information
This gives the Pika status, the grouped index for the searcher core and the genealogy index, the grouped index for the indexer core, and the archive Solr index.
PHP Information
This gives the current PHP version and additional PHP information useful for developers.
MemCache Information
This displays the general cache information, Memcache server information, cache information, and cache usage diagrams.
OpCache Information
This displays an overview of the general information for the OpCache (A PHP performance-optimizing system) as well as the usage and hit rate.
System Variables
System variables are used to set certain Pika site settings, especially related to the backend, and non-website processes. A system variable may be a date-time value or a numeric or true/false value. Opac Admins who are not Marmot staff will likely only need to use the offline_mode_when_offline_login_allowed variable.
Indexing Statistics
Scope for each library is listed with the owned works and total works. A Toggle column lets you pick the indexing statistic for sideloads. A date can be set to view the information from the date chosen.
Indexing Profiles
Indexing Profiles are typically configured by Marmot and rarely need to be changed. Only Pika OPAC Admins will have access to indexing profiles. All Discovery Partners will have at least one person who has access to Indexing Profiles.
Translation Map
The Translation Maps are used to translate actual values or codes in record metadata to the patron-friendly labels shown in Pika. For example, a library location in the ILS such as ‘asar’ can display as the location “ASU Archive” in Pika. Examples of types of translation maps: format, format category, shelf location, status, itype, grouping categories.
Grouped Work Merging
Pika uses grouping to help patrons get what they want faster on the search screen and in the holds queue. Sometimes Pika requires manual merges when titles that should group have a title, author, and/or format data that does not match.
Records To Not Merge
Ungrouping is necessary when two bibliographic records have the same title, author, language, and format, but substantially different content.
Preferred Grouping Authors
The Preferred Grouping Author will replace every instance of the Source Grouping Author for any grouped work with that Grouping Author, not just for a single grouped work of interest.
Preferred Grouping Titles
The Preferred Grouping Title will replace every instance of the Source Grouping Title for any grouped work with that Grouping Title, not just for a single grouped work of interest.
Author Enrichment
Pika can display Wikipedia content for authors in author search results pages when the setting is enabled in the configuration. There are times when the linked Wikipedia article for the author is incorrect or irrelevant and needs to be either corrected or disabled/hidden.
Upload Custom Cover
Some bib records might not have the data points necessary to fetch cover art from the enrichment provider, such as an ISBN or ISSN. You might also have records for kits or equipment that would not have an ISBN/ISSN that you would like to have an improved display for that record. Pika has a utility that allows you directly upload custom cover art images to Pika with the Upload Custom Cover feature.
Novelist Information
The Novelist Information link allows you to look up Novelist data using an ISBN. The Novelist Information displays how many objects are in the cache. You can also clear the cache for any Novelist item that is not displaying correctly.
OverDrive API Information
This gives a listing of all the library account numbers and total items.
Hoopla API Information
This table lists the library Hoopla ID and checkouts.
Cron Logs
Cron jobs are executed at a specified date and time, which is scheduled by the system administrator.
Record Grouping Log
A table with the record grouping log ID, start, the last update, finished, and elapsed times.
Reindex Log
A table with the reindex log ID, start, the last update, finished, elapsed times, works processed, and list processed.
Sierra Export Log
A table with the Sierra export log ID, start, the last update, finished, elapsed times, to process, processed, errors, and remaining.
OverDrive Extract Log
A table with the OverDrive export log ID, start, the last update, finished, elapsed time, collection updates, and title updates.
Hoopla Export Log
A table with the Hoopla export log ID, start, the last update, finished, and elapsed times.
Migrate Circs
This will load circs into the Pika Offline Circ tables to be processed as checkouts. This is for Sierra libraries only. Typically used by Marmot staff to process existing patron checkouts during a new member’s migration into Sierra.
Offline Circulation
This Offline Circulation functionality is intended to be used to check out titles to patrons while connectivity to the ILS is not available or not ready for usage. Gives access to the Pika Offline Circulation form to add patron barcodes and item barcodes when the ILS is not available. Any offline checkouts will not show up on a patron's account until it is processed. For Marmot, this happens automatically after hours at approximately 10 pm.
Offline Circulation Report
The Circulation Report gives a list of offline circulation failures that will need to be processed manually. You will need to log into Pika before you can see this report.
Offline Hold Report
The Hold Report gives a list of offline holds made by patrons while the Pika offline mode was on. Offline holds will display on the patron’s Holds page. Offline Holds will be processed when the offline checkouts are processed. Any offline hold failures would need to be processed manually. This report is also used by Marmot staff to process holds during a new member’s migration into Sierra.
Librarian Reviews
View, create, and modify editorial reviews added by other librarians/library staff
New Review
Create new editorial reviews
OPAC Admin Role Actions
Clear Islandora Cache appears in staff view for all materials
Staff View shows for archive materials
Clear Archive Cache for all materials
Create and Administer Browse categories
Delete Browse Categories
Grouped Work Merging
Records To Not Merge
Author Enrichment
View OverDrive API Data
Preferred Grouping Authors
Preferred Grouping Titles
Upload Custom Cover
Offline Circulation Action
View Offline Holds Report
View Offline Circulation Report
Create and modify Editorial Reviews
Search existing reviews
Force re-extract of record from Sierra
Force reindexing and regrouping from Staff View
Force OverDrive titles to be reloaded from API in staff view
View a MARC record in the ILS OPAC from the staff view
Download a MARC record from the staff view
View Indexing Statistics
View Reindex Log
View Record Grouping Log
View OverDrive Extract Log
View and Edit Translation Maps
View Last Indexing Times in Footer
Create and administer list widgets
Delete List Widgets
Modify library Settings
Archive Section
Block Account Linking
Browse Categories
Copy Locations
Combined Results
Display Section
DP.LA Section
eCommerce section
EDS Section
Enrichment Section
Full Record Section
Gold Rush Section
Holdings Summary Section
ILS Section
Manage Account Profiles
Manage Circulation Statuses
Manage IP Addresses
Manage Loan Rules
Manage Loan Rule Determiners
Manage PTypes
Materials Request Section
More Details
OverDrive Section
Hoopla Section
Prospector Section
Records Owned
Records to Include
Searching Section
Set Main Branch for a library
Sidebar and Top Links
View create widget and add browse category tools in search results
Perform Database Maintenance (Pika & eContent)
View Solr Information
View PHP Information
View MemCache Information
View OpCache Information
View and Modify System Variables
View Cron Log
Edit lists created by other users
View and manually refresh New York Times Lists
View Student Reports (Requires Location Reports role)
Staff Auto Logout
OPAC Admin Role Documentation
Related Documentation
Detailed Pika Administrator Roles (Marmot Knowledge Base)
NoveList Information (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Masquerade Mode (Marmot Knowledge Base)
HTML Text Editor (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Enable Pika Offline Mode (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Pika Translation Maps (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Student Reports (Pika) (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Reporting Incorrect Cover Art or Descriptions in Pika (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Records Not to Merge/Manual Ungrouping (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Populating, Updating, and Utilizing New York Times Lists (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Pika Indexing Profiles (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Sidebar and Header Links (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Holidays (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Records Owned and Included (Marmot Knowledge Base)
Library Location Configuration (Marmot Knowledge Base)