NoveList Information

This document describes how Pika utilizes data from NoveList for enrichments in Pika and how to navigate the NoveList Information page to clear the NoveList cache and query NoveList for information on a given title.

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How Pika uses NoveList Information

Pika fetches data from NoveList to enrich the catalog with readers' advisory information. NoveList data is used to populate :

  • Similar Authors, Similar Titles, and Similar Series sections in the full record view of a grouped work or individual bib.

  • Series information (Series title and volume entry) in search results and full record view if a title is part of a series.

  • Also in This Series carousels in the full record view of a grouped work or individual bib if a title is part of a series.

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NoveList Information Page

The NoveList Information Page is useful when diagnosing issues with enrichments from NoveList. Common issues include incorrect series titles or incorrect series volume information.

Under the Cataloging tab, click on the NoveList Information link. Anyone with the cataloging role can search for NoveList data.

The Lookup NoveList Data field allows you to view the data for a record.

 Copy and paste or type an ISBN in the field, and click on the Lookup NoveList by ISBN button. 

This will display the NoveList information associated with the record. Note: to clear this information from the page, you will need to get out of this functionality and back in.  

You can collapse or expand the information by clicking on the arrows.

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Clearing NoveList Cache

Clearing the NoveList Cache will remedy incorrect or bad NoveList information. One example of incorrect information would be a bibliographic record that has an incorrect ISBN which means the NoveList data would be incorrect. There is no expiration date on the NoveList information that is cached. If the information in the record is incorrect, it will always report the incorrect information until the cache is cleared. 

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Clearing Cache Using NoveList Information Link

The entire number of records that have NoveList information in the cache will be denoted. Clicking on the Clear Cache button will clear the cache from all the NoveList records denoted. Only users with the opacAdmin role will have access to this option.

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Clearing Cache From the Staff View

After clicking on the title or viewing the item in the grouped work display, go to the bottom of the record to open up the Staff View. Click on the Reload NoveList Data button to clear the NoveList cache for that individual record.

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